Teal Wicks is Broadway's Next Elphaba; Kyle Dean Massey to Return as Fiyero Jan 2
2011, 12:06:42 PM
In the debate as to whether anyone can play Elphaba for more than 10 months and survive - Kerry Ellis played her for around 2 years. Taking over from Idina in Jan 2007 and leaving the London production in May 2009 with the Broadway run in between. Her voice is still in place and she took up another musical very soon after. Admittedly she broke herself early on in the run (on the first night almost) but she seemed to learn from that and recover. I agree however that the use of an altern
re: What's with all of the teens obsessed Wicked and RENT!? Jan 8
2007, 06:28:43 PM
I'm 21 - therefore not a teen, and not an Idina obsess-ee but I love Wicked. I have been in love with MT since my childhood, so Wicked wasn't my first big love. It is not the only show I've seen and wasn't my introduction to theater...so where do I fit in? I have a picture of Elphaba as me avata, I went to Idina's last show. It was uttlerly fantastic, the atmosphere was electric and was the best audience I've sat with at a show. Not *ashamed* to admit that...why should I be? A
re: Funny ad-libs Jan 7
2007, 04:17:15 PM
Idina Menzel's last Matinee of Wicked Idina: Come with me. Helen: Where? Idina: NEW YORK CITY! Helen: Oh I've always wanted to see... Both: The Emerald City!
re: Elphaba and Glida reversal Jan 6
2007, 11:36:32 AM
I searched too but I'm convinced we've been through this before.
re: Elphaba and Glida reversal Jan 6
2007, 06:45:59 AM
Anyway...hasn't there been a thread on this before?
re: last show you saw in 2006 Jan 5
2007, 02:07:26 PM
Idina Menzel's last Wicked in London 30/12...fantastic. I know the girl can be over rated but she was utterly fabulous at this performance.
re: Idina Menzel's Final Performance Dec 31
2006, 06:06:20 AM
Last night she was amazing. No detriment to others who have played Elphaba but to see a performer in the part go into her final show and NOT show off with 5,000 riffs that make the song un-recognisable is brilliant. She concentrated on singing fantasticly, and she pulled it off. She may be over hyped and her fan base a little crazy but my god can the girl perform.
re: Is the 'EVITA' 2006 Revival coming to Broadway? Dec 29
2006, 05:59:45 AM
^ Nuh uh you can have her back after tomorrow...we've had the best out of her in the role and then we can get our new improved and far more talented and no so hyped Elphaba in. Roll on 2007.
re: Is the 'EVITA' 2006 Revival coming to Broadway? Dec 28
2006, 06:21:20 AM
Nope we're locking Ruthie up...she's staying here. We'll give you Menzel back though...we're finished with her now.
re: Beauty and the Beast or The Lion King? Dec 27
2006, 08:36:00 AM
Lion King - purely for Circle of Life. The rest of the show aint that great but the opening alone is worth going for.
re: Weird and/or Random Broadway References Dec 25
2006, 06:49:18 PM
^ Breath...and remember it was said by a fictional character of a now defuncted tv show...
re: Weird and/or Random Broadway References Dec 25
2006, 06:32:57 PM
From Will and Grace.... Grace: Thanks for taking me out to dinner, Kar. Karen: Well, honey, it's like the old song goes - anyone deserves a free meal who has Will's sperm inside them. Grace: I think that was from "You're a Gay Dad, Charlie Brown." Will: Me? I'm not gay. Jack: Well, this well-worn copy of the Dreamgirls soundtrack begs to differ. And my personal favourite.... JACK: [SMILING] One of Bernadette Peters' curls. She was standing in
re: Who have you gotten stuff back from? Dec 23
2006, 06:20:14 AM
I got a signed head shot from Kerry Ellis personalised and she signed my ticket from the show for me too. Signed both on the back which was a little annoying though...
2006, 06:10:43 PM
The recyling argument crops up again... ...well no one here in the UK complained (well not many) when Idina was cast. In fact most of the Wicked fans here were screaming with delight, I know I was. Recycling helps a show rather than hindering it. You know you are seieng someone who has been tried and tested in the role, wether it be in a different cast or as a standby/understudy. Most people coming to see the show here and (I believe most other productions) do NOT come to
re: Wicked Questions...It's not what you think. Dec 18
2006, 05:42:45 PM
"There is also a wireless mic in the hat. One time Sho lost her hat during DG and there was a dead spot for a second while they switched on her body mic." Happened to Idina last week too, her hat fell off during One Short Day as she ran on. She sang her lines but I doubt anyone past row d could hear her (luckily was in row a), luckily after 'palaces, museums' Helen had run on with the hat.
re: Lyrics that confuse the heck out of you Dec 7
2006, 08:48:20 AM
"I've never understood "at sixes and sevens with you" "Sixes and sevens is an expression for confusion or disagreement. So she's saying that the people are at sixes and sevens with her because they don't understand why she has done what she's done." That line is one of my favourites as I love the double meaning to it...while yes it can mean the above, the line previous to it is 'although she's dressed up to the nines' followed by 'at sixes and sevens with you' could mean whi
why do british directors hate 'buttons'? Nov 30
2006, 04:36:55 PM
Even though Wicked contains a lot of 'buttons' as the American's dissapear from the audience they're used less and less. The appluase is muted, apart from W&I, DG and NGD - the parts where the audience want to clap. There isn't a need to clap after every song...there is also no realy need to holler during a song (real pet peeve at Wicked). Point I'm trying (badly) to make is that the audience here in the UK don't respond to buttons...unless they're DG style.
re: Wicked OBCR goes Platinum Nov 30
2006, 04:32:43 PM
"Lol. Since when does "wicked" not have enough money? How many sold out productions are there a day?" Let's pretend that all shows are sold out - which to the most part they are - there are currently four produtions running and the Apollo Voc holds around 2,000 something... A lot of cash...sure they could afford to do it but what's the point when they can still make money out of the one recording? I really want one with Kerry though.