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Member Name: cjoyce
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re: Hilarious Comments Overheard By Tourists and Audience Members
 Jun 27 2006, 03:50:19 PM
I took my 9-year old nephew to see Into The Woods. We were sitting in the front row and we both loved it. After the show, he wanted to ask Molly Ephraim (Little Red Riding Hood) for her autograph so we waited at the stage door. Vanessa Williams came out and spoke with him. She said she saw him in the front row an it looked he was really enjoing the show and then asked if he had a good time. His reply: "I really liked it. Molly Ephriam is the best actress I've ever seen!!!" He then procee
re: What songs are being done at the tonys
 Jun 4 2006, 08:01:52 PM
I heard at the stage door of Drowsy, they will be performing I Don't Wanna Show-Off and at the stage door of Jersey Boys, Christian said they are rehearsing a medley. Not sure of any others.
I Love You Because is closing May 21
 May 16 2006, 04:37:32 PM
Just spoke with the guy at the box office. I was planning to go on May 29. He said the show is closing on May 21.

Any suggestions of what else I can see on a monday night?

re: Village Theatre: I Love You Because
 May 16 2006, 09:13:05 AM
any idea how the rows are numbered? lettered? Is seat 1 or seat 10 better...closer to center? Left or right preffered?
Village Theatre SEATING?: I Love You Because
 May 15 2006, 11:37:57 PM
Can someone explain the seating layout in the Village Theatre. I've never seen a show there and may try to grab some tickets to see "I Love You Because."

Is it worth seeing? Is it table seating? Where would seats in ORCHL, row BB be?

Appreciate the help.

re: Julia Roberts Stage Door - Arrival Time?
 Apr 18 2006, 10:17:05 AM
My seats are in Box B. How hard will it be to get from there to the exits?
re: Nicest Person at Stage Door
 Nov 9 2004, 01:23:38 PM
Although others may think differently, I think Idina is the best at the stage door. Kristin Chenoweth, Jennifer Laura Thompson and Joey McIntyre are pretty nice too.
re: FACTUAL news about Idina's last....
 Sep 16 2004, 04:54:30 PM
4:53 pm...just got off the phone with the Gershwin. They do not have a confirmed exit date for Idina as of yet.
re: Idina's leaving date (please don't kill me)
 Sep 16 2004, 09:17:43 AM
Where did you read/hear this? Just curious.
re: wicked stage door
 Sep 15 2004, 11:26:09 AM
Is there someplace where the "powers that be" post who's scheduled out? How can one find out the proposed absences of leads?
re: Is any show worth $100.00+ per ticket?
 Sep 14 2004, 08:29:10 AM
I like receiving discounts and use them when available, but $100 for a show is okay. Our local touring series is going for about $60 per show and the quality is usually acceptable, but not nearly what you see on the broadway stage. Heck, I think $12 for a movie is outrageous, but if it's something I want to see, I'll pay it. What about $100+ for a concert ticket in a stadium that seats 25000 people. In the scope of things, $100 doesn't seem unfair considering the size fo the cast and crew.
re: is 197.50 a good price for 2 Wicked tix on Row E?
 Sep 9 2004, 12:06:05 AM
Those are what they call Obstructed View seats that have a face value of $55.
re: Idina Menzel
 Sep 6 2004, 09:58:10 PM
Check out the pictures:

It's a long nephew absolutely loves theatre. He is also an absolute nut when it comes to the Wizard of Oz. I saw Wicked in November and loved the show. but didn't tell me nephew for jealousy reasons. He saw Wicked perform in the Macy's parade, called me...said he had to see this show. Promised to give back all his Christmas presents for the opportunity to see the show. I bought him the cast recording for Christmas. Like most peole, he loved it and memorized it in a matter of days.

I scraped together the funds to take him and my sister to NYC to see Wicked. We planned to drive in and spend one day in the city. I wrote a letter to Idina about my nephew and asked if she could send him a photo or say hello at the stage door. Much to my suprise, she and her dresser read the letter. Her dresser called and invited us backstage.

