Flying Over Sunset - Previews Thread Mar 12
2020, 08:47:21 AM
Flying Over Sunset is starting previews tonight. Curious to hear any first thoughts for this show with so much unknown.
Six Rush or Lottery News Mar 14
2020, 11:06:06 AM
chuckydisc said: "GlenCoco said: "anyone win the lottery for opening night?"
Was Opening Night canceled?"
Yes, and all reviews were held.
Off-broadway still open? Mar 12
2020, 06:05:27 PM
Dana H is still on for tonight but they are in the process of suspending future performances. So if anyone want to catch it tonight at 7 they have $20 cash tickets available.
Revival of HOW I LEARNED TO DRIVE with Mary-Louise Parker and David Morse Mar 11
2020, 11:07:49 AM
VanillaIceCream2 said: "Anyone know if 30 Under 35 tickets have been released for this yet? I keep checking my email but want to make sure I haven't missed anything."
Just got an e-mail for 30 under 35 tickets in the last half hour for tickets from March 27-May 5.
THE INHERITANCE to close Mar 10
2020, 02:41:34 PM
Bryan Cranston is directing a different play at the end of the Geffen's 2020-21 season but it hasn't been announced yet.
“Company” Rush/Lottery Mar 10
2020, 12:09:54 AM
I stopped by the box office around 4:45pm today to ask about standing room tickets. The person working the box office stated that they sold all the standing room spots right when the box office opened at 10am. I didn't ask if they also had rush tickets for sale in addition to the standing room spots.
Also I checked Telecharge and there was still a pair of seats available around noon today which means they weren't 100% sold out when they sold standing room that morning unless th
TINA Previews Mar 5
2020, 11:23:38 AM
Miles, I'm pretty sure ACL stands for A Chorus Line given ACL2006's profile pic.
2020, 07:51:33 AM
They are selling rush for $39 and I got a ticket just after 6pm last night. My seat was C 14 in the orchestra, which was last seat house right. It appears that they are selling the last 2 seats house left and right of rows B, C, and D based off of who I talked to around me last night and what Telecharge shows available over the next few days. You miss a corner of the stage but no more than maybe 2 minutes of one character the whole show from the seat. It also definitely beats the $169 that th
The Minutes Rush Feb 26
2020, 01:38:55 PM
I stopped by the box office around 6:15pm last night and was able to get a rush ticket. It was seat G2 which was last row of mezzanine house right on the aisle. Full view of the stage and all actors/action.
Hamilton SRO Questions Feb 24
2020, 07:40:38 PM
I was just in the cancellation line on Saturday night 2/22. I got in line around 7:30pm with 12 people in front of me and received the last ticket they sold which ended up being standing room for $40. I'm not sure how many people in front of me were also offered standing room because they weren't next to me. This was my first time ever trying the cancellation line so I'm not sure how easy it is other times to get standing room.
Rushes do and don'ts Feb 18
2020, 11:14:25 AM
DEH also has standing room for $42 available when the box office first opens. I believe Tina has standing room spots as well once the show sells out. Also important about the standing room for Hadestown is that it goes on sale specifically at 12pm for the matinees and 5pm for the evening performances and there is a limit of 1 per person with only up to 14 tickets being sold as standing room.
Six Rush or Lottery News Feb 14
2020, 10:33:11 PM
bwayoutdoors said: "They did sell standing room for first preview last night - I know a few folks who got those tickets. Seemed to only be house right, as I was sitting house left and there was no one in the back there. I stopped by the box office today around 3:30 to buy tickets to return later this spring, and there was a large group of people (probably around 15-20) hovering in the back area who were apparently ina standing room line. The Brooks won't sell standing room until
Six Rush or Lottery News Feb 14
2020, 04:09:28 PM
I thought the box office attendant said front row when she gave me the tickets but, yeah, according to Ticketmaster AA is the second row.
Six Rush or Lottery News Feb 14
2020, 01:50:41 PM
ali_h said: "What time do they announce or send out emails for digital lotto for evening show. Visiting in NYC early March and i'm not sure if I should get in rush line early or try my luck with lotto. Should I try both? Haven't tried a rush/lotto in a while, i'm a little rusty.
Thanks for your help!!"
Lotto results are sent out at 9am, so you will most likely have to be in the rush line already as you wait for your results.
Six Rush or Lottery News Feb 14
2020, 11:00:37 AM
I arrived just before 6am and was 4th in line. I got 2 seats in the front row 112 and 113, and I know the person after me got AA114. There were already at least 8 people in line by 6:30am, with the line being plenty long by 10am.
Dear Evan Hansen $69 Rush Feb 6
2020, 11:08:30 PM
When I've done standing room over the last few months they've always had at least 4 tickets for the $69 rush if not more. I know that yesterday when my friend went to pick up standing room tickets at 12:30pm they still had rush seats available for the evening performance. I believe the rush seats are side orchestra similar to what they give away for the lottery.
They also have started selling partial view mezzanine seats for $42 that you can buy in advance. I'
Slave Play Rush Tickets Jan 18
2020, 01:19:27 PM
I tried to rush this morning arriving around 6:15am. When I first got there I was the 9th person in line but it appears other people were saving spots because by the time tickets went on sale I was around 14th or 15th. They sold out 3 people in front of me with that person arriving at 5:50am.
I confirmed with the box office that they were still going to offer some rush tomorrow despite not having the lottery for tomorrow shows.
Slave Play Rush Tickets Jan 16
2020, 11:01:07 PM
From what I just saw on Twitter, there were only 6 rush tickets to tonight's show and 5 for last night's show.
My Name Is Lucy Barton - Reviews Jan 15
2020, 10:48:52 PM
Given the show opened tonight, I figured we should have a central location to share the professional reviews.
Oklahoma! Final week rush and standing room. Jan 14
2020, 01:07:47 PM
I did standing room last week on Wednesday when the show was nearly sold out for the fan's rewards night. In that case they did not start standing room until 6:30pm and a line formed inside the box office lobby. When I did standing room last June I think I just walked up to the box office around 5pm and asked for a ticket and they sold it to me. I imagine they are doing a similar formalized line situation as they did last week for standing room. They have 28 standing room spots and f