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re: Kristin Chenoweth is a nut! 'SEND'
 May 22 2007, 08:22:42 AM
Oh, lighten up people. I think the interviewees' "deer in the headlights" reactions are more to blame for the awkwardness than Chenoweth's jokes. And yes, that includes T.R.

For goodness' sake she was not drunk, and the "conceited" one-liners were clearly only said so that she could follow up with the "" jokes.

As Lisa Lampanelli once said, "If you can't take a joke--LEAVE."

re: What is your favorite funny line from a musical?
 May 15 2007, 04:06:34 PM
My Fair Lady.

Higgins: You impudent hussy!

re: Your Favorite SONG on Broadway?
 Jan 29 2007, 10:53:04 PM
Strange, "Left Behind" wasn't really one of my favorites from SA (it's great, just not my fave).

The B*tch of Living - SA
All That's Known - SA
Touch Me - SA
Pretty much the entire cast recording - SA
Supercalifragilisticexpialidocious - Mary Poppins
Popular - (disgustingly overdone, but it is a clever song)
Welcome to the 60's - Hairspray
Schadenfreude - Avenue Q

re: The Apple Tree 1/21
 Jan 28 2007, 05:55:14 PM
The show wasn't amazing, but it was fun and entertaining and had a very intimate feel. As for the sets, they were obviously never meant to be "dazzling", so there's really no point insulting that aspect of the show.

I agree Kristin did a better job in the Encores production, but Marc and Brian were great. No complaints here.

The overall production isn't "Broadway", but taken without context it's a good piece of theatre.

re: Difficult Things You Have Had To Do While Acting?
 Jan 28 2007, 02:19:46 PM
In a one-act comedy version of Persephone, there was a sudden serious moment when I had to whirl around the stage chanting:

"Blooms of apples, seeds of corn,
break your sleep and be reborn!
Life is stirring, branch and root,
life is calling forth your fruit!" etc, etc...

It was one of those moments so full of melodrama that it makes your stomach turn, and my director wouldn't let me play it down or make it funny at all. It felt like such a character break.
re: Barbara RetractED; SidED With Rosie Over Trump
 Jan 3 2007, 07:43:05 PM
"Which Drama? On the board or with trump?"

Trump? Oh, is that what this board's about? I thought we were watching the newest High School Musical spin-off: High School Quills Society.

re: Is 'Mandatory' Audience Applause Out of Control?
 Dec 14 2006, 07:13:09 AM
It's because most people have such a herd mentality. One person starts clapping because he thinks it's appropriate or polite or whatever and the rest of the people join in because they assume that they'll look rude if they don't.

It's sad, because it's become some sort of faux paus not to cheer fervently even after a mediocre show. Clapping/cheering has become a social responsibility, not a gift to the performers/writers/etc.

re: 30 Days of iPod! Your Favorites Tell Us What's on Their iPods!! What's
 Aug 14 2006, 07:34:46 PM
Fiction Writer, I was about to tell you how much I love you for having Cyndi Lauper and the 13 Going on 30 soundtrack...

Then I saw that you had Lindsay Lohan, so I toned it down to "how much I like..."

Then you said you hate U2 can I ask why?

re: Sorry, a Wicked question
 Aug 12 2006, 08:38:15 PM
I honestly think this was a mistake, overlooked by the creators. But, it's not too hard to imagine her busting through the skylight or something. I don't think it really harmed the show or broke the moment in any way. But it definitely doesn't seem like something they would do incidentally...
re: Three Little Words...
 Aug 11 2006, 10:29:02 PM
Hahaha. Oh wow. High School Musical definitely takes the cake, SarahBeth.

Honestly, I would totally watch a Lloyd-Webber Striptease. I'd even try to catch the panties.

re: Three Little Words...
 Aug 11 2006, 08:13:04 PM
Candide. Rewritten. Again.
re: Three Little Words...
 Aug 11 2006, 07:43:35 PM
A shiver went down my spine when I read Cats: The Sequel. No, seriously.

Disney Sweeps Tonys
Rihanna. Just Rihanna.
Cerveris Grows Hair

re: Three Little Words...
 Aug 11 2006, 10:35:10 AM
"Sponsored by FOX," yikes! Are people still talking about putting "live" commercials at intermissions? God I hope not.

Oh, and:

Harry Potter Musical

*runs for cover*

Worst. Lyrics. EVER.
 Aug 11 2006, 10:30:10 AM
Call me nuts, but the only lyrics in Wicked that really made me cringe were

One day he'll say to me, Elphaba,
A girl who is so superior,
"Shouldn't a girl who's so good inside
Have a matching exterior?"

Also, "My Favorite Things". And it's sung so seriously.

Cream colored ponies
And crisp apple streudels!
Doorbells and sleighbells
And schnitzel with noodles!

I'm all for ponies and noodles, but are these honestly the greate

Three Little Words...
 Aug 11 2006, 09:32:12 AM
No, not those three. What are the three little words no broadway lover ever wants to hear? I was thinking maybe...

Theme Park Musical

Starring Paris Hilton

Reality Musical Theatre

I guess Lyrics by Eminem would be pretty terrifying too.

re: 30 Days of iPod! Your Favorites Tell Us What's on Their iPods!! What's
 Aug 11 2006, 03:46:59 AM
"it seems that everyone who is *on* the Hair recording, has it on their iPOD too. It's really that good."

Lol I noticed that. It is an awesome CD though!

EDIT: Oh yeah... my iPod... cause I like making lists:

Idina Menzel - Wild Party and most of the songs from her solo albums. I'm not ashamed to admit I think she's a brilliant lyricist. Eclectic, folksy, and fun.

Motown, Soul, R&B - LOTS of Aretha (It's Raining Men!), Stevie Wonder (Isn't She

re: Worst broadway or off-broadway musical/play you've ever seen?
 Aug 11 2006, 01:29:22 AM
Well, that's what I'm saying. It just wasn't interesting enough to make up for the fact that it had no storyline. That's just my opinon of course.

I could see CATS being great as something other than a musical. Like CATS the calendar, or CATS doormats, or CATS ornamental wall hangings. But just because a concept works well in one medium doesn't mean it should be transferred to another. And I think that's what happened to T.S. Eliot's book.

re: Worst broadway or off-broadway musical/play you've ever seen?
 Aug 11 2006, 01:15:47 AM
It has no plot. It struck me as self-indulgent, unfulfilling and above all, LONG. The only show I ever found more boring was Our Town, but since I never saw it on/off broadway, I didn't list it.

The costumes were interesting, and the dance numbers sometimes made me smile. Memory is a beautiful ballad. But, considering the budget of this show, I would think it could be made into more of a visual spectacle, like, say Lion King. I mean, if you're just gonna create little musical dossiers o

re: Worst broadway or off-broadway musical/play you've ever seen?
 Aug 11 2006, 12:21:38 AM
On that note, Lestat :)

But (am I gonna get beaten with clubs for this?) Cats is a close second.

re: Who's Your Favorite Elphaba?
 Aug 11 2006, 12:18:28 AM
For the most part I agree with snl89. Idina has this special quality in her acting... you don't know where Idina ends and Elphaba begins, because she just embodies the role so fully. For that, I can easily overlook her (plentiful) technical faults.

But, why isn't Kristy Cates getting any love here? I think she's got an astounding voice and she puts passion behind every word she sings. Also, she and Ana make the strongest acting choices. She's my fave.

As far as Stephanie, she r

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