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Idina Menzel: what is the appeal?

Idina Menzel: what is the appeal?

Broadwayballerina Profile Photo
#0Idina Menzel: what is the appeal?
Posted: 8/27/04 at 2:02pm

So after reading through the great "wicked stage door" debacle thread I ask, what exactly is the great appeal of Idina? We have established that she is really not warm at the stage door, yet we keep trying, "Maybe next time she'll be nice!" Obviously she's talented, and very beauitful...but what draws so many of us broadway lovers to the point where we are worshipping her every move? I am a big Idina Fan myself and I can't really explain it. What's the fuss?? Fellow Idina fans, explain why ya love her!

"I look before I leap I love margins and discipline I make lists in my sleep Baby what's my sin?"- Joanne, Rent

#1re: Idina Menzel: what is the appeal?
Posted: 8/27/04 at 2:05pm

im just a casual observer - i have many friends who are "Menzelists." having seen her perform only once,(in bryant park a few weeks ago) i can only say that she has a really bohemian feel to her. shes strikes me exactly like maureen in rent, one of those jazz club performers. maybe people like that about her.

My Fair Lady Profile Photo
My Fair Lady
#2re: Idina Menzel: what is the appeal?
Posted: 8/27/04 at 2:06pm

I have Menzelist friends but I've never seen her perform. As a person, I don't think she's anyone remarkable. She's human. There's nothing I can really say about her.

#1Elphie Profile Photo
#3re: Idina Menzel: what is the appeal?
Posted: 8/27/04 at 2:06pm

I can imagine some people's responses to this thread, but I'll go ahead and post my serious reply anyway...
She's not fake. She doesn't pretend to be someone she's not. She's very dedicated and works really hard (just look at how few times she's missed). She's really funny (just listen to Ars Nova). She has a certain stage presence. I can't really describe it, those are just some things that come to mind.

Broadway Matt Profile Photo
Broadway Matt
#4re: Idina Menzel: what is the appeal?
Posted: 8/27/04 at 2:08pm

1 out of 1 Taye Diggs' can't be wrong

"The last train out of any station will not be full of nice guys." - Dr. Hunter S. Thompson

"I wash my face, then drink beer, then I weep. Say a prayer and induce insincere self-abuse, till I'm fast asleep"- In Trousers

BlueWizard Profile Photo
#5re: Idina Menzel: what is the appeal?
Posted: 8/27/04 at 2:08pm

I personally believe that anyone who is consistently cold and unfriendly at the stage door doesn't deserve all that fan adoration. It's one thing to have a bad day, or be shy, it's another thing to treat fans like dirt.

BlueWizard's blog: The Rambling Corner HEDWIG: "The road is my home. In reflecting upon the people whom I have come upon in my travels, I cannot help but think of the people who have come upon me."

NBRISBY Profile Photo
#6re: Idina Menzel: what is the appeal?
Posted: 8/27/04 at 2:15pm

Vocally, she is usually pretty prefectly pitched with a wonderful pure, but somehow simultaneously soulful tone. It's very unique to her. That makes her a singer's singer.

Acting-wise...she is honest and doesn't try to fake anything. Which is very hard to find from any performer. She takes risks all the time, but not always risks that are crowd-pleasing...she is truthful to the text, and that makes her an actor's actor.

VoiceofReason Profile Photo
#7re: Idina Menzel: what is the appeal?
Posted: 8/27/04 at 2:15pm

my take:
Whether she is performing in her own concerts or on a broadway stage she has talent, humor, stage presence, and just the ability to reel you into her stories, and make you feel like you actually know her. But it ahs already been said that she is great on stage.

As for offstage-she's a normal person and she, as we've heard, has days that she can be in a bad mood sometimes. However, what people always fail to realize, is that the only reason that stage door story seemed like a big deal (and the pen thing, which i still don't completely believe) is because they are the only few incidents that we have heard about at her many nights at the stage door. So for every time she runs off to get a pen, she could have 30 or more where she signs everything.

So her appeal: She is talented, down-to-earth, and real. She works hard to perform well onstage, but isn't too wrapped up with pleasing everyone, because it's an unrealistic goal. That's why she appeals to me as a performer and a person.

and now, i'm done with my 3rd grade essay on a person I admire and why.

thank you.

For heaven's sake, don't try to be cynical. It's perfectly easy to be cynical. ~The Importance of Being Earnest~

Bobby457 Profile Photo
#8re: Idina Menzel: what is the appeal?
Posted: 8/27/04 at 2:18pm

Until you have walked a mile in her shoes...dont judge her

"It never bothered me that she called me a c*nt, it bothered me that I answered to it!" Carol Channing about Ethel Merman filming an episode of "The Love Boat"

#9re: Idina Menzel: what is the appeal?
Posted: 8/27/04 at 2:18pm

"I personally believe that anyone who is consistently cold and unfriendly at the stage door doesn't deserve all that fan adoration. It's one thing to have a bad day, or be shy, it's another thing to treat fans like dirt. "

I agree. I know actors who are SINCERELY nice to people and really listen to what they have to say. (Of course that stops with the stalkers...but going on)

All this putting up excuses for Idina 'oh, she's SO real and not fake' kind of disgusts me. I've heard too many stories to completely excuse her behavior. Can there be a reason that we don't know about? Obviously. But to do that to young people and everything, that sickens me. Updated On: 8/27/04 at 02:18 PM

NBRISBY Profile Photo
#10re: Idina Menzel: what is the appeal?
Posted: 8/27/04 at 2:19pm

I have heard no stories about her being anything but kind. Do tell some of them, or link me to them.

