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The great irony: homophobic conservatives who love RENT

The great irony: homophobic conservatives who love RENT

jrb_actor Profile Photo
#0The great irony: homophobic conservatives who love RENT
Posted: 8/2/05 at 7:31pm

There are at least two on this board.

Why do they love this show so much when it celebrates people and ideals they stand against?

Pinguin Profile Photo
#1re: The great irony: homophobic conservatives who love RENT
Posted: 8/2/05 at 7:35pm

You can appreciate a show for its artistic merits or for its entertainment value and not like the message of it.

I mean, who really thinks that Grease has a good message?

-Anyone want to turn anarchist with me?

"Bless you and all who know you, oh wise and penguined one." ~YouWantItWhen????

Prisoner 24601 Profile Photo
Prisoner 24601
#2re: The great irony: homophobic conservatives who love RENT
Posted: 8/2/05 at 7:37pm

Some people are so ignorant that they don't even realize how hypocritey they're being. it's quite annoying. If someone were truly against homosexuality, you'd think they would dispise anything that mentions it and doesnt frown upon it.

-Was that a fart?
-My fault, I fear.
Updated On: 8/23/05 at 07:37 PM

Pinguin Profile Photo
#3re: The great irony: homophobic conservatives who love RENT
Posted: 8/2/05 at 7:41pm

I wouldn't even go so far as to call it hypocritical. Be happy that these people are expanding their horizons, and obviously aren't SO homophobic that they can't handle a show with homosexuals.

And on another note, are you sure these people are HOMOPHOBIC or are they just CONSERVATIVE, 'cause there's a difference. I mean, I doubt most Libertarians would like you to lump them together...

-Anyone want to turn anarchist with me?

"Bless you and all who know you, oh wise and penguined one." ~YouWantItWhen????

jrb_actor Profile Photo
#4re: The great irony: homophobic conservatives who love RENT
Posted: 8/2/05 at 7:43pm

Both of the people I am thinking of have made blatant anti-gay comments at one point or another on this board.

Pinguin Profile Photo
#5re: The great irony: homophobic conservatives who love RENT
Posted: 8/2/05 at 7:46pm

Oy, well, I guess we'll just have to pray for them, HA.


-Anyone want to turn anarchist with me?

"Bless you and all who know you, oh wise and penguined one." ~YouWantItWhen????

muscle23ftl Profile Photo
#6re: The great irony: homophobic conservatives who love RENT
Posted: 8/2/05 at 7:51pm

grease! has a good message....we all learn that rizzo is actually a good girl who is mean just because she suffers.

"People have their opinions and that doesn't mean that their opinions are wrong or right. I just take it with a grain of salt because opinions are like as*holes, everyone has one". -Felicia Finley-

Calvin Profile Photo
#7re: The great irony: homophobic conservatives who love RENT
Posted: 8/2/05 at 8:10pm

Hardly surprising. I remember reading Q&A with a prominent person in my hometown paper a few years ago (if you think about it, you'll guess the paper, JRB re: The great irony: homophobic conservatives who love RENT ). She was listing her favorite books, speakers, etc. Typical right-wing stuff. Rick Warren. James Dobson. Stuff like that. Her favorite TV show? "Queer Eye for the Straight Guy."

I think we're to the point where many of these people think it's OK for the gays to be the singing minstrels, make-up applying and hairdressing clowns and entertainers. It's when they actually have to interact with us and think of us as human beings that they have a problem.

jrb_actor Profile Photo
#8re: The great irony: homophobic conservatives who love RENT
Posted: 8/2/05 at 8:14pm

So, IS this progress?

Does it start with safe, distant stereotypes and then segues into further and further education until they are no longer bigoted?

Calvin Profile Photo
#9re: The great irony: homophobic conservatives who love RENT
Posted: 8/2/05 at 8:19pm

It's a step. The theory goes, the more of us people know personally, the less of a reason they'll have to hate. And children will almost always be more accepting than their parents (or, at least, they won't be less accepting).

This is also why I like the "out actor" thread, even though some others find it invasive or pointless. Those who feel secure enough in their careers to come out are worthy of praise.

#10re: The great irony: homophobic conservatives who love RENT
Posted: 8/2/05 at 8:20pm are so right, I have some distant relatives in Floria who are about as redneck as you can get and they won't miss QUEER EYE!!!

Calvin Profile Photo
#11re: The great irony: homophobic conservatives who love RENT
Posted: 8/2/05 at 8:21pm

My sister's as redneck as you can get, and she loves me. re: The great irony: homophobic conservatives who love RENT

Calvin Profile Photo
#12re: The great irony: homophobic conservatives who love RENT
Posted: 8/2/05 at 8:21pm

Damn double post. Updated On: 8/2/05 at 08:21 PM

sanda Profile Photo
#13re: The great irony: homophobic conservatives who love RENT
Posted: 8/2/05 at 8:22pm

How about the other side? Do all librals love rent?
I don't think so.

jrb_actor Profile Photo
#14re: The great irony: homophobic conservatives who love RENT
Posted: 8/2/05 at 8:24pm

Oh that's pushing a bit. I know what you are getting at, but it's not quantifiable.

EverythingIsRENT Profile Photo
#15re: The great irony: homophobic conservatives who love RENT
Posted: 8/2/05 at 10:05pm

Can I ask who the original message is aimed at? I've mentioned that I have conservative views, but i'm certainly not homophobic so I really hope I wasn't one of the people this thread was for!

