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Bloopers in Broadway shows?

#0Bloopers in Broadway shows?
Posted: 10/19/06 at 4:59pm

What bloopers have you seen in broadway shows?

When I saw Dirty Rotten Scoundrels last November John Lithgow was out and I saw Dennis as Lawrence. At the end of the song ALL ABOUT RUPRHECT (sp?) when Nobert jumps up in the air his lid to the Mason Jar popped off and rolled across the stage and Greg JBara had to pick it up and put it in his coat when he made his entrance. Also, at the end of DIRTY ROTTEN NUMBER when Norbert say "Cause I was hanging with the man and that's a plus" Denis stood there for a second because he forgot to say "You got the nerve" and he and Norb stumbled over a small part.

When I saw Forbidden Broadway SVU they were doing a spoof on The Light in the Piazza and cracked up while on stage. It was hilarious!

When I saw The Odd Couple Nathan and Matthew cracked up when Nathan says "Whoa! Let me get this on tape so someone will beleive me!" while they were fighting.

When I saw Spelling Bee Kate Wetherhead was in for Celia and she messed up on a bit of the choreography. nothing major.

When I saw Beauty and the Beast there was this one TERRIBLE ensemble member! He forgot the choreography a few of his lines and didn't use any facial expretions. So during The Hunting Song when he was supposed to say "He'll come stalking us at night if we let him wander free" We hear "He'll come stalking us at night" and then just what was left of the music.

"I'm tellin' you, the only times I really feel the presence of God are when I'm having sex and during a great Broadway musical." - Nathan Lane - Jeffrey

ICEcreamAssassin Profile Photo
#1re: Bloopers in Broadway shows?
Posted: 10/19/06 at 5:05pm

Wicked - Hahahah I saw Idina and I think it was jennifer Laura.. they were hugging or something before One Short Day..Oct 29th, 2004 and somehow their wigs or mics got caught.. and they were trying to so hard to pull away and they started laughing all the while they had to get off stage so the number could absolutley hilarious

#2re: Bloopers in Broadway shows?
Posted: 10/19/06 at 5:11pm

I've seen Elphaba's defying gravity lift malfunction before. It simply didn't rise.

DRSisLove Profile Photo
#3re: Bloopers in Broadway shows?
Posted: 10/19/06 at 6:08pm

When I saw Rent last month, Tim Howar couldn't get the candle lit during "Light My Candle". He started laughing and the music slowed down to help him catch up.

At Greg's Last in DRS, on the train, the toilet paper rolled across the stage and Brian kept trying to coil it up but he couldn't. When Tim came on, he picked it up. Hilarious. Also, Brian's shoe fell off during the Ruprecht scene. Keith picked it.

JamesMacon Profile Photo
#4re: Bloopers in Broadway shows?
Posted: 10/19/06 at 6:15pm

In DRS, When Jonathan Pryce made his Bush joke ("But look what happened to him."), the audience took it very offensively. I guess Jonathan expected a liberal, theater-going audience, when all of a sudden, a lot of people gave boos. He just freaked out and looked at the audience with this crazy face. Sarah Gettlefinger (sp?) was cracking up and had to turn away from the audience. It was so funny. Jonathan Pryce is the man.

#5re: Bloopers in Broadway shows?
Posted: 10/19/06 at 6:16pm

Haha! Usually that gets HUGE laughs and applause!

"I'm tellin' you, the only times I really feel the presence of God are when I'm having sex and during a great Broadway musical." - Nathan Lane - Jeffrey

#6re: Bloopers in Broadway shows?
Posted: 10/19/06 at 6:24pm

In Hairspray, the Edna and Wilbur started laughing during You're Timeless To Me--and they couldn't stop! They stopped the show for like...10 bagillion minutes. like...seriously. it was so funny and a once in a lifetime thing. I mean, whatever they found so funny must have been hillarious. I love it when the 4th wall comes crashing down.

re: Bloopers in Broadway shows?

"If it walks like a Parks, if it wobbles like a Parks, then it's definitely fat and nobody loves it." --MA
Updated On: 10/19/06 at 06:24 PM

morosco Profile Photo
#7re: Bloopers in Broadway shows?
Posted: 10/19/06 at 6:28pm

"In Hairspray, the Edna and Wilbur started laughing during You're Timeless To Me--and they couldn't stop!"

