Hairspray film - disappointing

#1Hairspray film - disappointing
Posted: 8/20/07 at 7:59am

I finally got to see the Hairspray film last night, and I must say, I was disappointed.
I think the stage show is MUCH better.
I felt the 60s style worked extremely well during the Corny Collins show scenes. However, in other parts it just made the film look cheap.
I thought Nikki Blonskey sung the songs well, but her acting and dancing was very weak. When she states that she is going to dance Amber off the stage, I was hoping that they had been hiding her talent, so that this dance would be a revelation, but they even had to edit the camera angles to disguise the fact that she is not really that competent a dancer.
I didn't quite understand the direction of Edna in the film. The character lost the edgy appeal that Divine and Harvey brought to the role.
Amanda was miscast, she looke about as plain and dorky as Paris Hilton. She was tanned, beautiful and sexy from the beginning. Her change in character during the film's finale was wasted. She would have been better at playing Amber.
The highlights were Christopher Walkin, Michelle Pfeiffer and Queen Latifah, though I also liked the guy that played Seaweed.

ErikJ972 Profile Photo
#2re: Hairspray film - disappointing
Posted: 8/20/07 at 9:12am

Wait? They made this into a movie?

BrodyFosse123 Profile Photo
#2re: Hairspray film - disappointing
Posted: 8/20/07 at 11:57am

I heard that too. When does this come out? I can't wait to see it.

TheatreDiva90016 Profile Photo
#3re: Hairspray film - disappointing
Posted: 8/20/07 at 12:07pm


Why did you feel the need to start your own thread just to tell people you didn't like it?

Post this on one of the other Hairspray threads.

"TheatreDiva90016 - another good reason to frequent these boards less."<<>> “I hesitate to give this line of discussion the validation it so desperately craves by perpetuating it, but the light from logic is getting further and further away with your every successive post.” <<>> -whatever2

#4re: Hairspray film -not in the least bit disappointing
Posted: 8/20/07 at 4:47pm

I'll bite.

Of course you can like or dislike anything you want. I think part of the problem is you saw the stage show, loved it, and it's hard to accept another incarnation. And again, you are certainly entitled to your opinion but here's my repsonse to a couple points.

'the 60s style' I thought this was one of the most visually perfect "period" films I've ever seen. Every single scene was perfectly designed. I don't know why people sat it looks "cheap" unless it's because the homes pictured reflected what a middle class home in 1962 would look like. Edna does laundry, Wilbur has a joke shop- they ain't rich.

Nikki Blonskey- I thought she was great. i think maybe the dance in the film is on such a higher level than the stage version that she doesn't look as impressive, but i thought she was fine.

Edna- I thought Travolta was the first person to really "act" the role. Edna seemed beat down and discouraged in early scenes and when she "comes out" it really seems like a triumph. I loved Harvey's performance but it was never in doubt for a second that by the end, Edna would kick ass and take names.
Updated On: 8/20/07 at 04:47 PM

StageManager2 Profile Photo
#5re: Hairspray film -not in the least bit disappointing
Posted: 8/20/07 at 5:24pm


Salve, Regina, Mater misericordiae
Vita, dulcedo, et spes nostra
Salve, Salve Regina
Ad te clamamus exsules filii Eva
Ad te suspiramus, gementes et flentes
O clemens O pia

the_gambler3 Profile Photo
#6re: Hairspray film -not in the least bit disappointing
Posted: 8/21/07 at 9:07am

We know. But thanks for posting about your hatred yet again.
