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Member Name: chuckufarley007
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re: The great APATHY: homophobic conservatives who love RENT
 Aug 4 2005, 12:29:12 PM
Atten: Homophobes. Don't go see APATHY: The Gen X Musical, unless you'd like to see one of your own come forward (never straight) out of the cupboard!!

 Aug 3 2005, 03:04:44 PM
You mean this review:

I saw it last week & liked it very much. I heard it was on the Fringe Alternate list, but it didn't make the cut. That's a shame. They could have gone straight from the MITF right into the Fringe.
Oh well, I have the feeling APATHY will be back, anyway. :)

re: 'F*ck RENT'? Are they kidding?
 Jul 30 2005, 05:54:29 PM
"I thought you wanted us to do a good show. I mean if you wanted us to do a bad show, we could've done Rent." ~Family Guy
taken from:

re: Mary Poppins
 Jul 30 2005, 03:57:47 PM
I heard at one point, they were trying to get Julie Andrews to play the mom part. I wonder what happened with that...
re: 'F*ck RENT'? Are they kidding?
 Jul 30 2005, 03:55:20 PM
APATHY was great fun. So was Feasting on Cardigans. You really find more creativity in these Guerilla style theatre festivals. These people really work hard. Next up: SILENCE! The Musical. This FRINGE show looks to be hysterical.

re: FRINGE picks?
 Jul 28 2005, 02:49:48 PM
sounds like a blast.

re: FRINGE picks?
 Jul 28 2005, 02:36:52 PM
Agreed. I enjoy the off off very much.
re: APATHY-The Gen X Musical and other MITF shows!
 Jul 28 2005, 02:34:49 PM
A friend of mine mentioned this. He said the production was ok, but the music was awesome.
FRINGE picks?
 Jul 28 2005, 02:11:56 PM
Is anyone here interested in this year's FRINGE Festival? Does anyone know any buzz on anything good? Does anyone care?
re: Bryant Park Show Great !
 Jul 28 2005, 02:08:17 PM
DANG! DANG! DANG! Curse the dayjob!!!! AHHHHH!!!!
re: The Wall??
 Jul 28 2005, 02:05:59 PM
someone said: Haim and Feldman should do the first community theatre production of "The Producers"...

Maybe not, that would require those two talentless hacks to sing and dance...but that dinner theatre production of "Odd Couple" must only be a few years away...

re: Who would you consider a triple threat?
 Jul 28 2005, 02:02:39 PM
You really know Norbert Leo Butz or are you putting us on? What was he doing in Alabama?

re: Bryant Park Cancelled?
 Jul 28 2005, 01:58:16 PM
DANG!!! I wish I could have made it. Sucks having a dayjob!!!! AHHHHH!!!
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