Hate to break it to you but that happens at every performance. It's part of the show. It's not spontaneous.

acrocksyo Profile Photo
#9re: Bloopers in Broadway shows?
Posted: 10/19/06 at 6:30pm

I was just going to say the same thing about "Timeless To Me" when I saw the OBC they didn't do that, but when I saw the last leg of the tour they did that and I was like "Oh that was so funny" until I talked to my friend and she was like "Oh yeah they did that at the performance I saw too" Reviews and the like

#10re: Bloopers in Broadway shows?
Posted: 10/19/06 at 6:37pm

Oh...really? You's all planned?



PS--I knew that. That was the reason I put a re: Bloopers in Broadway shows? after it.

"If it walks like a Parks, if it wobbles like a Parks, then it's definitely fat and nobody loves it." --MA

HeidiPuck Profile Photo
#11re: Bloopers in Broadway shows?
Posted: 10/19/06 at 7:02pm

At Lieutenant of Inishmore there was about to be a rather gory kiss on stage when someone in the audience yelled (very loudly) "ewwwww!". The actors tried to continue with their kiss, but ended up laughing too hard to actually kiss (instead they got very close and just sat their shaking as they tried to stifle their laughter)

jess20882 Profile Photo
#12re: Bloopers in Broadway shows?
Posted: 10/19/06 at 7:02pm

Two I can think of off the top of my head...

When I saw Hairspray last summer, when Marissa Jaret Winokur returned for a guest stint, it was her first night back. She started singing Good Morning Baltimore and at the line when the backdrop rises to show the rest of the didn't rise and the lights flickered. She stopped singing and started laughing and said " SH*T", bowed, and walked off stage. To thunderous applause!

A couple of years ago during a performance of La Cage Aux Folles, Michael Benjamin Washington walked into the turtle table and the tabletop came crashing to the floor. He was in hysterics. And when Gavin Creel went to flick the penis lightswitch on the lamp by the 'door', it kept flopping down - it wouldn't stay up! VERY funny re: Bloopers in Broadway shows?

#13re: Bloopers in Broadway shows?
Posted: 10/19/06 at 8:46pm

hahah, that's hillarious about Marissa. She's fabulous. That's worthy of breaking the 4th wall to me.

"If it walks like a Parks, if it wobbles like a Parks, then it's definitely fat and nobody loves it." --MA

Caroline-Q-or-TBoo Profile Photo
#14re: Bloopers in Broadway shows?
Posted: 10/19/06 at 8:50pm

saw DRS in November and, after Dirty Rotten Number (or before it...?) Norb (or John) says

"It's gunna be a quiet year" and someone backstage makes an AWFUL crashing sound, which lasts for, like, half a minute.

they just cracjed up. it wa sfunny

"Picture "The View," with the wisecracking, sympathetic sweethearts of that ABC television show replaced by a panel of embittered, suffering or enraged Arab women" -the Times review of Black Eyed

hellokitty Profile Photo
#15re: Bloopers in Broadway shows?
Posted: 10/19/06 at 8:57pm

Just this Sunday I saw Avenue Q and during The Money Song, Jennifer Barnhart was running down the center isle collecting and she tripped and fell face first into an empty seat right in front of where I was sitting. She tried to keep singing but was laughing too hard and just started saying "I'm OK I'm OK!" I helped her get up and Nicky gave me a kiss.

waddledee524 Profile Photo
#16re: Bloopers in Broadway shows?
Posted: 10/19/06 at 9:10pm

Wow, hellokitty, I'd be really sad if Jennifer fell but that's such a good story!

Hear the words I sing: war's a horrid thing. So, I sing sing sing... Ding a ling a ling.

StephenSondheimWHOO Profile Photo
#17re: Bloopers in Broadway shows?
Posted: 10/19/06 at 9:26pm

Lol jess2088, I love marrisa.

LI Larry Profile Photo
LI Larry
#18re: Bloopers in Broadway shows?
Posted: 10/19/06 at 10:48pm

I remember 3. One was when Robert Goulet was doing Camelot at Westbury Music Fair. The girl who was playing Guineviere started losing her slip and simply let it fall and stepped out of it. Goulet just picked it up, made some funny comment and threw it off stage.

