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re: Gypsy, The Wiz and Phylisha Rashad
 May 17 2005, 11:42:09 AM
They did a PBS version of The Old Settler for PBS, also directed by Allen.
re: Why isn't Brittany Murphy starring Sweet Charity?
 May 1 2005, 06:17:43 PM
Marquise, I DID NOT intend to turn this into an Applegate bashing thread. I didn't assume that by making one critique that counters a lot of people's justification for her playing the part, that I was starting an anti-Applegate thread. If I wanted to bash her, there would be plenty of ammunition, in my opinion, and I would not have stopped with one comment. The rest of my post was in reagards to and in praise of Brittany Murphy.

Yes, my comment was a sarcastic, backhanded comment, but

re: Why isn't Brittany Murphy starring Sweet Charity?
 May 1 2005, 02:43:10 PM
And that's great! I didn't want to turn this into an anti-Applegate thread.(I think she's a sweet lady, and there are some merits to her performance) I was just posing a question.
re: Why isn't Brittany Murphy starring Sweet Charity?
 May 1 2005, 02:27:59 PM
Munk, I did see it. Thanks!

And by the by, I wasn't impressed with her technique on stage at the Hirschfield, in the rehearsal footage, or in the episode of Married With Children where she danced with the janitor. She can dance, she's not a dancer.

And like I said, I don't mean to put down Applegate, but I do like Murphy, and I would have liked to have seen what she would have done with the role. I also was wondering why she wasn't headlining the revival considering her desire

re: Cabaret ending..
 May 1 2005, 01:24:13 PM
It was Michael Hall. No he didn't react. But you should have seen the groups of people yelling at the ushers afterwards, complaining that the woman wasn't removed. I ended up seeing the revival a lot, and I had seen some other rowdy drunk people, but none were ever as bad as that.
re: Cabaret ending..
 May 1 2005, 01:13:12 PM
When I first saw the revival, there was a woman at a table on the other side of the orchestra who got quite drunk by the end of act 2, and when the Emcee started taking off his overcoat in the finale she stood up and yelled: "Woo-hooooo!!!". This was after a couple of other poorly timed and rude comments, most especially when Cliff slapped Sally.(He went to slap her, and the two weren't in sync, because he wasn't very close to her so when hewent to slap her he didn't come ANYWHERE near her face,
re: Why isn't Brittany Murphy starring Sweet Charity?
 May 1 2005, 01:07:02 PM
I know that Christina Applegate has taken more than one class, but she is not a dancer.

I've enjoyed Brittany Murphy's work in a number of films, and thought she was great in A View From The Bridge. I think she started strong right out of the gate. Yes, some her films have been formulaic studio pics, but I definitely think she has something special about her that warrants her notice as an actress. I've had a soft spot for her ever since she was a spunky curly haired girl on Drexell's Cl

Why isn't Brittany Murphy starring Sweet Charity?
 May 1 2005, 12:27:20 PM
I don't mean this to be a direct bash to Christina Applegate, but I remember reading that Brittany Murphy wanted to play Sweet Charity on Broadway.

I don't know if you remember this article, it was right before her star really broke, when she was on the bubble.(right before Don't Say A Word came out, and she was in those Gap ads) She was profiled in Entertainment Weekly, and they had said she was supposed to play Sally Bowles, but kept having to put off her starting date because of film

re: Cabaret ending..
 May 1 2005, 12:02:57 PM
The ending you saw, with Sally singing "When I go..." is the original ending to Cabaret. It was changed for the revival.
re: Unproduced Kander & Ebb
 Apr 22 2005, 11:51:49 PM
More info on the imprending workshop, taken from profile on Eric Michael Gillett:

And in June, Gillett will be doing another workshop of the Kander and Ebb musical The Skin of Our Teeth at the McCarter Theatre in Princeton. "It's my fourth time playing one of the wooly mammoths," he laughs. "It's a great show, and I really hope for John's sake that it goes somewhere this time."

re: I'm doing a cabaret...
 Apr 22 2005, 12:45:50 PM
I know this is probably not what you are looking for at all, but:

A couple of years ago, I helped a student of mine with the same objective as you are presenting.(for the community, and to be excused from classes) I helped her get started on a production of "Free To Be, You And Me". I don't know if you would know about this, because it was way before your time, but it was a book, a special and a record conceived by Marlo Thomas. It was designed to help kids explore, understand and embra

re: Which actress was it?
 Apr 22 2005, 12:36:51 AM
Kathleen Chalfant did two Off-Broadway shows simultaneously for about a month. 'Talking Heads' and 'Savannah Bay'.
re: Unproduced Kander & Ebb
 Apr 14 2005, 06:36:09 PM
You can hear the title number on Brent Barrett's cd the Kander & Ebb Album. Apparently the number that Sherie Rene Scott performs on her album is no longer in the show, as I have not seen it listed in any of the recent song lists. There is a song list at the website I listed below.
re: Unproduced Kander & Ebb
 Apr 14 2005, 05:17:00 PM
Yes, my friend is doing it, and he is very excited. I hope its open to the public, as I've heard some assorted songs from the show, and I really want to see it.
re: Unproduced Kander & Ebb
 Apr 14 2005, 03:56:38 PM
Playbill recently had a story about an upcoming workshop of Curtains, to be performed in July.

A friend of mine was recently offerred a role in an upcoming workshop of Skin of Our Teeth to be performed in June.

re: Dreamgirls In Concert-why NO Holiday?
 Apr 6 2005, 08:49:24 AM
Does anyone know whether La Chanze was ever attached to this concert? I know her husband passed on 9/11 so its obvious why she didn't take part, but was she originally asked? She was in the revival, and I think she would have been great as Michelle(not to mention Deena or Lorrell). Definitely better than Tamara Tunie, who really was not up to everyone else's level vocally.(which I've heard she'll quickly admit)

By the by, La Chanze tells a really cute story of her being cast in the Drea

re: How 'bout an audition song for someone who cant sing??
 Apr 1 2005, 08:01:49 PM
-"I'm A Little Bit Off" from Starting Here, Starting Now

-"You've Got Possibilities" from ...Superman

-"A Trip To The Library" from She Loves Me is a popular one for
dancers trying to sing

re: Latifah is denied the role of Effie
 Mar 4 2005, 06:33:42 PM
Justice, just because her agent is getting her all this movie work doesn't mean she's a great actress. Just popular.(Paris Hilton, hello?)

I personally like Queen Latifah, as a personality. I think she has a lot of growing to do as an actress.

re: Will the Baranski MAME be a 'revisal'?
 Mar 2 2005, 12:17:26 PM
Maybe this is totally out of left field, but what about Kirstie Allie for Vera? I've always thought she was a great actress, and I think this would allow her the opportunity for a great success(possibly a Tony). And if Fat Actress is still on the air, it would afford the show new locale, etc.

I know she prob'ly can't sing, but I think she screams Vera and could pull it off.

re: First Millie?
 Feb 17 2005, 12:56:12 AM
Its true that Kristin was going to portray Miss Dorothy, but was bumped up to Millie after Charlie Brown. She did a workshop as Millie with Marc Kudisch, and I believe Bee Arthur was Meers.
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