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Member Name: NYLG
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Hilarious Comments...
 Jan 27 2008, 10:28:11 PM
"Speaking of dumbasses..... Why do so many people say "on line" when they mean "in line". I defy anyone to "stand on line"."

postergirl - I am a native New are/were many generations of my ancestors...some of them immigrants who came to this country through Ellis Island. I was told by relatives that New Yorkers stand "on line" because the immigrants who passed through Ellis Island literally had to stand "on line" during various stages of their processing...actual lines painte

re: Proper Stage Door Etiquette
 Aug 1 2007, 06:08:04 PM
I would steer clear of any stage door that is being used by Michael Ball...both before AND after the performance. Actually, I would avoid being IN the same theatre with some of those gushers as well. MB's fans win the gold medal when it comes to loudness, pushing, shoving and overall rudeness. I heard several years ago that one fan compared rushing the stage at a MB concert to an Olympic event. Sheesh!

The worst part is, they all think MB loves each and every fan encounter...the hugs,

re: Ann Crumb in Aspects of Love
 Apr 7 2007, 11:47:11 PM
"Wasn't she eventually replaced by Sarah Brightman before the show closed? "

She was... I ALMOST saw the show a second time because John Cullum was brought in as a replacement. It must have been the same time as Sarah Brightman...because I distinctly remember seeing ads with both of their names.

 Apr 7 2007, 10:49:36 PM
They should sing THE PIRATE QUEEN anthem...RAH-RAH, BIG-FLOP
re: Everyone's name?
 Mar 19 2007, 09:48:42 PM
Mine is an acronym for New York Latte Girl...a twist on TAYLOR, THE LATTE BOY. I know...OY!!! I came up with the name 5+ years ago...after an unfortunate latte accident, at the Union Square Starbucks, with another poster on this board. "I'm an accident waiting to happen, I'm a mishap about to ensue..." Unfortunately for him...HE was the accidentee!

re: Stephanie J. Block IS The Pirate Queen!
 Mar 13 2007, 12:11:47 AM
"She's supposed to sound that way."'s one thing to sound forced, but quite another to sound like you have a mouthful of marbles. I agree that QEI's voice should probably sound constrained, and the stiffness wouldn't have bothered me so much if the lyrics weren't so damn unintelligible. I don't mind having to use my brain at the theatre...I actually prefer having to think about what I am seeing; however, NOBODY should have to work THAT hard to understand what a character is

re: Stephanie J. Block IS The Pirate Queen!
 Mar 12 2007, 09:09:20 PM
AC126748...did you see PQ in NY?
re: Stephanie J. Block IS The Pirate Queen!
 Mar 12 2007, 07:25:25 PM
"Didn't care for Balgord, though; she was singing so high that you could barely understand a word she uttered, and her tone was extremely forced. Every time she opened her mouth, it was like a knife in my ear."

AC126748, I agree. I actually cringed every time Balgord opened her mouth...OUCH!!! I was hoping that was one of the things that would be fixed by the time PQ hit NY...but I am guessing not?

My Irish views on Pirate Queen.
 Mar 7 2007, 09:41:56 PM
"Is it my imagination or are the people who saw this in Chicago saying it is vastly improved and a rather enjoyable show compared to the previous incarnation, and the people who are seeing it for the first time in NY are saying it pretty much sucks?"

Sueleen: It's all relative...I saw it in Chicago, and it REALLY sucked! I am curious about the changes...but if this negative buzz continues, I'll save my money.

re: 'Fame Becomes Me' DVD?
 Mar 2 2007, 06:58:34 PM
The show sucked...who would want it on DVD???
Words that go clunk in the night...
 Feb 16 2007, 01:48:26 AM
"And I don't even have to fit a certain length phrase or aim for a rhyme or anything when I'm talking so I deserve even less leniency than someone singing a song that has a two-line clunker."

