Jesse Green: They Were Hits in London. Then They Got Smacked in New York. Jan 11
2025, 09:53:07 PM
EricMontreal22 said: " Anyone think of more recent examples? And I know it can be hard to compare sometimes as well as, though we all (well *I*) often think of those epic long run musicals in London, I think the model often works differently there--Shrek was seen as a success in London even though its initial West End run wasn't much longer than Broadway's in the end, but it filled its booking. (On the other hand Legally Blonde ran twice as long...)"
The best mama rose Jan 11
2025, 09:28:03 PM
Roses That Never Were Jan 11
2025, 09:23:49 PM
Bea Arthur.
OUR TOWN 2024 Broadway Reviews Jan 11
2025, 09:22:54 PM
Jordan Catalano said: "Play Esq. said: "I’ve never seen any production of Our Town until this evening, andI never ever want to again. Is it blasphemy to say that this isn’t really a very good play?"
See this makes my SOUL HURT. I seriously, honest to God consider it the greatest play ever written. Not just American play but THE greatest play ever. So when a production like this comes along to elicit these kinds of reactions (and you’re not the first one) you know something is seriously “off” with it.
If you ever want to see what this play truly is, the 1977 version here is (for me) the best ever. "
There is nothing "off" with this production. The grandeur of the words, of the themes--they still come exhuberantly through ...even though there are some not great performances. Yet there are some sterling performances! It is still the greatest play ever written! It just might not be the greatest production of the greatest play. But it is far from a bad production!
AUDRA GYPSY Reviews Jan 6
2025, 03:11:09 AM
Sutton Ross said: "Joy Woods was such a stand out in Little Shop of Horrors, The Notebook, and I Can Get It for You Wholesale. I don't blame her at all because the talent is definitely there.
I blame the director more than I blame the actress.
I agree."
In my opinion Wholesale was the beginning of her mediocre performance trend. I thought she was okay and sang well in The Notebook, but I thought her acting was
50th Anniversary Revival of A CHORUS LINE still on track for 202 Jan 6
2025, 03:07:41 AM
I think there have been two major non-replica productions of A Chorus Line. One was at the Stratford Festival and one was a regional tour in the UK that played London last fall. Both got terrific reviews but I found the UK production fairly mediocre and not up to the standards of the original.
Chess 2025 Jan 3
2025, 09:35:54 AM
Auggie27 said: "Can anyone comment on the Danny Strong book? The show's problems fall into the Candide camp - to use the broadest definition associated with that legend - all score, weakish storytelling to hold an audience. Chess has always suffered from a shortage of relatable stakes, i.e., making Cold War specific character issues feel immediate. Yes, Russia is, if anything, more in the foreground than it has been for two decades. But the defection from commun
AUDRA GYPSY Reviews Dec 26
2024, 05:31:35 AM
joevitus said: "As per Merriam Webster "a belief thatraceis a fundamentaldeterminantof human traits and capacities and that racial differences produce an inherent superiority of a particular race"
Just because it's Merriam Webster doesn't mean it can't get specifics about race wrong. What they are describing is racial prejudice. A belief cannot be racist. But the moment that that racial prejudice is verbalized, or say, written down in a Broadway forum, it all of a sudden has the power to hurt. That is racism.
AUDRA GYPSY Reviews Dec 24
2024, 03:16:18 PM
TotallyEffed said: "Owen22 said: "joevitus said: "Actully, no. But the whole conversation is too silly to keep up. Suffice to say, prejudice can involve race but may be related to anyting and hasmore to do with one's reaction to something than how one treats the thing one is prejudiced against, whereas racism is distinctly about...race. It's right there in the word."
Actually yes.And it is hardly silly. Racism is about power. It's th
AUDRA GYPSY Reviews Dec 24
2024, 03:15:10 PM
joevitus said: "Owen22 said: "joevitus said: "Actully, no. But the whole conversation is too silly to keep up. Suffice to say, prejudice can involve race but may be related to anyting and hasmore to do with one's reaction to something than how one treats the thing one is prejudiced against, whereas racism is distinctly about...race. It's right there in the word."
