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Member Name: milton
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re: Broadway Singers who Smoke......
 Aug 1 2005, 06:26:53 PM
Bella- I was actually just in NY and met with NLB after the show. He goes to great measures to protect his voice.
re: norbert's run in DRS
 Aug 1 2005, 06:20:43 PM
Actually Norbert's contract is up for negotiation next week. The only reason he wouldn't sign up to do more is because of child custody issues between he and his ex-wife.
re: Broadway Singers who Smoke......
 Aug 1 2005, 12:36:46 PM
Norbert doesn't smoke. Especially right now he is really trying to care of his voice and body because he has such a demanding role. He puts himself on vocal rest before and after the show. I don't think he'd go to such lengths and then light up.
re: HAPPY 100TH SWEET CHARITY! (Proving the bashers wrong)
 Jul 29 2005, 04:10:50 PM
I'm seeing the show tonight- do you think that they'lll come out the stagedoor or do you think that they'll be backstage partying/eating cake etc...? Just wondering if anyone knows anything.
re: Bryant Park Show Great !
 Jul 28 2005, 03:29:30 PM
Yeah from Spelling Bee it was Sarah, Celia, Jesse, and two others I'm not sure of there names off the tops of my head.
re: Bryant Park Show Great !
 Jul 28 2005, 03:21:59 PM
I was there and thought it was great. Saycon, Stacie Morgan Lewis, and Jerad Bortz as Fiyero peformed and were really good. Jerad Bortz didn't do so well in my opinion, though. Chicago was wonderful. They really did a great job. I thought the songs from Spelling Bee were very cute but it was so loud! They sang "Woe is Me," "I Might Be Smart" and "The I Love You Song." It was hard to hear because it was so overpowering. Chitty was ok, kind of boring.

The weather was great and I had a g

re: DRS this week
 Jul 26 2005, 03:25:08 PM
I was just atr tkts tkts tkts today and DRS was being sold for 50% off.
Broadway in Bryant Park
 Jul 25 2005, 02:00:35 PM
I'll be in NYC this week and was wondering if at the performances of Broadway in Bryant Park- since it's outdoors and whatnot- if you can bring a still camera and/or video camera. I just want to be prepared. It should be pretty good this week. The shows that are performing are Wicked, Chicago, Spelling Bee, and Chitty Chitty Bang Bang. Also, are there any other tips for going to this- like how early should I get there, do I need to bring anyhthing? etc..
 Jul 25 2005, 03:10:57 AM
I'd like to share my two cents- I've been reading the boards for quite some time now and finally got around to registering a few days ago. I felt I'd also like to make my entrance in this post.

Anywho- If it wasn't for musicals like Wicked there wouldn't be a future generation for Broadway. Whether it's performers or just fans of Broadway, it's shows like Wicked (no matter how overexposed, talked about, etc...) that draw people in and inspire them to follow their dreams and star on B

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