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re: Cry-Baby CD
 Jun 22 2008, 08:53:25 PM
Saying it won't be released sort of implies that it has been recorded. Is this true, or when people say it won't be released, they actually mean it won't be recorded.

It would be a real shame to have gone to the trouble of recording a CD and then not releasing it for whatever reason.

Ironic that practically every musical that opened on Broadway this year had a CD released, and yet the Tony voters opted to nominate the one show that didn't.

Those of us who collect CDs

re: Tony Nominees Are... (from the official website)
 May 13 2008, 08:42:08 AM
Cry Baby is a bit of a shock, but nothing astounds me more than the nomination given to Grease. Did they see the shows?
Has anyone received "Illya Darling" CD yet?
 Apr 29 2008, 03:29:56 PM
My amazon order claims it is due to be shipped out today, which is the official release date. Usually Amazon is pretty good about shipping before the release date, so that it actually arrives on the day of release. Has anyone received their copy yet? Is it in stores? This has been such a long-awaited CD, and yet there is still no official CD cover that I can find...

I'm beginning to wonder if it really exists.

Marry Me A Little - The Sondheim Show
 Apr 22 2008, 04:06:54 PM
I just discovered that there was a Sondheim show I was completely unaware of before today. It apparently played in the early 1980's and seems to be composed completely of songs cut or never used in previous Sondheim shows, worked in around a new story of some sort.

Has anyone seen this? Is it worth getting? It looks like it never made it to Broadway, but I suppose if it did, it would be eligible for Best Original Score since it is composed of all "new" songs, at least "new to Broadwa

re: Studio Recordings of Tony-nominated shows which never got a release
 Apr 21 2008, 12:06:40 AM
Also, to add, I don't think there's a Juan Darien recording.

Aren't you in luck.....

And I did hear about the "James Joyce's The Dead" recording, but for some reason they limited the number of copies and it never made it to the usual retail outlets. Such a shame that one wasn't released, as recent as it was.

I must confess to being really intrigued by "La Plume de ma Tante", as I know virtually nothing about it.

Studio Recordings of Tony-nominated shows which never got a release
 Apr 20 2008, 11:04:44 PM
Wouldn't it be swell if there were studio recordings made of the Tony-nominated shows which never got a recording at the time? It just seems a real shame that a part of our musical theatre heritage remains unknown to so many, and really, if a show was worthy of getting nominated for the Best Musical of the Year, then I think it deserves a CD release.

By my count, pretty much every Tony-nominated show has been released on CD in some form or another, with the following gaping holes:

re: Ugh, ruined experience
 Apr 18 2008, 11:35:46 AM
At least I assume you could watch the "I'm Flying" number, assuming they were able to inhabit the airspace above the big head in question.
re: The Who's Tommy - Offensive?
 Feb 14 2008, 03:44:59 AM
She means well, but she is an advocate for the disabled community, so I think she looks at things from that viewpoint.

I agree with you though. I hate the politics of theatres striving not to offend people, when theatre should be about challenging people from time to time. I understand the desire not to drive off potential audiences though. Doesn't mean I have to like it.

The Who's Tommy - Offensive?
 Feb 14 2008, 03:01:52 AM
The community theatre I am involved with is in the process of considering musicals to do over the next year, and I innocently mentioned "The Who's Tommy" as a possibility. One of the staff members expressed that she would had serious reservations about that pick. She is very involved with accessibility issues and while she hasn't seen the show, she was concerned about the way the script deals with a character who is "deaf, blind and dumb".

