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How Is Max von Essen Doing As Che
 Jul 9 2012, 08:51:22 AM
I made it out to Evita for the matinee yesterday and I was so impressed by Daniel Torres take on Che. I saw Ricky do the part a few months ago and I thought that Daniel brought a fresh spin to the character. He got laughs at lines that Ricky threw away and the whole audience seemed to really get behind his portrayal.

I think he gained momentum as the show went on, and a highlight for me was his "And the Money Kept Rolling In." He really gave it his all with all of the dancing and runnin

Evita Rush During Martin's Vacation?
 Jul 2 2012, 02:44:34 PM
They sell whatever is left I believe.
Evita Rush During Martin's Vacation?
 Jul 2 2012, 12:42:44 PM
I walked past the theatre about 8:40am today and there was about 10 people in line waiting, if that helps at all.
Bonnie & Clyde CD - Digital or no?
 Apr 21 2012, 12:27:41 AM
Thanks for this, just went and bought the CD. Glad that I get to hear Raise a Little Hell over and over again!
GHOST - The Musical
 Mar 21 2012, 09:14:07 AM
"I found the group numbers to be over amplified to the extreme and they need to have a musical rehearsal, to get EVERYONE enunciating, the openings of both Act I and Act II could have been sung in (insert any foreign language) because I understood nothing of either of them."

HA! I felt the same way when I saw the show last night.

ONCE Reviews
 Mar 18 2012, 07:46:47 PM
ACL2006- I agree. I hope it gets all the great reviews that this innovative show deserves. I saw it last week and thought it was so charming. Fingers crossed for all involved!
How To Succeed stage door with Nick Jonas
 Mar 18 2012, 07:43:31 PM
I walked past the theatre on Friday around 8pm and I want to say there was already 10-15 people waiting at the stage door. So maybe it might be best to stage door on a different night than you go, or just try and book it out of the theatre as fast as possible.
What are you most looking forward to in 2012?!?
 Dec 31 2011, 06:14:26 PM
Newsies and Evita!
Bonnie & Clyde Injury During Show?
 Dec 31 2011, 11:58:56 AM
Yeah my friend said at the stage door she was not speaking because of vocal rest for the recording session on the 2nd. She sounded great last night even with the switch.
Bonnie & Clyde's Final Show Is Happening RIGHT NOW, You Guys
 Dec 31 2011, 08:42:01 AM
I went last night and thought it was the best performance of the show I had seen. I know the show had flaws, but I just really enjoy it and all the performances. All of the actors gave it, with some moments of tears. I am glad Laura got that big applause after "Dying Aint So Bad" because she deserved it. I also liked how they took the song down for Melissa in "You Love Who You Love" because she is trying to save her voice for the recording. It was an interesting switch and I actually kind of lik
Normal Heart Merchandise & Stagedoor Questions
 Apr 24 2011, 09:28:29 PM
Been to the stage door on Thursday and only person that came out was Jim Parsons and Patrick Been who were both extremely sweet. I had to leave around 11:15 to catch my bus and no one else had come out. My friend who hung out for a little while longer said no one came out. But Jim and Patrick signed everything and took pictures with anyone who asked.
'Missing' shows
 Feb 8 2011, 12:30:31 AM
You are not pathetic, I miss Taboo for example, even after all this time (it's funny cause it closed 7 years ago today.) I miss more of the experience of seeing the show. I always think its a bit strange when you pass a theatre that once housed your favorite show and all the memories of that show have been replaced by the next one.
CAREER ADVICE REQUIRED! - Is Broadway just a pipe dream??
 Feb 8 2011, 12:24:47 AM
Work hard. It seems you realize how hard it is to make this dream come true, but if you work really hard, and never loose that passion and drive to do it why not? Dreams do come true sometimes, why not they come true for you?
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