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Profile for HeyJayNYC

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Member Name: HeyJayNYC
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Gender: Male
Location: Sherman Oaks
Occupation: Singer/Actor

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Glenn Close to Play Susan Boyle in New Biopic?
 Feb 20 2011, 08:42:46 AM
I would expect mean spirited posts like this on Perez Hilton! Come on you guys/gals! They didn't say if it was TV or not. TV does biopics all the time.
Susan Boyle has had a very hard life, overcame the odds to become an overnight sensation! She has a good, strong voice and has inspired many people to go for their dreams and hope! Isn't that what Broadway is all about?
That being said Glenn is totally wrong!!!

'Spiderman' on WCBS 2 - am I the only one...
 Jan 4 2011, 07:19:53 AM
I agree! Why dump YOUR negativity on this. Take a page from Christopher's book. A mistake happened. It happens in EVERY show! Especially where humans are involved.
Accentuate the positive! He loves what he's doing and wants to get back to it.

Some interesting tidbits from Jerry Herman
 Sep 22 2010, 07:03:55 AM
The revival of MAME at the Kennedy Center with Christine Baranski was wonderful, but they couldn't afford to bring it to Broadway. Pity as it was so good, with Emily Skinner as Gooch!
SInging Lessons from Miss Lea Michele
 Jun 15 2010, 07:27:13 AM
I agree...Lea has turned into an affected singer in the past few months. Yelping is the worst offense and Linda Eder does it too, so her verion of PARADE is just as affected. Singers know the "rules" and yelping doesn't make it more "emotional". Lea is a great singer, but she's developing tricks that detract from that.
Keep it simple! Barbra rarely yelps!
And I believe this was meant as a gentle sarcasm not a true singing lessons from Lea.
Go back to what works and not what just "

re: Michael Reidel: RAGTIME to Close January 3rd?
 Dec 5 2009, 08:20:28 PM



 Dec 5 2009, 08:18:33 PM
Stop ragging on Ragtime! The show is solid and audiences are blown away by the show and give it well deserved praise and standing ovations. Word of mouth is vital, so stop tearing it down and help build it UP.
So instead of just criticizing, why not put your brains to good use.
What suggestions could the Producers and PR peeps take to get the word out on the street to bring the audiences in?
If Broadway were made up of just a few shows, it would indeed be a travesty!
Keep the w

re: Anyone going to the first RAGTIME preview tonight (10/23)?
 Oct 24 2009, 08:34:53 AM
I have never seen the show so had nothing to compare it to. I have been to many shows here on Broadway and many first preview nights. I have never seen an audience react with such enthusiasm and love and appreciation! It was well deserved. This show is amazing! The cast is amazing. The few little technical snafus will be ironed out. The audience, myself incluced, was enraptured the entire time.
If you sit in the front row be prepared to be spit on though! Forceful singing emits for

re: Bye, bye, [title of show]...
 Oct 12 2008, 09:33:23 AM
One of the BEST shows on Broadway now, and a sad state of affairs that it is closing. Broadway has been taken over by families and tourists! If they don't go, it close(s)!
Congrats to the cast and made it! Don't let the early closing dampen that! You achieved the Dream! Now, tour with it. Show the country the dreamers and "little guys" can make it!
Congrats on your SUCCESS!!

re: Bloopers in Broadway shows?
 Jan 20 2008, 11:01:00 PM
During the first preview of "Three Days of Rain" when Julia Roberts handed what was supposed to be a tomato to Paul Rudd, it fell on the floor and rolled, and it was obviously plastic. She bent to pick it up and Paul called her Julia instead of by her character's name. The audience started laughing and applauding and Julia just broke into that million dollar smile...BUT..she kept it together! Very endearing actually.
re: JoAnne Worley
 Nov 30 2007, 03:46:41 PM
that would be so wrong....scary and wrong...but....kinda fun to see how it would play a train wreck....hmmm
re: JoAnne Worley
 Nov 30 2007, 03:32:21 PM
Thanks...odd time to leave.. but maybe she wants to do the holidays in LA.

Anyone know who is replacing her?

JoAnne Worley
 Nov 30 2007, 01:21:42 PM
Is JoAnne still in Drowsy Chaperone now that the strike is over?
re: jv sees LuPone in Gypsy (Not a terribly long review, don't worry)
 Jul 22 2007, 08:20:17 PM
The real Rose WAS bizarre!
The guy who wrote the play directed know that every little nuance and line reading was directed.

re: Gypsy
 Jul 9 2007, 11:29:42 PM
Views are bad if someone tall sits in front of you, then decideds to sit up straight. That happened to me tonight and I moved down to the side. There were a LOT of empty seats. Where I sat in the second row I had a perfect birdseye view of the dressing room scene at the top of Act Two! That's when Laura really starts to shine and when Boyd has his big break down, WOW...I could FEEL the energy.

Same when the overture could feel the energy in the audience.


re: Gypsy
 Jul 9 2007, 10:58:12 PM
Yes the orchestra is on stage. Show started about 7:10 and let out about 9:45.

Ya know everyone who has played it had done a great job with their own interpretation, but to me, seeing an actress and a role so perfectly suited for each other was like at the end, when she put that mink on, it FIT! She melded into sexy!

I agree Boyd was amazing as Herbie..when he finally let loose, just like he said, it was scary.

I hate the seating in that place though. Some

re: Gypsy
 Jul 9 2007, 10:33:07 PM
JUST got back from seeing the first night of previews of "Gypsy" starring Patti LuPone! PHENOM! I knew she'd be amazing. She acted the hell out of it and sang as if her life depended on it! And that's the character!
I've never seen the show, only the movie. I'm sure Merman was the BOMB! I know Angela Lansbury must have been TOPS! I know Tyne Daly blew people away, but didn't make me wanna see it and I can't imagine Bernadette Peters. Too cutesy and the cast recording I heard she just growle

 Jul 2 2007, 01:13:48 PM
What is really sad is that tourists and families are calling the shots on Broadway these days. And they can't even keep TARZAN swingin!
GG was a class act, top notch Broadway talent all around. Just a sad state of affairs, with this and COMPANY and other shows closing.

PQ Cast Recording
 Apr 7 2007, 05:24:09 PM
Kudos to you.
I'd venture to say many of the cats on this board are kids who have nothing better to do then spew on their computers. We have become a society of people glued to their keyboards and because of reality TV, a nation of critics who think Simon says it all.
Like a needle in a haystack, the true theatre scribes on here are hard to find beneath the muck..hmmm muckracking.

Good for you..and I am looking forward to PQ on 4/29.

Everyone has an opinion...of co

re: Jennifer Holiday
 Dec 20 2006, 06:16:53 AM
Complaining mostly.
See other thread. She is being very vocal as she sits on her pity pot lately.
Someone get to her and set her straight. She should be riding the coattails of the movie, not slamming it.
Don't get me wrong, love her, but she's stomping sour grapes and all she'll get are crushed grapes instead of fine wine...lest she let go of the fine whine she's on now.

re: The Apple Tree.... Darn
 Dec 1 2006, 11:46:30 PM
I disagree! I just got back from seeing the show tonight, Friday. I too saw the Encores production. For those who didn't hear, Kristin fell during a rehearsal and got hurt. She must still be in some pain because there is a huge bruise on her right armpit in the back.
Yet, she was utterly charming. I disagree that she is just doing the same schtick.
I thought Marc Kudish was much better then Michael Cerevis, but thought Malcolm Gets was a bit better then Brian.
The set was a bi

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