ljay889 Profile Photo
Posted: 7/29/05 at 1:01am

Today, July 29. Sweet Charity will play it's 100th performance.

Some people didn't think it would even make it this far! And look it has, and it's still going strong.

So, Just want too wish Charity a happy 100th - and many more.
Much thanks for this show - for lifting my spirits when I needed it. Broadway is lucky to have such an amazing and classic score right now.


Updated On: 7/29/05 at 01:01 AM

jczelyph Profile Photo
#1re: HAPPY 100TH SWEET CHARITY! (Proving the bashers wrong)
Posted: 7/29/05 at 1:03am

Me too! Love this show. Happy 100th!

"Jane, I've been dealt a blow - I've been dealt a blow, Jane."

#2re: HAPPY 100TH SWEET CHARITY! (Proving the bashers wrong)
Posted: 7/29/05 at 1:12am

its a shame christina still isnt a braodway performer and can't carry that show.

when ducks grow thumbs then maybe my opinion will change.

ljay889 Profile Photo
#3re: HAPPY 100TH SWEET CHARITY! (Proving the bashers wrong)
Posted: 7/29/05 at 1:12am

This is a non bashing thread. Now remove yourself. Updated On: 7/29/05 at 01:12 AM

luvtheEmcee Profile Photo
#4re: HAPPY 100TH SWEET CHARITY! (Proving the bashers wrong)
Posted: 7/29/05 at 1:14am

Ljay, I'd watch the hypocrisy.

Congrats, Charity. re: HAPPY 100TH SWEET CHARITY! (Proving the bashers wrong)

A work of art is an invitation to love.

#5re: HAPPY 100TH SWEET CHARITY! (Proving the bashers wrong)
Posted: 7/29/05 at 1:14am

when did the truth become bashing? She is not a braodway performer, she may have great comic timing but her singing and dancing are weak, and she does not do charity justice.

if you find that to be bashing then you are just naive.

when ducks grow thumbs then maybe my opinion will change.

ljay889 Profile Photo
#6re: HAPPY 100TH SWEET CHARITY! (Proving the bashers wrong)
Posted: 7/29/05 at 1:18am

First off.

Learn the spelling for BROADWAY. Second of all - this thread was made to congratulate the show - not for sharing if you think the performers are good or not.

Now back to the subject matter. HAPPY 100TH CHARITY.

Thank you.

#7re: HAPPY 100TH SWEET CHARITY! (Proving the bashers wrong)
Posted: 7/29/05 at 1:21am

It might not have happened if you hadn't put the word "bashers" in the thread title and then used it again in your post. Another b-word you might want to learn is "baiting." And another is "baby," which is what you sound like when you criticize somebody for taking the "bait" that you left out for them.

Twitter @NamoInExile Instagram none

#8re: HAPPY 100TH SWEET CHARITY! (Proving the bashers wrong)
Posted: 7/29/05 at 1:22am

Happy 100th Charity!

"If you can talk, you can sing...if you can walk, you can dance." - T.K. Greene

#9re: HAPPY 100TH SWEET CHARITY! (Proving the bashers wrong)
Posted: 7/29/05 at 1:22am

i can spell broadway, have you never heard of a typo? kind of sad that all you can do is attack my typing.

when ducks grow thumbs then maybe my opinion will change.

#10re: HAPPY 100TH SWEET CHARITY! (Proving the bashers wrong)
Posted: 7/29/05 at 1:29am

Can't we ALL be friends? re: HAPPY 100TH SWEET CHARITY! (Proving the bashers wrong)

CCM '10!

#11re: HAPPY 100TH SWEET CHARITY! (Proving the bashers wrong)
Posted: 7/29/05 at 1:29am


SUCH a good show. re: HAPPY 100TH SWEET CHARITY! (Proving the bashers wrong)

"If it walks like a Parks, if it wobbles like a Parks, then it's definitely fat and nobody loves it." --MA

fluerette Profile Photo
#12re: HAPPY 100TH SWEET CHARITY! (Proving the bashers wrong)
Posted: 7/29/05 at 1:30am

Congrats Charity!!

