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re: Susan Mosher Reunites with Diana Degarmo
 Apr 14 2009, 11:54:14 PM
Awesome! Love it - this cast. It is going to be amazing. Susan and Diana can both sing their faces off. I'll be in LA in early May and will definitely catch the show. Can't wait!
Susan Mosher Hairspray Closing Rant
 Oct 22 2008, 11:18:51 AM
OMG - I rarely start threads but this was the funniest thing I've seen in a long time. Susan Mosher (FAF) was supposed to do a song at the After Party but she made this up instead.

 Oct 16 2008, 12:50:02 AM
Your negative title was a bit much. As previously stated, the show is rumored to close in Jan. Sorry, but I've seen the show a dozen times and the current cast is extremely strong. George W. may lack the physical energy of other Ednas but he makes up for it in charm and the guy's never missed a show. Harvey F. is supposed to come back in November so maybe try it again over the holidays, you must have seen an off night.
re: George Wendt in Hairspray
 Mar 16 2008, 10:53:43 AM
His contract is up in July... not sure the exact day.
re: Gypsy- first preview- what happened in the audience?
 Mar 3 2008, 11:53:03 PM
In the first act (pre air vent disaster) there was another commotion in the first section of the mezzanine. There was a loud outburst, than several people in the row stood up... then suddenly two young women storm out. They return with security and then a man and a woman leave.

Turns out the man was choking another man in the row below and acting crazy. One of the girls who kindly got security was Katherine McPhee.

re: Show Closings
 Jan 6 2008, 02:10:23 PM
Sry Hrsprybeat, by the time I typed it you'd already posted. Anyway, I love getting in the last word!

Back to the original topic:

I think Cyrano and Les Miz will be closing soon... :)

re: Show Closings
 Jan 6 2008, 02:05:33 PM
I can't resist jumping in on one of the most bizarre discussions I've seen on these boards. First off, as it's already been said, Hairspray is a parody which means that of course it's using stereotypes to execute it's message (which is equality for all shapes and sizes - not just race). Every character in Hairspray is an exaggerated stereotype of the times (even Edna). That's what makes it FUNNY. Second off, where are you getting that Penny is Seaweed's ticket "out of the ghetto"? It seems to me he's more like Penny's ticket away from her mother. There is nothing in the script that implies Seaweed will go off to live a white suburban life with Penny. If anything will get him out of North Avenue, it will be getting his deserved opportunity to show his talents on a dance show that is "officially integrated" by the end of the script.

I just think you're not seeing the big picture

re: Is there anyone who hates local one right now and considres themselves
 Nov 13 2007, 07:10:55 PM
Tkt2Ride: Due to the fact that I'm in a union, I of course believe in workers striking for fair compensation. But I am also an individual with my own brain don't believe in blindly supporting issues without knowing the facts from both parties. I'm sure members of other unions have differing opinions the WGA strike. And I hope they question our reasoning and resolve it in their minds as I am trying to do. Does that mean I would ever cross a picket line? Of course, I wouldn't. But I still am e
re: Is there anyone who hates local one right now and considres themselves
 Nov 13 2007, 06:40:32 PM
Thanks for the clarification, JustAGuy. Like I said, I want to better understand the situation and there seems to be a blackout of information from both sides about the specific issues. As a writer, my minimums are set by the union but I negotiate my own contract with individual production companies for every job. If I accept a job, thus turning down other work, I would absolutely expect to get paid no matter what... i.e. releasing me after I am hired is not an option. I agree, that would abs
re: Is there anyone who hates local one right now and considres themselves
 Nov 13 2007, 06:03:42 PM
I too am an independent liberal and a proud member of the WGA. I am currently on strike and don't take lightly the effects my union's actions have on the general public who enjoy the entertainment we provide. It is because of this, I have questioned my initial negative gut reaction to Local One's motives.

Let me be clear, I WANT to empathize with their position and support this union as I want others to support mine. But unfortunately, as the week has progressed, my opinion has only be

re: How is Paul Vogt in Hairspray?
 Aug 25 2007, 04:27:03 PM
Paul is fabulous. And if he ever gets a Wilbur that he doesn't have to carry... he'll be even more fabulous. Fingers crossed for the fall!
re: Hairspray film -not in the least bit disappointing
 Aug 21 2007, 09:07:02 AM
We know. But thanks for posting about your hatred yet again.

re: Grease has a $30 Million Budget?
 Aug 12 2007, 04:43:16 PM
According to Variety it's budget is 9.2 million.
re: Lance Bass in Hairspray
 Aug 12 2007, 04:30:21 PM
Well, I'm seeing him on Tues... I'm still optimistic it's just nerves :)
re: Lance Bass in Hairspray
 Aug 12 2007, 03:26:25 PM
I'm not making excuses for Lance, but coming in as a replacement if you've never done B'way is really tough. He probably had roughly a weeks rehearsal with understudies and standbys. Then a "Put In" with the actual cast the day of his first show (with just a piano). Meaning he wouldn't have performed with the full orchestra and full cast until his first night in front of an audience. So in a sense, the first few performances ARE a on learning curve unless you've already done that track in ano
re: How long is Fantasia out for?
 Jul 26 2007, 01:25:14 PM
Saw the show last night for the first time and I too was disappointed when I walked up to will call and saw the handwritten "Fantasia out all week" sign. The window guy said "What do you want to do?" and my friend and I said, "Um... see the show?" Guess some people were exchanging tickets.

Saycon Sengbloh was on and she was fantastic.

re: Hairspray Box Office Tracking Thread
 Jul 22 2007, 04:40:10 PM
Some perspective via Entertainment Weekly:

"Less impressive is the fact that Chuck and Larry actually ranks among the comedian's worst extra-wide openers ever; no Sandler movie that has debuted on more than 3,000 screens has earned so little."

"In fact, as it turned out, the big gender-bending winner this weekend wasn't the movie in which straight men were pretending to be gay — it was the film in which a man was pretending to be a woman. Yep, Hairspray, featuring John Travolta

re: Rosie's Opinion of Hairspray, I Finally Disagree With Her.
 Jul 22 2007, 03:07:08 PM
Well, at least her kids liked it.

Jennifer writes:

I saw Hair Spray with my 8 son…WoW
I will see it again and again!
Did your kids like it?


they did

re: Hairspray Box Office Tracking Thread
 Jul 21 2007, 08:05:39 PM
Here are the numbers for Dreamgirls once it expanded:

Opening Weekend:
(limited, 3 theaters) $378,950
($126,316 avg)

Opening Weekend: $8,953,734
(wide, 852 theaters, $10,509 avg)

re: Hairspray Box Office Tracking Thread
 Jul 21 2007, 07:34:21 PM
Yeah, I think "Lee" is gonna lose his shirt on his own site. I don't see why it shouldn't break the record, it's already almost halfway there on the first day! (plus people had to work on Friday)
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