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Member Name: thenewmoon
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Has anyone seen Gatz?
 Oct 6 2010, 04:21:42 PM
I have! TGG is my all-time favorite book too. (The movies, not so much).
I'd known about ERS's version since its first premiere, so knowing it was prohibited from ever being performed in NYC (well, until now, obviously), I promised myself whenever it was next done in the US, I'd go. And I did. In November 2008, I made my first trip to Chicago (I live in Los Angeles) just to see it, performed in the auditorium of the modern art museum. I believe the ticket was $35 and I was in the first r

Jerry Lee Lewis to Join MILLION DOLLAR QUARTET Sep. 10!
 Aug 18 2010, 12:53:56 PM
I wouldn't count on it. He was supposed to headline the Hootenanny on July 4th here on LA, and bailed at the last minute.
Signature's Angels in America Website
 Jul 29 2010, 07:36:54 PM
Officially jealous! Well, maybe I can reconfigure the travel plan... :) Or, ideally, they'll finally revive the plays here on the Left Coast!
Signature's Angels in America Website
 Jul 29 2010, 07:17:24 PM
Thank you! Drats, I already bought my ticket to NYC and now it doesn't look like I can configure "A in A"! (I was hoping for a marathon of both shows on October 16th.) Oh well, maybe it'll extend into the new year.
Your 1st Broadway show
 Jul 22 2010, 05:25:03 PM
My first Broadway show was the original Les Miz. I was probably 8 or 9 at the time, and I remember being really frustrated that I couldn't follow the plot (chain gangs? prostitutes? dying children?) It was like torture! I have no idea why my folks thought it would be appropriate. Then that same weekend, we saw "The Secret Garden," which was likewise confounding because it is completely different from the book! I was so disappointed. Shortly thereafer we saw the Toronto productions of "Phant
All female 1776
 Jul 22 2010, 05:12:34 PM
One question, but I think I already know the answer: How is the all-male "Forum" at Williamstown Theatre Fest considered a brilliant idea, and an all-female "1776" condemned as "idiotic"?

"1776" is one of my all-time favorite shows, and I think this is a great idea and I wish I could see it. I for one think it would be thrilling to hear some of those great ballads power-belted out by a great female performer! And I would bet that there is fun to be had making sly references to the w

Angels in America show schedule?
 Jul 22 2010, 05:04:00 PM
Does anyone know where I can find the show schedule for the upcoming Signature revival of "Angels in America"? I know single tickets go on sale August 3 but they don't seem to have the schedule on their website yet. Is there maybe a subscriber to Signature who has it? Thanks!
Anyone seeing Robin and the 7 Hoods?
 Jul 14 2010, 07:21:59 PM
I had the same question, since this weekend's perfs are on Goldstar. Do let us know!
Running into Broadway stars on the streets of NYC
 Jul 14 2010, 07:11:58 PM
Jerry Mitchell in Starbucks.
Jackie Mason twice, in two different restaurants having a post-show nosh.
In a star-gazing coup, both Bruce Vilanch and Jeff Goldblum in the audience of one of the last previews of "Sweet Charity." I had just seen Vilanch in "Hairspray" in LA, so I got up the nerve to tell him how funny he'd been, "even from the back row of the balcony," -- which got a big laugh. I made a comedy writer laugh! So cool!

Favorite Place to eat before or After a Broadway Show
 Jul 11 2010, 12:13:00 PM
I always have to go to Rachel's on 9th Ave (between W43rd and W44th) at least once. I started going there because we happen to share a first name-- and that was already 6 years ago. The maitre d' and waiters always remember me and it's a great place to hear all the Broadway gossip and enjoy American food and cocktails in a casual, welcoming [read: no Noo Yawk attitude!] setting. They also have a back patio that's open in good weather, so you can actually eat outside (but not on the side walk!
Million Dollar Quartet
 Apr 7 2010, 06:46:58 PM
I saw it in Chicago and thought it was a fun revue, but nothing more. I was shocked when I saw it was going to Broadway, and even more surprised that they kept all 4 of the quartet. Except for Levi Kreis, I thought the perfs were leaden. Truly, this is the nadir for the devolution of the Broadway musical (even spoken as one who really loves this era of music!)
I sincerely hope it's the jukebox musical to end all jukebox musicals.

