New McDonagh film: The Banshees of Inisherin Dec 26
2022, 02:06:56 PM
Jarethan said: "I loved it too. Thought that Farrell was incredible in a very difficult role.
I also don’t understand why McDonagh never filmed Pillowman (my favorite work of his), Cripple, Lieutenant or Leenane. Maybe he sees it as repeating himself????
of all of them, I think Pillowman would make a great movie."
Here’s what he had to say a few years ago on adapting his plays to film.
“From day one, I had a beli
Ben Platt and Micaela Diamond to star in NYCC Gala presentation of Parade Dec 24
2022, 11:24:21 AM
I’d say Ghee is the closest thing to a frontrunner from what’s been seen, and that Swenson rounding out the category feels pretty unlikely at this point, it seems like there’s no love for the show or his work.
If Platt’s eligible, I’m guessing it’ll be him, Ghee, Groban (think he wins), Burnap, and d’Arcy James with Borle as an alternate. Not sure if Cooley goes lead, guessing now he doesn’t.
Ben Platt and Micaela Diamond to star in NYCC Gala presentation of Parade Dec 23
2022, 04:44:02 PM
Expecting and hoping Alex Joseph Grayson comes back for this.
WAY TOO EARLY 2023 Tony Award Predictions Nov 12
2022, 08:19:03 AM
Just predicting actors now cause I’m lazy.
Actor in a Play
Adi Dixit - Life of Pi
Corey Hawkins - Topdog/Underdog
Stephen McKinley Henderson - Between Riverside and Crazy
Jefferson Mays - A Christmas Carol
Wendell Pierce - Death of a Salesman
Actress in a Play
Danielle Brooks - The Piano Lesson
Jodie Comer - Prima Facie<
A CHRISTMAS CAROL 2022 Previews Nov 12
2022, 08:01:32 AM
The song’s actually Justice Delivers it’s Death, it just opens and closes with lyrics from Silver and Gold, the name of the album from which it originated.
Anyway, the use of the song is brilliant, as is the overall production. Jefferson Mays is exceptional as always. I’m surprised some people are upset at the darker elements, it’s not like there isn’t basis for it from the source material.
WAY TOO EARLY 2023 Tony Award Predictions Nov 3
2022, 05:19:56 PM
MadsonMelo said: "CONTENDERS
Stark Sands - & Juliet
Will Swenson - A Beautiful Noise
Casey Likes - Almost Famous
Christian Borle - Some Like It Hot
J. Harrison Ghee - Some Like It Hot
Josh Groban - Sweeney Todd
Brian Darcy James - Into the Woods
Andrew Burnap - Camelot
Jordan Dornica - Camelot
New York, Ne
Ben Platt and Micaela Diamond to star in NYCC Gala presentation of Parade Nov 2
2022, 10:45:57 PM
Has “People of Atlanta” been reinserted?
Iconic Costumes Nov 1
2022, 11:40:12 AM
Phantom’s mask is probably the most instantly recognizable article of clothing from Broadway. For a full outfit, the hat and long coat come to mind.
Evan Hansen’s blue polo and cast.
Both Joel Grey and Alan Cumming’s Emcees have pretty iconic getups.
Phillipa Soo, Andrew Burnap & Jordan Donica to Star in LCT’s CAMELOT, Spring 2023 Nov 1
2022, 11:26:42 AM
Congrats to Burnap! Never would’ve seen this coming when much bigger names were apparently in consideration, which tells me they knew they had something good on their hands with him.
1776's Sara Porkalob Brutally Honest Vulture Article Oct 14
2022, 06:01:11 PM
I don’t understand what would drive her to do this. She was seen as one of the production’s highlights, now she’s the least likely of these actors to ever work on Broadway again. I don’t disagree with all these criticisms, but publicly lambasting a production you’re currently involved in while admitting to half - or three quarters - assing your job is absurdly unprofessional.
2022, 11:15:11 AM
Given the talk of a nomination, would Justin Cooley be featured or lead? He was nominated in both categories last season. I haven’t seen the show yet, but I hope to soon.
Anything new on the rumored Groban-lead Sweeney? Aug 15
2022, 06:53:24 PM
Page would be amazing
Into The Woods casting updates Aug 9
2022, 02:40:06 PM
OuttaTowner said: "Zachary Levi would make an enjoyable baker!"
He would, but it’d seem a bit odd that any woman would cheat on such a tall, muscular hunk.
WAY TOO EARLY 2023 Tony Award Predictions Aug 9
2022, 02:28:00 PM
quizking101 said: "Musicaldudepeter said: "If Victoria Clark is a lock for Best Actress, the ITW producers should ideally be petitioning Sara for Featured - she surely has a good shot at a win there, no?"
Considering she is both above the title and there is precedent (Joanna Gleason won Best Actress for the original production), to attempt to place Sara anywhere else is blatant category fraud."
It would also potentially screw over Julia
Crazy for You (Chichester) Jul 31
2022, 01:36:35 PM
Mr. Wormwood said: "OlBlueEyes said: "On the surface, this is just another Nice Work, a silly story based on the real musical of that time and stuffed with a half dozen extra songs by the composer. Kelli O'Hara sings "Someone to Watch Over Me" while holding a shotgun.
I wonder why this one works?"
IMO, Crazy for You is far superior to Nice Work. Better script, better characters, better Gershwin song selection & bette
COMPANY To Close On July 31, 2022 Jul 31
2022, 09:26:52 AM
So sad to see this one go. It was as good of a night of theatre as you could ever ask for.
Anything new on the rumored Groban-lead Sweeney? Jul 31
2022, 09:24:59 AM
As others have said, Groban’s performance in Great Comet reassures me that he can be a great Sweeney. Anyway, I’m just happy to hear about the orchestra. Nothing against the last two revivals, but it’s about time we get this show with its original big, grand orchestrations.
INTO THE WOODS Reviews Jul 30
2022, 11:03:10 AM
Auggie27 said: "Carin M. Ford, a beloved engineer who mixed the sound for the 2017 revival of “Hello, Dolly!,” for which Creel won a Tony as best supporting actor.
Fingers crossed history repeats.
FIDDLER IN YIDDISH Returns Off-Broadway for the Holiday Season Jul 25
2022, 01:36:55 PM
What an awesome surprise
INTO THE WOODS Reviews Jul 24
2022, 01:00:09 AM
I know schedules may be tricky, but if this gets extended into Tony season, hopefully any actors who had to bow out by then can go the Tony Shalhoub route and reappear for the voters’ shows. Cause this cast deserves all the love and accolades they can get. But, extension first.