Just a few hours away from Broadway's biggest night!
Check here for all the ways to view tonight's telecast: http://www.tonyawards.com/en_US/tonynight/index.html
RED CARPET COVERAGE lasts from 5:00 – 7:00 p.m. ET through NY1 and Facebook Live (though I'm not sure if that means it'll be on the Tonys or CBS's Facebook page...can anybody confirm?).
THE AWARDS CEREMONY begins at 8:00 p.m. ET on CBS.
Wow "Official". I didn't know you were now working for Broadway World. Congrats to you.
The Tony Awards Facebook page is doing a wonderful #TheatreInspires live broadcast right now: https://www.facebook.com/TheTonyAwards/videos/vb.167382600337/10158876115915338/?type=2&theater
Does anyone know... Is ANY body streaming or twitter or FB the CREATIVE Awards?? Thanks!!
All that Twitter seems to reveal is that BDJ and Jonathan Groff are hosting the Creative Arts announcements. Hoping we'll hear more specifics soon...
Huss417 said: "Wow "Official". I didn't know you were now working for Broadway World. Congrats to you.
Right? My thoughts exactly. With Concierge constantly starting every thread on the main board and the nutjobs taking over the OT board I don't even enjoy coming to the boards anymore... I can get my theater news from playbill.com
Ohmigod, you guys. It's Tony day. Stop with the drama!
But seriously, if you don't like Concierge's threads, don't open them. I, personally, am relieved when I see them starting the thread because I know it's a relevant topic that will get discussed and not just another troll thread.
Ignore the haters, BC. Keep on keeping on, and thanks for your threads!
Broadway Legend Joined: 5/16/06
Are we discussing NY1? Because they are unbearable and I don't know how much more I can take
Sheesh. I was following exactly what I did last year, which didn't seem to cause any problems. I personally love looking back on threads years down the line to read what people were thinking in the moment, and find that it's easier to track down threads when they have relatively standardized titles... either way, I'm not sure why my starting a thread would be so horribly offensive. And thanks for the support, Greased
Anyway (and far more importantly), the 2017 Tony Awards red carpet is now LIVE!
Swing Joined: 5/3/17
Does anyone know the order of Awards? When will they do best featured actor in a musical?
Broadway Legend Joined: 1/30/15
Who's running NY1? Is it Donna Karger and the guy with the glasses or is it Frank Dilella and Stephanie Simon? I'd prefer the latter but I'll pass on either.
With the CBS facebook feed... am I supposed to not be able to hear anything?
Broadway Legend Joined: 5/16/06
Why does Jordan Roth look like Johnny Depp in Charlie and the Chocolate Factory?
GreasedLightning said: "Ohmigod, you guys. It's Tony day. Stop with the drama!
But seriously, if you don't like Concierge's threads, don't open them. I, personally, am relieved when I see them starting the thread because I know it's a relevant topic that will get discussed and not just another troll thread.
Ignore the haters, BC. Keep on keeping on, and thanks for your threads!"
This board is a best of vipers.
smidge said: "Why does Jordan Roth look like Johnny Depp in Charlie and the Chocolate Factory?"
I thought he looked more like Der Tod from Elisabeth the Musical.
Thanks Concierge. Watching.
smidge said: "Why does Jordan Roth look like Johnny Depp in Charlie and the Chocolate Factory?"
smidge said: "Why does Jordan Roth look like Johnny Depp in Charlie and the Chocolate Factory?
Agree Jordan gets uglier and scarier year after year as the hair grows...fugly! JR go back to the short hair closer to being bald...far better look and sexier for you!
Broadway Legend Joined: 1/30/15
Some surprisingly fancy outfits this year. Did Anna Wintour dress a couple people again?
smidge said: "Are we discussing NY1? Because they are unbearable and I don't know how much more I can take
""Sarah coupled with Frank is a far improvement of years past when he had to host with the boring Roma Torre and the stodgy Donna Karger...Sarah is a breath of fresh air even though her bubbly persona can be a bit too much at times but at least she overshadows Frank and is pleasantly appealing!
Broadway Legend Joined: 1/30/15
Side note... I thought Sarah was fantastic in Sell/Buy/Date. And her red carpet dress is gorgeous.
Broadway Legend Joined: 1/30/15
Frank is cosplaying as Michael McKean in Clue.
Broadway Legend Joined: 5/16/06
I loooove Jenn Colella's gown !
smidge said: "I loooove Jenn Colella's gown !"
Couldn't agree more! She looks STUNNING!
Broadway Star Joined: 4/9/17
Erich Bergen is totally doing it for me. That is one fine tall man.
JBC3 said: "Erich Bergen is totally doing it for me. That is one fine tall man."
who?! Never heard of him