re: Mark Taper PARADE program with rehearsal photos
 Oct 4 2009, 03:22:45 PM
I was also at the Oct 2 performance, sitting in the front row (unusual for the Taper, the stage floor is flush with the seating, so I was just inches away from the actors.) I was already quite familiar with the original recording and I saw the really fine production of "Parade" at the Neighborhood Playhouse in Palos Verdes last year (which used a full-size cast and orchestra in a small space), so I wasn't even going to bother seeing this, especially since the Taper's recent musicals have been s
re: What is truth vs. rumor about the 1973 death of Irene Ryan?
 Oct 31 2008, 04:57:42 PM
Great thread! The telecast of Pippin was, for some reason, the first and only video my family owned when I was a wee toddler, and it's always been dear to my heart. That being said, every live version I've seen-- at high schools, Papermill, and LA's Deaf West Players (they did an anime-redux version with Gedde Watanabe as Bertha!)-- has absolutely paled in comparison to the original. Still, we here in LA have high hopes for the upcoming Deaf West treatment, especially since it will play at th
re: Sarah and Sky Casting?
 Oct 31 2008, 04:40:14 PM
I agree with the Connick/O'Hara. In fact, I'd bet money on it.
re: Is He Dead? Plays to Virtually No Audience
 Feb 14 2008, 02:31:23 PM
That may have been in previews, but when I saw it on Jan 19 (a Saturday night) the house was completely full and there were even people standing at the back of the balcony...
re: Books you feel could be made into a musical...
 Feb 11 2008, 08:01:23 PM
My vote is for Great Gatsby too... although there's been so many musicals set in the 1920s, plus there's the opera and 2 movie versions, so I think it would be really hard to do it justice, particularly because the language itself (more than then plot points) is integral to enjoying it.
Poisonwood Bible is a great idea... Michael John LaChiusa goes country!

re: The Fantasticks - I didn't get it...
 Feb 11 2008, 07:59:48 PM
Enough with the "objective" explanations and evaluations of the merit of "The Fantasticks,"; like any revival, an audience member's enjoyment is contingent on previous experiences.
When I saw it in 2001 on Sullivan Street, I had a similar reaction--I didn't know the story or the music going in, I found the performances bland at best, and walked out going 'Eh.' Things happened-- I saw (and, ok, liked) the movie; I got the album and learned the music, I learned my parents' and grandparents

re: Best contrapuntal moments in a show (or movie, or ANYTHING)
 Jan 15 2008, 04:34:46 PM
I've had the Act I finale from "See What I Wanna See" stuck in my head for days...
Any Sondheim counterpoint is quality counterpoint, although it's kind of a cliche (c.f. Forbidden Broadway, "Into the Words.")

re: some questions about 'Rock N Roll'
 Nov 14 2007, 12:36:48 PM
I think it was never expected for Esme to have a job because she's supported by her father and his tenure (and, presumably, when she was married, by Nigel). I think growing up in her academic milieu, maybe her mother expected that she would become a feminist professor too, but maybe that went out the window after her death.
As to how someone could have a girlish crush that smolders for decades, well, it happens. Look at "The Royal Tenenbaums." That it gets fulfilled in the fulness of time

Matinee decision tomorrow
 Oct 23 2007, 12:24:23 PM
Flying in tonight; was planning to see Glorious Ones at the matinee tomorrow, but friends and acquaintances have been trying to dissuade me. So, I put it to you:
Cyrano? Xanadu? Farnsworth Invention? Something else? Or should I stick with my original plan?
I'm going to the opera at night, and seeing Rock & Roll on Thursday night, so tomorrow's mat is my only open slot. Thanks!

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