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re: YOUNG FRANKENSTEIN Out Of Town Tryout Reviews
 Aug 24 2007, 10:08:21 AM
from the Seattle Times:

At the top right of the article you will also find a gallery with pictures of Hensley being made up as the monster.

re: Going to the tonys question
 Jun 10 2007, 10:55:16 AM
no, they have granola bar detectors at every entrance...don't try it.
re: Who saw the last performance of The Producers?
 Apr 23 2007, 06:45:45 AM
Just too clarify, my comment above was directed toward yankeefan's rudeness, and to no one else.

I was also at the final performance (it happened to fall on my birthday, which was wonderful) and it was a truly spectacular event. I have been a huge fan of this show ever since it hit Broadway, and have been through a lot with it. i definitely agree with everything the previous reviewer said. It was a genuinely magical and special night. The performance was electric in a way that it

re: Who saw the last performance of The Producers?
 Apr 22 2007, 10:26:03 PM
Why do you care when you can just use the search function to find what you need anyway?
re: 'The Producers' closing April 22, 2007
 Feb 25 2007, 01:16:37 AM
The main cast of Will and Grace (McCormack, Messing, Mullaly, and Hayes) were all at some recent callbacks for Young Frankenstein here in New York. Brooks was present to see them.
re: Young Frankenstein Fall 2007!
 Feb 3 2007, 09:28:07 PM
the producers tried out at the Cadillac Theatre in Chicago, not the Palace.
re: Anthony in the SWEENEY TODD movie
 Feb 1 2007, 10:11:08 AM
nor does he need to with Depp in the lead.
re: I need your guys help!!!
 Sep 21 2006, 10:56:46 PM
I'm not going into the toilet....I'm going into SHOW BUSINESS!!!!

-The Producers

re: 'My Broadway Debut' on CBS
 Jun 2 2006, 01:09:25 AM
RACERX, I totally agree with everything you said about Kate, she was definitely the best girl so far. And she will, without a doubt, have my vote. As for the guys, I would have to say that Kyle has definitely been the best. He has a great voice and a wonderful presence. He really did a terrific job (with mediocre material, at that). I wish them both luck!

Btw, RACERX, had any good encore-boner-swordfights recently????

re: Lights, Mics, etc. for new theatre group
 Mar 24 2006, 10:52:22 PM
No Jon, you are a disgrace for making such a ridiculously rude and uncalled for comment. Get an effing life.
Jackman as Littlechap
 Feb 21 2006, 07:47:21 PM
What do you guys think about this announcement? It seems like very few people even know what "Stop the World" is anymore. But for those of you that do I would love to hear what you think about the idea of Jackman stepping into Anthony Newley's tremendous shoes.

I think it could work, and I think it would be a great way to bring a lot of attention to a classic (yet nearly forgotten) show, that would probably not be a hit otherwise, let alone get a revival.

They would have to

re: best12bars 'offended' by PRODUCERS movie...
 Dec 20 2005, 01:18:46 PM
I understand your reasoning for feeling the way you do, though the cut of the black accountant only bothers me because of the loss of a great comedic moment. However, it seems to me that you wouldn't like the Producers period, since it really isn't an "equal opportunity offender." You cannot say that the show is offensive to all ethnic groups. Correct me if I am wrong, but there are no jokes about the English, Australians, Japanese, Chinese, Canadians, Spanish, Mexicans, Eskimos, etc, etc, et
re: THE PRODUCERS video clips
 Dec 16 2005, 10:10:22 PM
Did anyone read some of the negative reviews for RENT? Or notice how it didn't receive a single GG nomination?

(I'm sorry, I just had to.)

re: Saw another Sneak Preview of 'The Producers' last night in LA
 Dec 10 2005, 03:29:33 AM
Yeah, you're right, KuhnKrazy. The opinions of Rob Vaux and Emanuel Levy are constantly holding movies back from winning Oscars. I can't believe how much weight those guys pull in Hollywood. If they thought the movie was this bad, I think I will not bother seeing it.
re: 'THE PRODUCERS' - Critics Hate It, HFP Hate It, Fans Love It
 Dec 10 2005, 03:24:33 AM
jackson992, you must impress very easily.

It is way too early to say that critics hate this movie. I am surprised at you, capthook.

re: Dame's 'The Producers' film mini review.
 Nov 17 2005, 01:24:58 PM
Dame, Is there a shot toward the end of the movie (during the Prisoners of Love sequence) that shows the original prisoners, who performed the show in jail, in the audience for the opening night of the show on Broadway? They may be shackeled together and giving a standing ovation. Just curious if this shot made it into the movie.
re: An Alternative Producers Movie Poster..?
 Nov 14 2005, 05:43:48 PM
I like this version much better than the other. Oh well. Any chance you can take a better picture of it? Maybe vertically and from a more straight on angle? It would be very much appreciated by many, I am sure. Thanks.
re: The Producers--it's own worst enemy?
 Nov 13 2005, 12:56:56 PM
When the show opened, to a certain extent it was compared to the original movie. But nevertheless, it managed to do pretty well. While they were comparing the two, the critics also almost univerally hailed it as the best thing on Broadway in a decade or so (if not more). I suppose that when I first heard the recording, and subsiquently saw the show, I compared the actors from the two different versions, but Broderick and Lane are so wonderful that you soon stop thinking about that, and enjoy
 Nov 3 2005, 05:40:17 PM
I love the very end of the Hop Clop Goes On:

"Guutteen Taaag...And don't forget to buy Meine Kampf in paperback....available near you...."

Will Ferrel is so irreverently hilarious, and he sounds like he is great in this role. I can't wait to see his performance, not to mention everyone else's!

 Nov 3 2005, 01:38:15 AM
I had the same thought about the black accountant's solo. It seems that they have cut a lot of the bit player's parts, in order to streamline the film. Hopefully this wont take too much away from the final product.
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