On March 27, we waited on the stage after the show while Idina got out of her makeup and costume. Idina's dresser gave us a short tour of the Gershwin and told us about the mechanics of how Wicked works. Idina then came to the stage with an autographed picture for my nephew. She went right over to him and gave him a hug and kiss and said she was so happy to meet him. She took an immediate liking to my nephew. She asked him to sing for her and have very positive things to say about his voice. They talked about the shows he had been in and what is was like to be on Broadway. She was FABULOUS. She probably spent 30-40 minutes with us and was always holding onto him, held his hand, had her arm around him, etc.

When we were leaving, my nephew turned to waive good-bye and she insisted on a hug and kiss. She told him to keep in touch with her. She hugged and kissed my sister and told her she had a very talented son and to keep her up to date on his career. She hugged and kissed me and told me thank you for allowing her the oppotunity to meet him.

My nephew has corresponded with her a few times since, more him writing to her than she writing to him. We took him back to the show again in July. We made sure to tell him that she probably wouldn't remember him. She meets hundreds of people everyday and he's just one kid she met 5 months ago. We didn't tell Idina or her dresser we were coming. She emerged from the stage door and signed autographs for the large crowd standing outside. As she got close to where we were standing, she glanced to her right and called him by name. The chatted for a few minutes and she went on her way. We were absolutely shocked that she remembered him.

The next night, my nephew insisted on buying her flowers and telling her good bye. He spend his allowance on flowers and we went back to the stage door. She again signed lots of autographs, but wasn't stopping for pictures. She noticed him there. He said to her, "I wanted to thank you for making me feel so special. I have to go home tomorrow and I wanted to make sure I said good bye." She grabbed him, hugged and kissed him. She said, "You are a very special person to me and I will keep in touch with you." She then asked my sister to take a picture of the two of them and make sure to send her a copy.

Needless to say, my nephew, as well as my sister and I, are very big Idina Menzel fans. We will follow her career wherever it takes her. She is a very special person.

re: Idina Menzel
 Sep 6 2004, 09:51:25 PM
If you are tired of hearing complaints about Wicked posts, I suggest that, in addition to posting to the thread, we start PMing everyone who complains or suggests that we use the "all-purpose" thread. Is there any other show that has an "all-purpose thread?" That idea stinks!!! I believe in our freedom of speech!!! If you don't want to read it...don't click the link. How difficult is that to comprehend?
re: Wicked September 1st Review
 Sep 6 2004, 09:48:52 PM
If you are tired of hearing complaints about Wicked posts, I suggest that, in addition to posting to the thread, we start PMing everyone who complains or suggests that we use the "all-purpose" thread. Is there any other show that has an "all-purpose thread?" That idea stinks!!! I believe in our freedom of speech!!! If you don't want to read it...don't click the link. How difficult is that to comprehend?
re: Idina Menzel: what is the appeal?
 Aug 27 2004, 08:45:00 PM
I think Idina is an amazing, real person. I enjoy listening to her sing, both on the Wicked OCR and her two CD's. She is a talented song writer and performer. She is a very hard worker and really enjoys performing.

As for her being experiences have NEVER been negative. Look at these photos and tell me she's rude or shy. She is very gracious, friendly and caring.

The fact that she signs any autographs is a bonus. When you attended your last professional sporting event or concert, did the athletes or performers stick around after the game or after the encore to sign your $100 jersey or $40 t-shirt? Give these people a break!

re: Framing Playbills
 Aug 24 2004, 11:25:48 PM
We have framed several of ours in groups, usually by year we saw the show and included the ticket stubs on the outside of the mat board. Sometimes, if we have photos of the cast members, we include them in the layout as well.

We have actually had some done at Michaels...wait for that 50% off your custom framing order coupon...try Ben Franklin...they do a good job too...we've even matted some of our own too. We have actually decorated our dining room in "broadway". It's pretty cool. <

re: Technical Wicked question
 Aug 10 2004, 03:21:16 PM
When I was backstage with Idina in March, she and Joby (her dresser) both explained the flying thing the same way. There's a small piece of wood, probably no bigger than 6 x 8 inches, that Idina stands on. The black drapped skirt that covers the lift is connected to a circular metal bar that attaches to two small metal poles that extend upward from the platform and sort of wrap around her waist, but not very tightly. She is not harnessed and says she must be very careful not to move too much.
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