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Member Name: legallygreen2
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re: Caissie Levy, Sasha Allen Join and Lawrence, Ryness and Swenson Confirm
 Jan 30 2009, 02:52:23 AM
Well, all I'm going to say is hopefully they've got some standout Sheila understudies, because Lord knows they'll be getting a lot of stage time.
re: Creel Joins and Espinosa Leaves Cast of Broadway Bound HAIR
 Jan 8 2009, 04:54:38 PM
Haha... hopefully Gavin's aware. I'm guessing they learned their lesson and that they waited until Gavin signed a contract before announcing his status with the production. I'm also a bit puzzled that they put that Eden left for "personal reasons" when she never signed a contract in the first place.
re: Espinosa Out as HAIR's Sheila?
 Jan 8 2009, 04:00:39 PM
My personal theory is that with them having to move the previews back a month and new producers, they were hoping the announcement of Eden would help instill a shred of confidence back in the production. But the producers announced it as fact, when in fact they had offered the role to Eden, but a contract had not yet been signed. Which is a rather crappy thing to do, and makes me wonder about the production itself when they're that desperate to announce casting when contracts aren't even signe
re: Espinosa Out as HAIR's Sheila?
 Jan 8 2009, 04:35:33 AM
I was at Eden's solo show on Monday night at Upright Cabaret here in Los Angeles (with the fabulous special guest Tracie Thoms as well). And directly from her mouth, she confirmed that she would not be doing Hair, and would be remaining on the west coast at the moment. At her show she confirmed this news publicly to various people that night, including the girls who run

Oh, and the girls who run that site never put up any casting announcements, show dates, n

re: In the Heights - Is there something wrong with Wednesday Matinees?
 Oct 22 2008, 01:01:49 AM
I saw the show a few weeks ago as well. I wasn't very familiar with the show and running a little late, so no time to check out the playbill until intermission. I honestly had no clue Eliseo was the understudy for Kevin until I saw the slip and thought he was fabulous. So I have to concur with others that it's a treat to see him in the role.
re: Flops that you would love to see get a revival...
 Sep 15 2008, 10:44:14 PM
After seeing a really fun staging from Reprise! earlier this year, I'd like to see Flora The Red Menace.
re: Christy Carlson Romano in........ Ave. Q. WHAT!!
 Sep 5 2008, 01:04:24 AM
Is it just me, or did Carey Anderson like, just start in this show? Wonder why she's leaving so soon when she exited Mama Mia early to do this show?
re: The Belters
 Aug 24 2008, 02:00:16 PM
Eden Espinosa
re: Hairspray Tour Casting Call callbacks NYC
 Aug 20 2008, 03:57:54 PM
Seriously! Calm down. Part of being an actor is hurry up and wait. And going on lots and lots of auditions, where you don't hear anything back. And quite frankly, if you can't handle that you might be in the wrong profession.
re: Footloose 10th Anniversary Tour
 Aug 19 2008, 02:36:37 AM
"But I can't help but be intrigued by it."

I agree... intrigued is the right word for it. My gut is telling me it'll be a train wreck, but my trashy side that enjoys guilty pleasures secretly wants to see it.

re: Footloose 10th Anniversary Tour
 Aug 19 2008, 01:54:39 AM
I have to admit.... this looks like a hot mess... I'm horrified yet intrigued all at the same time.
re: Back from Les Miserables at the Hollywood Bowl
 Aug 10 2008, 04:41:52 PM
I'm trying to get a feel for how much they cut. Does anyone remember the running time/how long it was? Was there an intermission?
re: 'Legally Blonde' national tour, full casting announcement?
 Jul 30 2008, 11:16:29 PM
"I think that the producers were iffy about Ven, which is why he is doing this short run as filler between the actual Kyles. Dependingon how the audience responds to him in NYC will tell if he is going out on tour."

I know Ven was a "filler" Kyle, but any word on who will be the new Kyle on bway once the tour starts up?

 Jul 20 2008, 08:20:27 PM
re: Little Mermaid day of show availability?
 Jul 13 2008, 09:20:47 PM
When I student rushed I was informed that all they had that day were single seats. So my friend and I got singles, but luckily they were only a row apart. I think we were rows L and M left center orchestra. Pretty decent seats, but we were the first ones in line. The people behind us got far worse seats. But the student rush really changes a lot day to day and is really kinda at the whim of whoever's working the box office. So I wouldn't count on getting the $30 seats. If you're willing t
 Jul 13 2008, 09:16:09 PM
"Anyone know why Kate Rockwell NEVER signs after any shows? She runs out of that stage door so fast it's almost rude!"

That's funny... the last time I saw the show she was one of the very few who DID stage door. Literally the only ones who stagedoored were Becky Gulsvig (the Elle u/s on that night), Gaelen (the Vivienne u/s on that night), Kate, and a bunch of random ensemble peeps (sorry, I haven't seen the show enough times to recognize all the ensemble, just principals). The staged

re: What's the deal with Kerry?
 Jul 11 2008, 02:36:23 PM
"And Re:Katie Adams not being promoted, she's in the same boat as Saycon Sengbloh...if she's been standby for this long, she probably likes where she is."

"Same with Lisa Brescia (although she is the principle in Chicago now, but only for 3 months). She enjoys being a standby."

Quick question, why would somebody choose to be the standby? Most standbys in most shows use the standby as "paying dues" so that they can one day be lead. Forgive me if I'm being ignorant, but why wou

re: What's the deal with Kerry?
 Jul 9 2008, 02:48:51 AM
"And no one got on another tour/Broadway Elphie who missed multiple shows per week on a regular basis. I'm not going to say her name because last time I did I was absolutely reamed for it."

I totally thought you were talking about Caissie Levy from LA until SJB was brought up. In Caissie's four month run (yes the girl only lasted four months full time), she missed over one third of her performances. Yes, her attendance record was so bad that on another forum people started keeping a

re: Billy Elliot cast?
 Jul 8 2008, 10:47:16 PM
Grady Bowman just recently left the South Pacific ensemble to be ensemble/fight captain for Billy Elliot.
re: Natalie Weiss at Splash 7/7
 Jul 8 2008, 03:16:43 AM
You're right... man people wouldn't shut up. Sounds like a matinee of a Disney show in there.
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