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Member Name: lalalovely
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re: Least Faorite song
 May 30 2006, 01:39:16 AM
Just curious why Agony is a least favorite?
re: Best Broadway Hotel
 May 10 2006, 11:09:06 PM
What about The W?
re: Top Ten Musicals
 Apr 21 2006, 12:51:45 AM
Yeah.. or at least be very well aquainted with..
Top Ten Musicals
 Apr 21 2006, 12:48:41 AM
I just had a question for everybody.. what would you say are the top ten musicals that every thespian should know?
re: Spelling Bee - Cut Song?
 Dec 30 2005, 01:19:48 PM
Whew.. I was listening to the cast album and was so confused about that song.. I thought maybe I just missed it. Nice to know I'm not crazy or unattentive!
re: show to see on Saturday, 12/31
 Dec 28 2005, 02:04:03 PM
I'd go see Spelling Bee as one of your shows.. it's a fun and great that I think you'll love. I'd try to fit that one in for sure.
re: Spelling Bee love!
 Dec 20 2005, 06:47:07 PM
I just have to give my love to this fabulous musical as well! I saw it this past weekend and I was there on the night when the guy got past the xero word. It was amazing! All of his buddies stood up and were bowing down to him.. he was great! I tried to be a speller.. didn't get it.. but I was Marigold that night. Chip was adorable and I laughed so hard the whole time. What a great show! I'm in love.. I bought two t-shirts, the cd, the poster, the magnet, and the hat.. I wish I could go see it a
re: Nightmare cast of Rent
 Sep 25 2005, 01:23:27 AM
Does nobody else think that Mel B. (aka Scary Spice) was not also a nightmare? I saw it and it was TERRIBLE!
 Sep 21 2005, 01:31:29 AM
"It's like God planned this in advance. Now that's good book keeping!"

So true!! He has blessed me with so many exciting things this year that I just can't contain my praise. :o)

This trailer looks fabulous. I love the look of it.. very old movie musical feel. It's all very sarcastic, silly, and just appropriate. I love it!

While I'm excited about the two movies.. it's sad that they're semi-competing with each other. They're completely different movies, but a movie mus

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