I disagree Weez. Unless you rehearse everything that you say, I believe you deserve MORE leniency than a performer who has sung a line god-knows-how-many-times...even if the clunker isn't their fault. Rehearsals and Previews are designed to provide an opportunity to work out the kinks. There is a

re: Is the Pirate Queen going to bomb?
 Feb 16 2007, 12:50:18 AM
"But if a performer is giving their all and drawing you into their world, the exact wording of a few phrases isn't going to be what stays with you."

Weez: I saw the show in Chicago, and there were quite a few clunky lyrics...which, unfortunately, *I* found difficult to shake. One number, BOYS'LL BE BOYS, not only had cheesy lyrics, but it also smacked of several other B&S songs rolled into one extremely annoying package.

Let's assume, for the moment, what you say is

re: Pirate Queen - who has tickets?
 Jan 12 2007, 12:26:21 PM
I saw the show in the middle of the run. There was a rare nice moment or two, but aside from that...very few redeeming qualities. Unless THE PIRATE QUEEN is reincarnated as a radically different show than the one that played ain't gonna be pretty in NY. My biggest problem was that the characters lacked any connection, either with the audience or each other. How can you enjoy a theatrical experience when you just don't give a damn about what's happening on the stage? Bleh!
re: What's Adam Guettel Been Up To?
 Jan 10 2007, 07:08:51 PM
"If I recall, there was supposed to be a suite of the "Princess Bride" score performed a few months ago. I only heard about it once, though. Can anyone confirm/deny?"

B3TA07...THE PRINCESS BRIDE SUITE had its World Premiere at The Hollywood Bowl in September. It was performed as part of John Mauceri's farewell concerts. THE PRINCESS BRIDE SUITE, written by Adam Guettel, was orchestrated by Larry Blank...orchestrator of THE DROWSY CHAPERONE, FAME BECOMES ME and WHITE CHRISTMAS.

re: What if Sondheim wrote greeting cards?
 Nov 15 2006, 01:10:21 PM
It's a hit!
It's a hit! It's a hit! It's a hit! It's a hit!
It's a hit! It's a hit! It's a hit! It's a hit!

Congratulations on winning the World Series!

Juliet, I tire of thy sh*t
 Nov 10 2006, 03:29:05 PM
"...Les Mis works because it is so well written that the viewer doesn't have to pay attention to the storyline. I don't think The Pirate Queen has much of a story to pay attention to at the moment."

Tech...I agree with you completely. I saw PQ last week. Les Mis, one of my all-time faves, btw, is VERY well written. It works, not only because the story is strong, but also because you care about the characters and their relationships. Not so with PIRATE QUEEN. The book is weak, and the ch

re: You know you're a B'way geek when...
 Nov 9 2006, 10:17:41 AM
You believe your two-year-old daughter is calling for help from the stairs...because her head is caught between the balusters. When you rush to her rescue, she proceeds to tell you that she is merely "stuck on the steps of the palace"...OY!!!
Just back from today's PIRATE QUEEN matinee...
 Nov 2 2006, 12:40:53 AM
I know you were joking brdlwyr...I saw the smiley face. Just covering any good lawyer should.
Just back from today's PIRATE QUEEN matinee...
 Nov 2 2006, 12:29:38 AM
brdlwyr: I wasn't trying to be racist...just an observation about the composition of the audience.

About those negative reviews...I think some of them were spot-on. The show was replete with special effects, lavish (although often garish) costumes, and big dance numbers. Unfortunately, underneath it all, there was very little substance.

Another problem for me is that I didn't feel like the characters had any connection...either with the audience or each other.

Just back from today's PIRATE QUEEN matinee...
 Nov 1 2006, 07:41:40 PM
First...remind me never to go to a Wednesday matinee again. I was younger than almost everyone (except the four-year-old girl a few seats away...what were those parents thinking?) by at least 30 years...if not more. Reminded me of the time I went to see BEA ARTHUR ON BROADWAY...more of the same. It took a half-hour just to exit the theatre. Sheesh!

That being said...I am exhausted, so this is the abbreviated version. I will cogitate more about PQ, and hopefully post something intellig

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