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re: The Scarlet Pimpernel
 May 15 2008, 06:16:49 PM
Great show, so very much miss it!

Everyone's covered the whole "versions 1.0 - 4.0" thing, but I have to add regarding "Only Love." Didn't Rachel York say in an interview or two that she fought to keep it in for 2.0, even though they ulimately decided to cut it?

re: Little Mermaid Rush/SRO qustion
 Jan 13 2008, 11:01:49 PM
For what it's worth, the one time I did SRO for Beauty, they said you had to be over 5'4". I'm 5'5" and was just able to lean on top of the back wall. It really wasn't that bad and wouldn't mind doing it again for Mermaid.
re: The ubiquitous 'tango' song...
 Aug 26 2007, 11:28:46 PM
Lumière and Babette's tango during Be Our Guest in BEAUTY, one of their shining moments. =)
re: This Year's 'Gypsy of the Year' Info?
 Dec 4 2006, 01:45:11 PM
Already checked the site =) Still doesn't say how long the performance is, which is mostly what I'm concerned about. Also wanted to swing by TKTS to check the boards, but want to know if I'll have any time to do that as well.
re: Question: Johnny T in Beauty and the Beast
 Dec 4 2006, 01:44:11 PM
(sorry if this posts twice, my laptop is having one of those days, grr!)

SRO is available, I believe, only when the show is sold out, yes. Make sure you ask for it at the box office or else all you'll get is a "Sorry, this show's sold out." If you're over 5'4" to see over the little wall in the back of the orchestra and don't mind standing for 2 and a half hours, it's not too bad a deal. Nice view all things considered, don't miss a thing. Just bring comfy shoes. =)

This Year's "Gypsy of the Year" Info?
 Dec 3 2006, 11:39:37 PM
Just did a search and found nothing.

I'm thinking of going to this year's Gypsy Of The Year performance on Tuesday, the 5th. (Stupid job prevents me from going to tomorrow's performance; gosh darn real life!! =))

Never gone before, totally new to it. For anyone who's gone in past years, any info to impart? Worth waiting at the door for tickets day of? Special area to buy them? How long does the event run? Forgive my little knowledge; anything is appreciated. Thanks!

re: Question: Johnny T in Beauty and the Beast
 Nov 27 2006, 08:59:59 AM
Being careful cause my opinion's biased. Go see it. Even if you don't like it, it's so worth seeing Johnny and Jonathan in the roles. They really make the whole night worth it for skeptics.

wickedrentq, "...she said they were the best pair she's seen in years." Months, hun, only months =). The best of the best left in May, so I've only been deprived of the boys being played well for months, LOL. (This is all if you meant our talk; if not, I feel more like a moron than I alr

re: Johnny T. as Lumiere
 Nov 21 2006, 11:55:32 PM
Just got in from Johnny's first night! Fans and all alike, he is a WONDERFUL addition to B&B! Absolutely, positively amazing, obviously wants to be there, and seems to be having a blast! And this is just after his very first night. It's wonderful to see this awesome role in such talented hands again. Go see him!!
re: Standing ovations at Beauty and the Beast
 Oct 3 2006, 04:18:42 PM
Steve as the Beast - the problem, IMO, is WHEN he uses the comedy. The first moment during the fight in Belle's room just doesn't work. Granted, I'm a sucker, and I laugh every time cause you really don't know how overboard he's going to go. But storywise, it doesn't work. Later on, when he's starting to show more humanity, and that he really starts to like Belle, when he's never had these feelings before, it works. Bring on the comedy. But at that moment in the room during Act I, again JM
re: Tarzan Student Rush
 Sep 4 2006, 09:55:47 AM
Truthfully, I'd be upset too if I had to rely on TV moniters to see the action going on above stage.

Ok this is all I'm saying on this, but that's the thing. You DON'T rely on the monitors at all. In the entire 2 1/2 hours, we only had to look at the monitor twice: for a little bit of the moth sequence and the first approx. 30 seconds of "For the First Time." That's all. If people spend the entire time looking at the monitors, it's their loss, IMO. But there's no reason to d

re: Tarzan Student Rush
 Sep 2 2006, 10:51:41 PM
My brother and I wound up going yesterday on student rush, first two in line. After the horror stories on here, I expected to leave at intermission in case we couldn't see anything.

As usual, I get my butt metaphorically kicked for doing so.

The seats aren't the best in the theater, no; I believe that would be the mezz. But they are certainly NOT as bad as what's been said. A lot of the main action DOES take place onstage. The high flying bits, however, yes some were cut of

re: Student Rushes- ID Question
 Aug 31 2006, 06:16:04 PM
millie, thank you; I appreciate the input. =)

EDIT - SDav, thank you also! The Search button kept sending me back to the home page when I tried to look. But thanks, this looks very helpful!

Student Rushes- ID Question
 Aug 31 2006, 06:02:45 PM
Ok here's the situation. If it's been asked before I wouldn't know because the Search button is not working and getting me frustrated. I'm also not expecting a yes, but it's worth asking at least.

Planning on going to the city tomorrow with my brother. I'm a student. I do home schooling/online courses, but I am a student. Because of this, obviously I don't need a student ID, and my high school one has been out of date for about 4 years now.

If I bring maybe an invoice or s

re: Beauty and The Beast Overture
 Aug 31 2006, 09:48:23 AM
There absolutely are people there to hear it. =)
re: Beauty and The Beast Overture
 Aug 30 2006, 10:44:05 AM
B&B's overture is a short combo of the Transformation high point (after he completely human) and the title song. So yeah, they have one, just not on the CD. It's in the hidden songs vault along with "Change in Me."
re: Are we (fans) talked about by Broadway performers?
 Aug 28 2006, 02:39:19 PM
Absolutely, don't doubt it at all. And as long as it's good talk, it's the best knowledge/feeling in the world. =)
re: Marland to Succeed Young as Beauty and the Beast's Lumiere
 Aug 15 2006, 07:55:41 PM
Does anyone know who replaced Christopher DeAngelis as the Lumiere understudy?

I second the question about the Lumiere understudy slot - I am still looking for a complete current cast list if anyone has one handy.

I can at least help here. Bret Shuford took over for Chris (

dancin, I'm planning on heading back in next Tues to check out Stuart Marland, so if ya want, I'll type out the playbill info for ya then, via PM.

re: Beauty and the Beast on TKTS
 Aug 14 2006, 11:07:34 AM
You're in for a treat then.

She's always stopped to sign when I went. Don't know about the Wed mat. crowds, but I'm going to assume that it may be a little less crowded, yeah.

re: Beauty and the Beast on TKTS
 Aug 13 2006, 11:45:02 PM
Not a problem; glad to help. =)

Neither do I. I'll be happy to have my usual door spot back without barricades in my way, myself.

re: Beauty and the Beast on TKTS
 Aug 13 2006, 11:29:07 PM
B&B is always 50%, $58 a ticket. To the best knowledge, only Jacob Young didn't perform at the Wed mats; everyone else does it 8 shows a week.
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