Actually yes.And it is hardly silly. Racism is about power. It's the reason white people cannot correctly say that black people are racist against whites.."
It's a good excuse for your own racism to play the "I can't be racist because I'm not white card."
As per Merriam Webster "a belief thatraceis a fundamentaldeterminantof human traits and capacities and that racial differences produce an inherent superiority of a particular race""
Oh, dear.
AUDRA GYPSY Reviews Dec 24
2024, 01:30:58 PM
joevitus said: "Actully, no. But the whole conversation is too silly to keep up. Suffice to say, prejudice can involve race but may be related to anyting and hasmore to do with one's reaction to something than how one treats the thing one is prejudiced against, whereas racism is distinctly about...race. It's right there in the word."
Actually yes.And it is hardly silly. Racism is about power. It's the reason white people cannot correctly say that black pe
AUDRA GYPSY Reviews Dec 23
2024, 12:26:52 PM
Phillyguy said: "Owen22 said: "Ensemble1698878795 said: "Who made you the barometer of Joy's performance? It feels like youzeroed in on her being "mediocre" and wanted to see that reflected in others opinions. Rooting for negative responses about anactors performanceis uber strange. You can say she was not for you and go about your life. Yikes."
Everybody on these boards declare in definitives but that hardly makes anyone a baromet
AUDRA GYPSY Reviews Dec 23
2024, 07:15:34 AM
joevitus said: "Racism is juding a person's character on the content of their skin, which at least one comment has done. Do yourown reading, if you don't know the defintion."
This is incorrect. PREJUDICE is judging a person's character on the content of their skin. RACISM is using one's power against someone based on that prejudice.
AUDRA GYPSY Reviews Dec 23
2024, 06:30:28 AM
Tevin Three said: "The corniness, the delusions of supremacy and thelack of vision on this board...
AUDRA GYPSY Reviews Dec 23
2024, 06:29:02 AM
Ensemble1698878795 said: "Who made you the barometer of Joy's performance? It feels like youzeroed in on her being "mediocre" and wanted to see that reflected in others opinions. Rooting for negative responses about anactors performanceis uber strange. You can say she was not for you and go about your life. Yikes."
Everybody on these boards declare in definitives but that hardly makes anyone a barometer on the subject on which they're speaking. And
AUDRA GYPSY Reviews Dec 20
2024, 10:02:31 AM
pagereynolds said: "Owen22 said: "These reviews are surprising but I am over the moon happy for Audra! I don't know why Jesse Greene felt he had to bend himself over backwards to justify George C Wolf's concept. I don't understand this protection of Joy Woods where no one actually said she was great (in fact some of my favorite criticsalmost completely ignored her) but no one spoke about how essentially mediocre she is in the role. I like how Sarah Haldren dissec
AUDRA GYPSY Reviews Dec 20
2024, 08:56:39 AM
These reviews are surprising but I am over the moon happy for Audra! I don't know why Jesse Greene felt he had to bend himself over backwards to justify George C Wolf's concept. I don't understand this protection of Joy Woods where no one actually said she was great (in fact some of my favorite critics almost completely ignored her) but no one spoke about how essentially mediocre she is in the role. I like how Sarah Haldren dissected and commented on how the concept doesn'
DEAD OUTLAW To Open On Broadway April 27, 2025 Dec 19
2024, 10:50:53 AM
Oops, sorry about that Tony, Death Becomes Her....
Dec 19
2024, 06:54:02 AM
GYPSY Previews Dec 18
2024, 05:09:35 PM
KJisgroovy said: "I've been sort of astonished at the mixed reception this has received but I do recognize that folks have different reactions and I'm glad I've gotten to read so many that are well-written and well-considered but this take is wild: "the specific race related theme of Rose replacing the young black boys (and Louise) with white teens (the only way to get on the Orpheum Circuit) is all there really is of the commentary."June's face is painted G