Hedwig Previews Apr 1
2014, 12:19:46 PM
The show was amazing!! Went last night (3/31/14) Sat in row AA. Got spit AND squashed tomato on me - LOVED IT!!!! NPH was phenomenal, as was Lena Hall! I look forward to seeing it again!!
HEDWIG tickets Mar 31
2014, 10:44:12 AM
I currently have seats in center orchestra row AA for tonight. Is the stage really high? Will I regret this purchase?
Hedwig preview seats just released... Mar 18
2014, 06:14:30 PM
Thank You!! Just snagged front-row center orchestra for 3/31!! xoxox
re: How the heck did Xanadu get nominated? Jun 8
2008, 04:25:19 AM
After seeing C. Jackson on his knees in those shorts, Xanadu IMMEIDATELY had my vote for the Tony!! LoL!
re: wicked tour in philly Mar 27
2006, 01:19:09 PM
Saw the OBC in NYC several years ago. Caught the 2pm show in Philly on Saturday - LOVED Julia Murney. Though i enjoyed seeing/hearing Idina in the role, i think Julia did a much better job vocally. Her singing appeared effortless, whereas i often felt i was watching (and hearing) Idina struggle - almost to the point of just screaming. Julia's bio states that she will be releasing a cd - i can hardly wait. I enjoyed Kendra as well, however not like i did Chenow. Just my two cents.
re: *BLANK* please come back to Broadway! Jan 19
2006, 02:27:11 PM
Heather Headley Deborah Cox
re: Heather Headley 'Your Song' Jan 11
2006, 01:39:37 PM
Silient- The PM function wasn't working, but here's a link to a link to the old Heather Headley website. I believe you'll find what you're looking for in the Audio/Video section. Hope this helps! xoxoxo http://wwwebstage.com/heatherheadley/
New Years Eve & Color Purple Rush Dec 30
2005, 11:29:57 PM
Is 8am a reasonable or ridiculous time to arrive for rush tickets?? Also, are all of the tickets sold at 12pm or are some also sold at 5pm? Any info provided (or link referrals made) would be GREATLY appreciated. Thanks in advance!!
Tues & Wed Wicked Lottery Dec 5
2005, 10:44:03 AM
Are my chances on Tues or Wed better than they would be on a Fri, Sat, or Sun? I'm assuming 'yes', but welcome any other feedback. Thanks!!
re: Lillias White: From Brooklyn to Broadway Dec 4
2005, 12:42:16 AM
Great CD!! I purchased it through her official website.
PLEASE HELP!!! Student Rush Tickets!! Nov 14
2005, 04:11:50 PM
Can any of you please advise as to which shows have student rush/rush tickets available. Any ACCURATE information you can provide would be GREATLY appreciated. Thanks in advance!!
re: Dance of the Robe Aug 16
2005, 03:39:52 PM
Deborah Cox was the only AIDA replacement able to hit that note EFFORTLESSLY!
re: Favorite Aida Trio ? Jul 18
2005, 12:12:26 PM
Toni & Michelle were amazing in their own right, but compare in no way to anyone else.
re: Favorite Aida Trio ? Jul 18
2005, 12:11:16 PM
loved the OBC, but never cared much for Adam's voice....still don't care much for Adam's voice, prefer Will. love me some Heather, but Deborah definitely gave her a run for her money vocally. also enjoyed seeing/hearing Schelle, Simone, & Paulette.
2005, 03:49:36 PM
AIDA: Deborah 'SUPERSTAR' Cox!! B&B: haven't seen it
re: Saycon in Wicked Jun 29
2005, 04:08:56 PM
bella cantato - Thank You! Thank You! Thank You! the ignorance on this site is quite sad (and comical) at times.
re: Janet Jackson not in the mood for Alan Cumming jokes Jun 22
2005, 04:55:02 PM
"So she gives money, but really... What has she DONE for us lately?" **If the above comment was a joke, it was kinda cute. However, if you truly aren't clear on what her giving money has "done" for the LGBTQ community, i feel kinda sorry for you....
re: Janet Jackson not in the mood for Alan Cumming jokes Jun 20
2005, 12:11:51 PM
FYI: Janet received the award because of the MILLIONS she donates to LGBTQ causes and ASO's (AIDS Service Organizations).
re: Janet Jackson not in the mood for Alan Cumming jokes Jun 20
2005, 12:07:29 PM
BlueWizard - had Janet known in advance that her collaborators (Beenie & Elephant Man - both reggae/dancehall artists) were homophobes, surely the collabs wouldn't have taken place. She has since apologized for the miss. ***!!JANET JACKSON IS A SUPERSTAR!!***
re: Mariah Carey?? Jun 2
2005, 10:02:03 AM
Aside from the fact that her current cd has sold 2+ million copies within two months, let's not forget that Mariah's debut X-Mas cd was also a best seller!! **GREAT POINT, Al!**