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Member Name: brdwaybabe052
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re: starlight express
 Aug 15 2004, 02:19:34 AM
I saw StEx in Vegas and it was awesome.
Props to Bronx for defending this show.

 Aug 3 2004, 01:46:38 AM
Haha,I've done LD before, it was a badd experience. In Texas we can do as many events as we want. So at every tournament I usually do HI, DI, duet/duo, prose, poetry and oratory. However HI is my favorite event.
re: leaving items at the stage door (or 'i just want my freakin' baseball
 Aug 3 2004, 01:45:03 AM
Kevin, the guy at the BFO stage door, is usually very nice and understanding, your situation is quiet strange. Maybe you should go to the forum at the BFO official website where most of the 'ozalots' who see the show and stage door on a regular basis and tell them your situation, maybe they could help you out.

I wish I lived in NY.

 Aug 3 2004, 01:37:17 AM
I'm in Texas, and this year will be my 4th year competing, it's awesome!

 Aug 3 2004, 01:28:06 AM
I always thought it would be cool to do Avenue Q for HI. However I wouldn't want to bastardize it or anything, so I'd be scared to try it. BUT ANYWAYS, I know someone from a neighboring school that competes in speech who has a copy of the Avenue Q script. They got it somewhere in NY, I doubt they will be competing with it though.

If anyone doesn't mind me asking, I was glad to see some of ya'll do forensics...where are you guys from?

re: WICKED Script/Score
 Jun 11 2004, 02:08:05 AM
maybe this person was trying to get a script reciting thing going on... or something?
minus the Tony part...
ok i'm confused now too.

will the tony show be more appealing this year?
 Jun 2 2004, 01:59:05 AM
"Your damn theme park ruined the Griswold family vacation you son of a bitch so you best keep your mouth SHUT!"

I hate to go off-topic, but I cannot quit laughing from this statement... it's quite random, but still a hilarious comeback to 'wally'

guess who just downloaded 'holiday road'

in my opinion, the Tony's are more appealing to me this year, but that is mainly because I'm familiar with the shows that are in the standings... and my attention span has grown, lol.

re: And then the rest of the world...
 Jun 2 2004, 01:53:39 AM
Texas is very far from both New York and California... but you knew that already.

If you look a few threads down... most of them aren't very clearly m marked and I'm too lazy to go find it at the moment, you will find a rather lengthy explanation for why CBS bothers to air the Tony's.

 May 25 2004, 12:27:52 AM
I've seen a couple of bootleg versions of Idina in 'Aida' on LimeWire, but that's about it. You could try searching for Sutton.
re: Broadway Peformers [Nice!]
 May 23 2004, 10:21:52 PM
Matt Bogart is really nice.

I met him, went I went to Aida a few years back to see Adam Pascal, but he was on vacation, so Matt was his standby.

re: Anyone Goin' 'Home' Tomorrow !!!???
 May 23 2004, 10:18:49 PM
I WISH I could go.
But I'm in Texas.
And must go to school tommarow.
'It sucks to be me'

But one thing is, that I was really excited to see Heather's CD as a display in Best Buy a few days ago. I usually have a hard time finding, broadway soloists in mainstream stores. So it was cool.

re: The Alphabet Game
 May 23 2004, 10:15:50 PM
'U.N.C.O.U.P.L.E.D'- Starlight Express
re: Here's a scenario...
 May 23 2004, 10:14:39 PM
LOL, yeah I completely agree with your last statement, even though I do have my favorites.
re: What In Your Cd Player(s) Right Now?
 May 23 2004, 10:13:36 PM
CD player in my room:
'The Wild Party'(Lippa)
'tick, tick, BOOM!'
'the boy from oz- aussie cast'

CD player in car:
'avenue q'
'the boy from oz, obc'
The Rocket Summer
'the last five years'

re: Well....
 May 23 2004, 10:05:39 PM
I'm 17, and turning 18 in the beginning of October.
re: Tony Question
 May 23 2004, 09:59:27 PM
I remember watching the Tonys on TV a few years back, and I saw a scene from 'Tale of the Allergist's Wife'... but that could have just been a clip... my memory is failing me.
re: Rhinoceros - absurdity!
 May 23 2004, 09:53:38 PM
I'm involved in speech and debate at school, and at Nationals this past summer, I saw someone perform a cutting from 'Rhinocerous'. It was incredibly WEIRD, and difficult to understand, it also managed to break to octafinals, by some act of God. Needless, to say my friends and I are still making fun of it, but I ran into a copy of the play in Barnes & Noble once and it looked just as odd as I saw it performed.
Here's a scenario...
 May 23 2004, 09:49:00 PM
Ok, please DON'T reprimand me for starting this topic, if it's been done before, as I haven't checked back incredibly far to see if it's been done. This is just one of my first few posts, however I've been reading the threads for quite a while.

But on MTV a few years back, there used to be a show called 'Fanatic'. And it was where, you or a friend/family member of yours would submit a tape, or request to MTV stating that you are a really big fan of a particular celebrity, and if MTV liked

re: if you could...
 May 23 2004, 09:44:42 PM
It'd be really nice to see Hugh Jackman sing "Bi-Coastal" again, even though I've already seen it!

Idina Menzel- Anything from 'The Wild Party'
Raul Esparza- '30/90' or 'Why' from 'tick, tick...BOOM!'

re: List the shows you've seen/want to see
 May 23 2004, 09:37:33 PM
Phantom of the Opera (2x)
The Boy From Oz

Funny Girl

Las Vegas:
Starlight Express

Want to see?
Well besides ANYTHING I haven't listed, LOL...I really want to see:
I Love You, You're Perfect, Now Change
Avenue Q
The Producers
I Am My Own Wife
Jerry Springer: The Opera, the title is entertaining, haha

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