When I saw "Jelly's Last Jam" with Gregory Hines, he was in a scene with Tonya Pinkins when he was supposed to put on a pair of pants but got caught up in them and the more he tried to straighten them out, the more tangled they got. Tonya Pinkins couldn't help but start laughing so he got more and more frustrated and just yelled (in character), "Damnit woman, help me into my pants."

I remember in Night of the Iguana with Cherry Jones, some fire alarm in the old Criterion Center started going off. Finally the stage manager told the company to stop the performance until it was fixed. The guy playing her father stayed in character the whole time but the other two couldn't help but laugh.

The last one wasn't a blooper but I was there the night of Sunset Blvd. when audience members in the orchestra started taking photos of Glenn Close singing With One Look. We were in the mezz and everyone got real angry. Apparently, the ensemble was getting annoyed so she stepped in front, out of character and said, loudly and firmly, "Ladies and Gentlemen, I can either do the show or I can pose for pictures. Please put the cameras away!". Then stepped back into camera and got a standing ovation. That was probably my favorite moment in theater.

ahmelie Profile Photo
#19re: Bloopers in Broadway shows?
Posted: 10/19/06 at 11:15pm

When I saw Sweeney during "Not While I'm Around" Mano accidentily knocked over the white coffin, he and Patti handled it wonderfully, they both picked it up but you could tell Mano was a tad shaken. When I talked to him after the show he said it was wierd because it was the first time he had touched the coffin because he doesn't touch it in the show. I felt so special having witnessed it! I know, I'm a dork, but I don't get the chance to see a lot of shows.

Theatre is a safe place to do the unsafe things that need to be done. -John Patrick Shanley

SeanMartin Profile Photo
#20re: Bloopers in Broadway shows?
Posted: 10/19/06 at 11:30pm

Before the invention of written records, I saw STARLIGHT EXPRESS during its opening run in London. During the big race scene, one of the suspended bridges failed to move into position, creating quite a drop for an ensemble skating like mad towards it. They managed to stop in time, and the whole show paused for perhaps fifteen minutes while they got the track to move again. Pretty intensely scary moment.

#21re: Bloopers in Broadway shows?
Posted: 10/20/06 at 12:04am

LI Larry - That was hilarious (about Gregory Hines!) Did you meet him after the show?

"I'm tellin' you, the only times I really feel the presence of God are when I'm having sex and during a great Broadway musical." - Nathan Lane - Jeffrey

millie_dillmount Profile Photo
#22re: Bloopers in Broadway shows?
Posted: 10/20/06 at 2:27am

I've seen a lot of random things:

- In Thoroughly Modern Millie one time Angela Christensen dropped her purse. Also during Millie's Trevor Graydon seduction scene, Chris Seiber sort of broke out of character, looked at the audience and tried to hold in a laugh.

- In the 42nd Street tour a feather from one of the costumes was floating around the stage and one of the actors on the side of the stage started watching it, caught it, walked backstage, and came back out.

That's all I remember for now.

"We like to snark around here. Sometimes we actually talk about theater...but we try not to let that get in our way." - dramamama611

Claire2141 Profile Photo
#23re: Bloopers in Broadway shows?
Posted: 10/20/06 at 8:47am

Unsure if it was intentional or not but in the first preview of Wicked London Helen appeared to forget the word 'unprepossesing' and changed it to 'un*pause*flattering'.

And I never saw this but again during previews, one of the humpty dumpty things fell on it's back and couldn't get back up. So it was left flailing there until a stage hand came and helped to right it.

Beauty and the Beast Tour (UK) - on of the wires used in the transformation broke so the Beast was left spinning in an awkward way until they stopped the show and re-started.

#24re: Bloopers in Broadway shows?
Posted: 10/20/06 at 9:26am

A few months ago I saw JB and Dominic was on for Bob (Daniel. After "Oh What a Night", he was taking off his robe and couldn't get it off. He had some dialogue to get him through for about 10 seconds and then he still couldn't get it off. He said, "Oh lord" and then decided to step out of it. When he finally got out of it, he laughed and the audience applauded.
