Extra Ticket to Aug 17
2013, 06:51:52 PM
I just sent you a message...if it's for tonight I'd love to take it!
American Idiot Tour Feb 11
2012, 02:43:35 AM
I saw it on Thursday and agree that it is a great tour. However, I must admit that the original Broadway cast was better (saw them twice). I am glad that most of the scenic elements made it on tour (minus the suspended car and the elevated platform). I am excited to go back sometime next week. Mister Matt, just try to get a Hot Tix ticket. I payed about $50 for a great orchestra seat, although it might have been because it was a Thursday night.
DON'T DRESS FOR DINNER (Sequel To BOEING BOEING) To Play American Airlines 4/12 Nov 8
2011, 11:02:11 PM
I really enjoyed this production when it was in Chicago. I hope they can reassemble the cast that we had here because they were all phenomenal!
Book of Mormon to open in Chicago Dec. 2012 Sep 7
2011, 01:46:25 AM
Awesome news! Let's hope that it has the success of Wicked in Chicago than the fate of Billy Elliot.
Chicago Theater Question Aug 1
2011, 11:16:35 PM
If you are still here on the 12th, I'd recommend seeing the Joffrey Ballet's new production of Don Quixote.
Book of Mormon Cancellation line Jun 20
2011, 09:08:14 PM
Might be a dumb question, but is it physically possible to wait in the SRO line, enter the lottery, and wait in the cancellation line after the SRO line and lottery are over?
Alice Ripley proving a tad elusive May 4
2011, 10:36:54 PM
She was out this past Saturday's evening too. I really liked Pearl as Diana, so I'm not heart broken that Alice was out and I saw Alice on Broadway. It was nice to hear the score sung...properly (for lack of a better word).
Window Card Question Feb 27
2011, 11:20:19 AM
I too recommend Hollywoodposterframes. Their frames are high quality, and I do not have to worry about my window cards when they are in them.
'9 to 5' Chicago tour Jan 23
2011, 04:47:08 AM
I saw the show tonight, and I was thoroughly disappointed with it. I know the Broadway set was far too complex to tour, but this touring set just looked cheap, especially the column things with the changing panels. The choreography was very disappointing as well, especially after seeing clips of the original. Nothing inventive at all. The only good thing I came away with at the end of the show was that I am now a fan of Mamie Parris.
Kennedy Center Honours - Which performance are you most looking forward to? Dec 28
2010, 10:24:24 PM
I love Matt Bomer in White Collar, I had no idea he could sing!
Barry Weissler Announces Campaign to Return THE SCOTTSBORO BOYS to Broadway Dec 17
2010, 01:28:08 AM
Here is an article about it possibly coming to Chicago before its New York return: http://leisureblogs.chicagotribune.com/the_theater_loop/2010/12/scottsboro-boys-producer-ive-called-all-my-good-friends-in-chicago.html#more
Les Miz at the Paper Mill aka - the new tour Dec 14
2010, 12:42:19 AM
I hate to be the one that asks, but are the gun shots as loud as they were in the original production when Gavroche dies?
ROA Tour Nov 26
2010, 10:20:06 PM
I thought the cast was the best part of the production, especially the girl playing Sherry.
BCEFA Fall collections Nov 10
2010, 01:16:53 AM
I think it's funny that Billy Elliot is selling the window card for $100 in NY. They're selling them for $40 in Chicago.
RIP Shannon Tavarez... Nov 2
2010, 12:20:57 AM
Very sad news! Condolences to her family and friends. Rest in peace Shannon
Beauty and the Beast national tour - My Reivew Oct 25
2010, 11:57:36 PM
It's sad to hear such bad things (although, not surprising) about this show and yet it is doing really well at the box offices. They've already announced that it will come back to Chicago when it was already here earlier this year.
Billy Elliot closes early in Chicago Oct 16
2010, 06:53:33 PM
According to the article, they have grossed $27 million. That means they made about 1 million a week (on par, if not more than the Broadway production). So I guess playing in Chicago wasn't a total bust.
Billy Elliot closes early in Chicago Oct 16
2010, 02:37:19 AM
You guys should read some of the RIDICULOUS comments on the article in the original post. From those comments, I'm ashamed to call myself a Chicagoan.
SHREK tour review St. Louis 9-16-10 Sep 26
2010, 12:04:41 PM
I don't know if this is related, but when I saw the show on 8/22/10, Haven was out as well.
Rock of Ages Tour Sep 21
2010, 11:06:22 AM
ooooooh so is Mitchell Jarvis playing the role of Lonny for the entire week? I may have to see it sooner than I originally wanted then.