I've only heard the CD, and it takes a lot to

Reviews of Clay in Spamalot?
 Jan 28 2008, 02:41:09 AM
Nice write up from New York Magazine:

"In a Broadway musical, Aiken is perfect—he can throw that cheesy, octave-spanning man-voice of his around all he wants and hit all those honky gospel notes. It sounds great! He can slowly, slowly raise his arms in the air as he holds a note for 45 minutes. He can make his corny, cartoony facial expressions, and onstage, they’re utterly appropriate. Also, musical theater takes place in a land only slightly more erotically charged than Smurf Village, so here Aiken’s suppressed, indeterminate sexuality seems logical, usual, male. And he doesn’t seem hick. Partly because the twang is replaced by an equally theatrical Cockney and partly because he’s in a funny show. (The theme of his big number is “You won’t succeed on Broadway if you don’t have any Jews.”) Every joke gets a roar. “When I’m up here onstage, I’ll be the idol of my age,” he sings, and the women go crazy. You can almost feel them sucked toward him by some unholy mix of maternal yearning and abject horniness."

Broadway was "born" in 1893?
 Jan 20 2008, 03:49:12 PM
Can anybody give me an assist in figuring out why 1893 is considered the birthyear of Broadway? I remember the 1993 Tony Awards making a big deal about the Centennial, and the PBS special a couple of years ago also picked 1893 as the "beginning", but I can't seem to find any explanation as to what happened in this year that signalled that it was the beginning, and who knows how long it will take Scott Siegel to explain it all when he gets around to doing his "Broadway By The Year: 1893" concert
re: New MAMMA MIA movie Poster....
 Jan 18 2008, 06:13:36 AM
I think the poster was referring to the actual words "The Movie". I'm guessing the producers don't want people to be confused at the multiplex when they see that poster thinking that the live stage show will be going on in Screening Room 13.
re: Spelling Bee in NC Matinee (1/6/08) SPOILERS (and very long)
 Jan 18 2008, 01:08:50 AM
Andrew's got his own blog on Youtube. He's been recording his adventures on the road while doing Spelling Bee. Its actually really cute.
re: They're Playing Our Song - Is it revivable?
 Jan 18 2008, 12:57:20 AM
I remember there was actually a touring production of the show a few years back, starring Erin Moran, "Joanie" of "Happy Days" fame. I had a friend who got to play one of the backup singers.
re: Clips of 'Great Performances' Company Posted!
 Jan 17 2008, 05:07:49 PM
It's currently scheduled for release on DVD on May 20th.
re: Spelling Bee in NC Matinee (1/6/08) SPOILERS (and very long)
 Jan 17 2008, 04:56:37 PM
This is such a great show, but how unfortunate it had to play in such a large theatre in Raleigh. I was fortunate enough to see it from a good seat, but I would have hated to see this show from the back row. Very clever and fun though.
re: Clips of 'Great Performances' Company Posted!
 Jan 17 2008, 04:55:15 PM
Looks rather good, doesn't it? Since the possibility of getting a version without the gimmick of onstage musical instruments is slim, this looks like this best bet. Not the definitive version, but enjoyable enough, I bet.
 Jan 17 2008, 04:49:59 PM
As I recall, the original CD release did feature all of the confessions, but that was in the early days of CDs, and when it was reissued in the late 1980's/early 1990's, it didn't include all of them, only Rosa's and Puffer's I believe.

This was one of the first shows I ever did, and we had a nice four-week run, so practically everyone got to be the murderer at one point or another. What was even more fun was the various matchups of lovers, especially the night when we had a particular

re: Lauren Bacall in Applause was on television
 Jan 17 2008, 04:47:28 PM
I would certainly buy this show if it did get released on DVD, I just wonder if it hasn't shown up yet because it would be too expensive to get the rights, or if it has more to do with the perception that it wouldn't sell enough copies to make it worthwhile.

I wouldn't mind having Purlie either. While dated, it has some great music.

re: Blood Brothers: Opinions?
 Jan 12 2008, 09:59:06 PM
I also think the style of show is somewhat foreign to American audiences. It is really something of a parable and allegory, with a healthy dose of melodrama. It's not a bad thing, just different.

I never got the chance to see it in New York, but the London version was truly gut-wrenching. I later saw David Cassidy during its run in Toronto, and while not quite as powerful the second time around, it was still a very moving piece of theatre.

Besides the class system, the other

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