"Are you a theatre junkie?" -my boss

#13re: HAPPY 100TH SWEET CHARITY! (Proving the bashers wrong)
Posted: 7/29/05 at 1:34am

ok, just out of curiosity, not a bashing comment, but a serious question, do you think the show would be better if Charolette D'amboise ( i am horrible with name spellings) was playing Charity instead of Christina?

when ducks grow thumbs then maybe my opinion will change.

jczelyph Profile Photo
#14re: HAPPY 100TH SWEET CHARITY! (Proving the bashers wrong)
Posted: 7/29/05 at 1:54am

I love Christina as Charity but recognise that there are areas she could WAY improve on. She really sells the character to me despite that, and I really enjoy her portrayal of Charity. I saw Charlotte in Chicago on Sunday and all the way through I was thinking "Oh my god, I would love to see her go on as Charity!". She has skill in all three areas (although I am unsure whether she'd act the part the way I know and love) and is obviosuly very funny so I think she'd be great.

"Jane, I've been dealt a blow - I've been dealt a blow, Jane."

check your personality Profile Photo
check your personality
#15re: HAPPY 100TH SWEET CHARITY! (Proving the bashers wrong)
Posted: 7/29/05 at 2:07am

Hooray for Sweet Charity! I loved the show (I hope to see it again), and loved Christina in it! In fact, I just bought the cast recording today, it brought back good memories. re: HAPPY 100TH SWEET CHARITY! (Proving the bashers wrong)

justme2 Profile Photo
#16re: HAPPY 100TH SWEET CHARITY! (Proving the bashers wrong)
Posted: 7/29/05 at 2:25am

Congratulations to Sweet Charity!

Christina and Denis, along with the rest of the cast and creative team, deserve a round of applause for all their work. The show is a lot of fun and I am glad it made it to Broadway and continues to make audiences happy.

I'm also happy to see more and more posters go see the show and return here to post their positive reviews.

I wish the show continued success through the summer, fall and beyond!

"My dreams, watching me said, one to the other...this life has let us down."

#17re: HAPPY 100TH SWEET CHARITY! (Proving the bashers wrong)
Posted: 7/29/05 at 2:37am

Yay for them. I'm happy for them. I'm seeing it for the second time next week. Can't wait.

Tiny-Toon Profile Photo
#18re: HAPPY 100TH SWEET CHARITY! (Proving the bashers wrong)
Posted: 7/29/05 at 2:44am

Congratulations Charity!
I'm so proud of Christina!

ljay889 Profile Photo
#20re: HAPPY 100TH SWEET CHARITY! (Proving the bashers wrong)
Posted: 7/29/05 at 11:18am

happy 100th to you
happy 100th to you
happy 100th dear charity
happy 100th to you!


me3 Profile Photo
#21re: HAPPY 100TH SWEET CHARITY! (Proving the bashers wrong)
Posted: 7/29/05 at 11:50am

I hope it closes before it make 150

#22re: HAPPY 100TH SWEET CHARITY! (Proving the bashers wrong)
Posted: 7/29/05 at 11:59am

Congratulations, Sweet Charity! I hope people still continue to enjoy it.

You promised me poems. ~Tricky

newsieboy23 Profile Photo
#23re: HAPPY 100TH SWEET CHARITY! (Proving the bashers wrong)
Posted: 7/29/05 at 2:32pm

Funny. I thought performing in a broadway show made you a broadway performer. Thanks Zon re: HAPPY 100TH SWEET CHARITY! (Proving the bashers wrong)

milton Profile Photo
#24re: HAPPY 100TH SWEET CHARITY! (Proving the bashers wrong)
Posted: 7/29/05 at 4:10pm

I'm seeing the show tonight- do you think that they'lll come out the stagedoor or do you think that they'll be backstage partying/eating cake etc...? Just wondering if anyone knows anything.
