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"GLORIA: A LIFE" Premieres Tonight On PBS
 Jun 26 2020, 03:28:17 PM

"GLORIA: A LIFE," starring Christine Lahti, premieres tonight as part of the PBS series "GREAT PERFORMANCES." It will also be available for free streaming on PBS platforms in the coming days. It was captured near the end of its 2018/19 Off-Broadway run. (If there is already a thread about this, my apologies.)


Broadway Coffee Table Books
 Aug 1 2019, 12:16:34 PM

broadway_show_fan said: "I've been dying for a copy of the Mary Poppins book. Sigh.

I forgot to quote the message in my recent post about the "Mary Poppins" book on EBay.


Broadway Coffee Table Books
 Aug 1 2019, 12:11:16 PM

There are several copies of the "Mary Poppins" book on EBay at what seem like very low prices. (If they don't currently offer international shipping, sometimes you can negotiate an international shipping fee with the seller. I have done that before.)


Lehman Trilogy Returns Tonight!
 Jul 26 2019, 11:21:53 AM

Having seen this show from the last row of the Armory in April, I caught the NT Live screening at a sold out cinema on Manhattan's east side last night. Curiously enough, it somehow felt more epic in scale, more over powering, from the top of the Armory than it did on a large screen. Apart from that, my reaction to the show's substance is largely unchanged. The first act is spectacular, the second act is very good...the third act falls apart. The last 30 minutes are weak.


'Hello, Dolly!' Limited Edition Pin Released
 Aug 25 2018, 11:06:03 PM

I always wondered how Harpo Marx would look as Dolly.  Are there separate pins for Groucho as Horace and Chico as Cornelius?  

HELLO, DOLLY! Sets August 25 Closing Date; Bette Midler to Return July 17
 Apr 20 2018, 09:17:53 AM

willrolandsframes said: "This doesn’t make any sense whatsoever. The show has most certainly recouped and I’d presume it’s achieving much more than simply “meeting it’s nut” each week.

If anything, this wreaks of Rudin schemery.


I'm not surprised at this closing announcement. I passed by TKTS three Fridays ago and "Hello Dolly" was available. Moreover, it was during the spring break period, a

Clearing up the foggy situation that is #PassarelleGate
 Jun 16 2017, 06:48:00 PM

Had Rudin been allowed to broadcast a number from the Shubert, he could have masked the weakness of Midler's voice by lip syncing. At Radio City, 6000 people in the audience, and millions at home, would have heard the weak, warbling remnant of a voice that is a distant memory for her fans. (I saw her do "Clams On the Halfshell" in 1975 and remember how amazing she was!) I think that an awful lot of engineering went into making her voice sound palatable on the cast recording.

Delta Airlines pulls sponsorship from Public Theater because of Trump-inspired Julius Caesar
 Jun 12 2017, 11:07:59 AM

mulligan3 said: "the great thing about nonsense like these businesses are doing, is the public's response. Just look at how everyone's become involved and now all the states are committing to the Paris accord.   In this case, I expect that this is only giving the show more publicity than it had, AND it'll incent a lot of Trump-hating NYers to donate to the Public AND see the show.  So hopefully our collective response does more than Delta or BOAs pulling out of

 Jun 11 2017, 09:40:02 PM

It would have been nice to have something with the full cast...but I saw "Hello Dolly" last week and thought "Penny In My Pocket" was the best thing about the production. (Bette Midler simply doesn't deserve the Tony that Scott Rudin purchased for her.)

New Tony Categories For 2018?
 Jun 11 2017, 07:37:48 PM

As we await the start of the 2017 Tony Awards, is it too early to start thinking about some new categories for 2018? Here are a few that I think should be included:

1. Best cell phone interruption.

2. Outstanding Professional Line Sitter

3. Best excuse for cutting the standby line.

4. Longest intermission restroom line.

5. Best advance sale.

6. Most expensive re-sale on StubHub.

7. Most missed performances by an Actor in a Musical

8. Mos

Who are some
 Jun 6 2017, 03:06:28 PM

Okay... I realize this is supposed to be "Unknowns"... but how about Sarah Jessica Parker as Dolly? (It's been a while since she did a musical, so she's sort of an unknown.)

Hello Dolly Rush/Lottery/Bette Midler
 Jun 5 2017, 06:09:05 PM

Here's some SRO info that I initially posted in the "...Sidecar" thread.

