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re: Bare: A Pop Opera
 Jul 20 2008, 12:44:33 PM
hey everyone! I'm glad everyone shares such a love for this great show. I'm from the baltimore cast! We are opening pretty soon (August 8!) and it will be the Baltimore Premiere! The cast is truly amazing, and I really look forward to seeing what this group of people do every night in rehearsals! If any of you all are close enough, we'd love to see you there!
I miss Sara!
 Apr 28 2008, 10:19:32 AM
Ok, so I was watching Grey's Anatomy the other night, and it hit me how much I miss Sara Ramirez on Broadway! I saw her twice in Spamalot, and she had me in tears I was laughing so hard! I think she needs to come back to Broadway soon!
re: Rush Drama
 Mar 11 2008, 06:08:58 PM
ya'lls....all this D R A M A its totes like an episode of tHe HilLz.... OMIGOD SO MUCH DRAMA

seriously guys? its just show tickets....chill

Little Mermaid Question
 Mar 5 2008, 02:03:23 PM
hey all

I know that I'm going to get some super snide comments from the bitter theater queens who THINK they know everything, but whatever

I'm going to NY in 2 weeks to see some shows. We bought tickets for Grease for my younger brother because he essentially idolizes Max Crumm (I know that will piss off the theater queens too, get over it). Well, when we got tickets last year, the wonderfully timed strike prevented us from seeing it, so we bought tickets again so he could see

re: 'The Battery's Down' Episode 2!
 Mar 5 2008, 01:59:43 PM
i loved this, so clever.
I think I just loved "You could be in that" so much because I think we ALL know how that is. The stereotypical NYC tourist-type who hears that you're an actor and then starts telling you how "you should be in that show" without realizing how much work goes into getting a role in a bway show....SO TRUE

and Natalie Weiss is like a musical theater angel sent from heaven and I love her a lot hahaha she's fantastic!

re: This Spring Awakening Review Is so harsh!!
 Feb 8 2008, 11:58:17 AM
I'll give him this much, at least he backs up his reasons for not enjoying the show. As opposed to people on these boards who choose the
method of review. He also seemed to enjoy Michele and Groff, so at least he didn't TOTALLY hate it. But, The Guilty Ones are probably FLIPPING OUT about it, and are planning to kidnap him and force him to watch the show until he wants to stalk all of the cast.

Oh broadway...

re: This Spring Awakening Review Is so harsh!!
 Feb 7 2008, 07:21:31 PM
I don't understand why people who can't find anything they like about Theater become Theater Critics. He onbiouvsly has is own stance on the show, but I don't think it is going to stop the throngs of teenagers that think they're going to marry Groff from going.

I also like how he talks about the characters singing songs that are commentary on their lives or something like that....isn't that the point? The songs are a modern expression of what the characters are

re: Laura Bell Bundy and the Note
 Dec 5 2007, 03:13:51 PM
Well...I forgot about how Laura was actually a robot who is programmed to hit every note as perfectly as she does on the recording....

oh wait...

she's HUMAN?

damn those humans for not being perfect...maybe someone on the message boards who OBVIOUSLY KNOWS EVERYTHING ABOUT THEATER should do the role instead...

........seriously people?

re: Phantom of the Opera at Baldwin-Wallace College
 Nov 13 2007, 11:46:05 PM
oh yeah...

re: Phantom of the Opera at Baldwin-Wallace College
 Nov 13 2007, 11:42:34 PM
well...think what you want, but when the Princeton Review ranks the music theatre program as one of the top in the country I'd certainly like to think they know what they're talking about.

To be a "phan" for a moment lets quote the show

"Those who speak of what they know find too late that prudent silence is wise."

See you on Broadway!

re: Phantom of the Opera at Baldwin-Wallace College
 Nov 13 2007, 05:22:39 PM
Actually BW's music theatre program is one of the best in the nation...
re: Phantom of the Opera at Baldwin-Wallace College
 Nov 11 2007, 02:26:12 AM
As am I! There is one board on another site where people are being pretty rude about our production. Honestly, how can you judge a show without seeing it? There has been a TON of talk about our press photo! Emily Leonard (who is WONDERFUL) is one of our two Christines and is wearing an AWESOME original costume and wig, Raoul is fully costumed. The Phantom has come under completely insane scrutiny. No, that isn't the "real" mask. No, that's not the "final" costume. At the same time, the Phantom i
re: Phantom of the Opera at Baldwin-Wallace College
 Nov 9 2007, 11:01:34 PM
Hey all...just wanted to clear some things up. Yes, of course we have understudies! The show is really demanding, so theres tons of understudies, and Swings, like me. I wish I could say that I could give an unbiased review...but I'm in the cast so I don't think I can! I've been watching the show every night, and I think it looks great, and I think our cast is incredibly talented, and I'm pretty sure that anyone who actually gets the chance to see the show will think so too!

And for all

re: RENT Tour question
 Aug 15 2007, 12:21:31 AM
A guy named Corey Mach is Gordan and the u/s for Mark and Roger
re: Spring Awakening Tour Cast?
 Aug 3 2007, 09:45:21 AM
Ok so...I missed the open calls a few months back...and I think I'm going to try for the ECC on the 13th, is that a good idea?

And you all are going to laugh, but I'm racking my brain for an audition song...I just can't think of a song that seems good for a show like this. Any suggestions would be awesome. I'm a baritenor, so i can handle a pretty big range of stuff. Thanks guys, and best of luck to thoseof you who are going to wait it out at auditions to (hopefully) be seen!!!!

Jonathan Groff's Blog
 Jul 18 2007, 11:05:11 AM
I hears J Groff has a this true?
re: Broadway Blogging!
 Jul 18 2007, 11:04:38 AM
yeah does anyone have the link?
re: Broadway Blogging!
 Jul 17 2007, 04:14:31 AM
doesn't Jonathan Groff have a blog as well?
Broadway Blogs?
 Jul 16 2007, 11:04:12 AM
Hey everyone! Reading through these boards I see a lot of comments like "oh yeah i saw it on so and so's blog." I heard JGroff and Matt Doyle both have blogs, and was wondering how exactly I find said blogs, and what other Broadway stars have them?

Thanks everyone!

Spring Awakening Fan Mail
 May 29 2007, 03:25:33 PM
I just saw the show which is absolutely incredible. What is the address to send fan mail to?
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