Sunchips: Best Kept Secret in the chip aisle!!

Wanna Be A Foster Profile Photo
Wanna Be A Foster
#16re: The great irony: homophobic conservatives who love RENT
Posted: 8/2/05 at 10:14pm

Calvin, it's not a step forward. A television show like "Queer Eye for the Straight Guy" is a step backward. All it does is reinforce stereotypes of gay men. It doesn't make us more human. It doesn't give us equal rights. It makes us a big joke that bigots can feel comfortable laughing at.

"Winning a Tony this year is like winning Best Attendance in third grade: no one will care but the winner and their mom."

"I have also met him in person, and I find him to be quite funny actually. Arrogant and often misinformed, but still funny."
-bjh2114 (on Michael Riedel)
Updated On: 8/2/05 at 10:14 PM

Calvin Profile Photo
#17re: The great irony: homophobic conservatives who love RENT
Posted: 8/2/05 at 11:31pm

Hmm. I think you misunderstand me. I'm not talking about "Queer Eye" specifically being a step forward; I was just using it as an example of a small-town woman who probably would vote for Pat Robertson for president but has no problem watching a show starring five gay men who make constant sexual innuendo throughout the show -- and announcing that proudly in a small-town local newspaper.

It's parallel to the seeming disconnect from people (and EIR, I am not referring to anyone specifically -- I know it's possible to be conservative and gay-friendly) who have espoused homophobic views yet seem to love the gay-friendly Rent. Angel, to them, is probably just as much of a stereotype as Carson or Jai (who now says he's bisexual, BTW). They don't mind seeing the character in a show, even though they'd probably rather not live next door to someone like her. But someday they'll meet an Angel, a Collins or a Carson. That's when they'll really grow.

Remember how skittish advertisers were when Ellen came out? That wasn't that long ago. Now the people who want to boycott gay-themed shows are looked at more as fringe nuts and Ellen has a hit talk-show. Granted, it's one in which you'd never know she was a lesbian. But the fundies have good memories.

I know it feels like we're going in the wrong direction every time the Santorums and the Bushes open their mouths. But I'm optimistic that on a whole, things will get better.

jrb_actor Profile Photo
#18re: The great irony: homophobic conservatives who love RENT
Posted: 8/2/05 at 11:35pm

I agree with Calvin.

Progress is progress--even if it seems like a backhanded compliment. Even if we don't agree with the particular gay message.

And, apparently GLAAD is rather happy with the image that QEFTSG puts out--they just gave it an (another?) award.

YouWantitWhen???? Profile Photo
#19re: The great irony: homophobic conservatives who love RENT
Posted: 8/3/05 at 12:22am

Grease - message - Sandy can become a slut and win Danny, and Danny works hard to better himself, and Sandy still wants a hoodlum . . . Great message. Love the musical, but don't think it leaves the best message in the world out there for young girls.

jrb_actor Profile Photo
#20re: The great irony: homophobic conservatives who love RENT
Posted: 8/3/05 at 12:34am

aw c'mon! GREASE is a modern day GIFT OF THE MAGI!! re: The great irony: homophobic conservatives who love RENT

CurtainUp Profile Photo
#21re: The great irony: homophobic conservatives who love RENT
Posted: 8/3/05 at 12:49am

I know you were kidding, jrb, but as a fan of Grease when I was a young girl I always saw the two changing for EACH OTHER, not just her beoming skanky.

Rosencrantz: "Be happy - if you're not even HAPPY what's so good about surviving? We'll be all right. I suppose we just go on." - from Tom Stoppard's Rosencrantz and Guildenstern are Dead

#22re: The great irony: homophobic conservatives who love RENT
Posted: 8/3/05 at 1:01am

Actually you people seem to be missing what Grease is. It's not meant to be taken seriously. It's basically done with tongue in cheek. Grease is poking fun at the conformism in the 50's. Remember this is the 70's.

YouWantitWhen???? Profile Photo
#23re: The great irony: homophobic conservatives who love RENT
Posted: 8/3/05 at 1:11am

Grease . . . . It is meant to be fun. And if you look, the message is also that there is more to the person than meets the eye. And, that it is possible for someone as incredibly hot as Lorenzo Lamas to look like a geek (at least in the movie) . . . But, since someone said the message was that Rizzo was a good girl afer all, I could not resist. She is the sterotyptical tough girl who has been hurt one too many times. Doesnot mean she is a good girl . . . Goodbye to Sandra Dee . . . goodbye yellow cotten dress and Keds, hello leather and spiked heels.
Updated On: 8/3/05 at 01:11 AM

#24re: The great irony: homophobic conservatives who love RENT
Posted: 8/3/05 at 1:35am

I must say...I'm impressed with your knowledge of politics Calvin. Santorum...ah yes...not the worst one in the senate but definetly in the top 15...

The thing is, with the Queer Eye thing...alot of politicians will say stuff like that to pick up votes...

And yes, Queer Eye, and even Will and Grace...have moved gay people back in a time when they've been striving forward. As African-Americans have been (and are to this day) portrayed in media as mere caricatures of themselves, the same has happened to homosexuals.

The important factor in all of this is what someone mentioned before, the familiarization and humanization of gay people. This means, respected celebrities, politicians, whoever...bringing to the forefront the kind of issues we're talking about on here.

I am a conservative democrat...but I do believe there is a difference between discriminating and just having a different viewpoint.

Grease...I love what this thread has turned in to, haha.