I managed to get (very good) standing room for the Sunday matinee yesterday. I arrived at the theatre around 8AM. (The box office opens at 12 on Sundays.) There were already 9 people ahead of me in line. I was startled to learn from one of these people that apparently they only sell 15 standing places per-show. Each person is allowed to buy two standing tickets. Luckily most people were only buying o

Official Hello, Dolly! Sidecar thread.
 Jun 5 2017, 02:34:57 PM

I managed to get (very good) standing room for the Sunday matinee yesterday. I arrived at the theatre around 8AM. (The box office opens at 12 on Sundays.) There were already 9 people ahead of me in line. I was startled to learn from one of these people that apparently they only sell 15 standing places per-show. Each person is allowed to buy two standing tickets. Luckily most people were only buying one ticket each. I believe I got ticket number 12. The woman behind me bought one, and then a f

Donna Karger gone from OnStage?
 Feb 6 2017, 11:37:15 AM

In the span of little more than one month, OnStage has gone from being an indispensable Broadway resource (the finest on television IMO) to being totally unwatchable. Frank DiLella is so far out of his league hosting this show that I am reminded of the early days of Public Access channels in the "Manhattan Cable" era. In fact Robin Byrd would be a better host for the show than DiLella!

Spectrum: Bring back Donna Karger, bring back the studio format... and do it fast!

"Hamilton's America": They Threw Away Their Shot(s)
 Oct 22 2016, 11:52:26 PM

Am I the only person who was incredibly disappointed in "Hamilton's America"? To me the entire 90 minutes felt like a trailer for the documentary we had been led to expect. It offered very little of the creative phase, very little of the rehearsal process, very little of the show itself, very little of the cultural impact. The one thing it had in abundance was a dumbed-down biography of Hamilton the man. It felt like they took a PBS "American Experience"

Phantom searches for identity, disappoints, lacks, and turns stale
 Jul 13 2016, 10:51:04 PM

From the perspective of the Shubert Organization, the debate likely isn't about how much money "Phantom..." is pulling in each week. Rather I think the question is how much MORE money would they be pulling in each week with a new hit at the Majestic, and the ability to sell premium tickets?

If "Harry Potter and the Cursed Child" tells the Shubert Organization that they will only open in a Shubert house if they can have the Majestic, I think there&#

Phantom searches for identity, disappoints, lacks, and turns stale
 Jul 13 2016, 09:41:18 PM

Having seen the New York production the night after it opened in 1988, a second time a few months later, and the Tokyo production in 1989, I happened to see the Broadway production again this past Sunday; July 10th. Here are my thoughts:

1. Although a far different Phantom than Michael Crawford, James Barbour is very powerful in the role. His rich baritone gives each number a previously untapped dimension. When he sang, I felt as if I was hearing the score for the first time. (His voice may almost be too magnificent for the role.)

2. Rachel Eskenazi-Gold was a luminous Christine. (Very reminiscent of Sarah Brightman!) And Jordan Donica, as Raoul, often matched Barbour in the new dimensions he brought to this character's numbers. (Mark my words, he will turn up in a production of "Hamilton" sooner or later. Probably as Burr.)

3. I think the story and the staging hold up very well. Phantom still has great emotional pull. Even if the sets and effects no longer have the wow factor of 28 years ago. (30 in London!)

4. Notwithstanding the above, I do think that it won't be very much longer before the show needs to confront the choice of moving to a smaller theatre, or closing. (To return for a big 40th in 2028.) This past Sunday, there were many, many empty seats in the mezzanine and balcony. The Majestic is the crown jewel of the Shubert Organization, and is unquestionably lusted after by many of the shows eyeing Broadway in 2017 and 2018. Although the current weekly gross is hovering in the 80 percent range, it is nonetheless a waste of the Majestic. I realize that there must be a strong temptation to cling to the theatre long enough for a 30th anniversary marketing blitz - and it looks like they have trimmed the size of the cast enough to operate a lean, mean, machine - but I really think the Shuberts should begin to work with the producers on a transfer to a new home. (There is certainly precedent for this. In 1987, "42nd Street" was the tenant at the Majestic. In order to win the New York production of Phantom for a Shubert house, the organization negotiated an exit deal with David Merrick. "42nd Street" moved across the street to the St. James...a Nederlander house! It's time for history to repeat itself with "Phantom..."

If you've never seen the show, or if you haven't seen it in a long time, run to the Majestic and savor the "Hamilton" of 1988...before it's too late!

Hamilton Cancellation Line
 Jul 12 2016, 04:12:10 PM

I'm heading over to TKTS to see if they have "Hamilton" tickets for tonight.

And the new Aaron Burr is.....Here are the clues. Can you guess who?
 Jul 2 2016, 01:27:29 PM

Hasn't it been confirmed that Donald Trump is taking over the role? His singing voice employs the same vomiting quality of enunciation as his speaking voice. Just imagine the delicacy and lyrical beauty the man will bring to each performance. 

Hamilton Movie Cast Brainstorming
 Jun 27 2016, 06:51:31 PM

By the time they're ready to do a film-version of "Hamilton," the youngest members of the Broadwayworld community will be able to watch their great, great, great, great grandchildren audition for it.

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