#11re: Idina Menzel: what is the appeal?
Posted: 8/27/04 at 2:24pm

I personally find the most entertaining part of all of this to be that the moment Idina's name is mentioned in a title, there are 4 bajillion replies within minutes. New Ideas for Idina's name: We can teach youngsters that if there is a fire they should scream "Idina Menzel" and everyone will come running...

JaiRoAngel Profile Photo
#13re: Idina Menzel: what is the appeal?
Posted: 8/27/04 at 2:26pm

some people like her, some don't. I don't understand what the big deal is. I like her, she's cool. I think we need to get over it and move on. People aren't going to change there opinions on her or hate her, I don't think she cares.

bronxboundexpress Profile Photo
#14re: Idina Menzel: what is the appeal?
Posted: 8/27/04 at 2:32pm

I don't understand it either. SHe is not attractive.

NBRISBY Profile Photo
#15re: Idina Menzel: what is the appeal?
Posted: 8/27/04 at 2:45pm

I don't buy this story. I doubt Idina would do anything even remotely close to that. Of course, I wasn't's true. But, the story being told seems to change over time, so I doubt it is authentic. This is how urban legends start. And while Idina is a legend, she is not urban...well, maybe she is kind of urban and kind of a legend, but she isn't an urban legend. She is real. =)

#16re: Idina Menzel: what is the appeal?
Posted: 8/27/04 at 2:47pm

Im a fan. Im not a worshipper. However I agree, unless you walk a mile in her shoes dont judge her. Ive heard from many people she is very nice. Who knows what goes on with her when she gets home. I mean, God forbid this happens...but what if she gets a miscarriage trying for a baby, or what if someone in her family has been sick? No one knows. That plus doing 8 shows a week for about 2 years...Being known by every Broadway person...its a lot. Now before you say "How come Donna Murphy is not like that, or Hugh Jackman?" I said you dont know what goes on with her when she gets home. Maybe they all have an easier life than her right now. You never know. I just dont like people judging anyone, whether they're a star or not, until u REALLY know them and their life. Wicked is a big part of her life but she still has a husband and a family and is trying for a baby and is still a young performer.

DottieD'Luscia Profile Photo
#17re: Idina Menzel: what is the appeal?
Posted: 8/27/04 at 2:57pm

I don't know what her appeal is, but it definitely makes for some interesting and entertaining posts!!

Hey Dottie! Did your colleagues enjoy the cake even though your cat decided to sit on it? ~GuyfromGermany

#18re: Idina Menzel: what is the appeal?
Posted: 8/27/04 at 3:14pm

I heard her soul is so unclean pure water can melt her

#19re: Idina Menzel: what is the appeal?
Posted: 8/27/04 at 3:19pm

That big, giant, gaping mouth that allows her to belt like no other.

Al Dente Profile Photo
Al Dente
#20re: Idina Menzel: what is the appeal?
Posted: 8/27/04 at 3:27pm

I find that,(the gaping mouth), the heavy breathing, and the screeching to be absolutely hideous, yet I STILL don't believe that nonsense from the other thread.

#21re: Idina Menzel: what is the appeal?
Posted: 8/27/04 at 3:32pm

Dear Yankeefan007 - she didn't perform in Bryant Park a few weeks ago with the 'Wicked' cast - that was Eden Espinosa, her standby...

#22re: Idina Menzel: what is the appeal?
Posted: 8/27/04 at 3:41pm

Not a wicked fan, but I do adore me some Idina.

She was super kind to me at the stagedoor, but that was in November, before insane Wicked fans have driven her crazy ? So maybe she's just done with the stagedoor and is ready to leave.

I believe you can be amazed and respect someone's immense talent and not like the person in general. I could love Idina's acting and voice etc. and if she was cold to me at the SD, I could still respect her talent.
Look how many people love famous celebrities they'll never meet. They're probably super rude.

But I'd excuse Idina for her moods since the Wicked SD is OUT of control. The fans are getting too extreme and I'm sure she needs a break. I've never heard any other complaints from other meeting experiences with her so maybe she's just grr about Wicked.

I think she's beautiful, super talented and she picks husbands out really well re: Idina Menzel: what is the appeal?

On a clear day I can see myself for miles ~Taboo

Crazy4MattMorrison52 Profile Photo
#23re: Idina Menzel: what is the appeal?
Posted: 8/27/04 at 3:42pm

i dont know why people say shes mean.the 6 times i have met her she has been nice,but shy. i have met her before the show 2 times and she was nice then but in rush because she was late but did sign for everyone.and then after the show shes nice by taking pictures and signing for you. she doesnt talk to you but she smiles, she has to save her voice

"gimme a bottle of bourbon and half a chicken and i'll conquer the world!"

#24re: Idina Menzel: what is the appeal?
Posted: 8/27/04 at 3:43pm

IF she sings correctly, she doesn't need to save her voice.

But I don't want to get into the whole horrible technique argument again.
