Are you telling us today to avoid mutiny tomorrow?
I think Caissie will be great as Sheila.
We report 'em as we get 'em.
Sasha Allen is absolutely amazing and that makes me very excited
"Will has been in a bunch of shows, and feels that it is important to be good to people."
Such an odd way to start your mini bio...
Updated On: 1/29/09 at 04:21 PM
: mumbles under breath : o well
Sasha Allen was incredible in the movie Camp.
She is the perfect replacement for Patina Miller.
There's a bunch of clips of her on YouTube (Allen) and she's got a gorgeous, stunning voice. I'm sure she'll be great. So excited to see this production!
Personally, I thought Bryce Ryness was incredible in the Park, so I'm glad he will be back. He and Will Swenson were the stand-outs for me...
Yay for Caissie! So excited!
Broadway Legend Joined: 2/15/05
So what are Christopher J. Hanke and Eden Espin-whatever doing that they turned this show down? I'm always curious to know what other people are doing when they're not in the "limelight" (IE Broadway).
Eden prefers replacing in Wicked than taking a step in her career.
I imagine Espinosa probably didn't want to work for scale.
I'm an even bigger fan of Mr. Swenson (if that's possible) after reading his bio. Did Mr. Hanke actually turn down the role of Claude? When the transfer was announced, I remember reading something along the lines of...Groff will be playing Claude; Hanke has moved on to other projects.
Eden doesn't have anything going on. Scale would be better than nothing.
Broadway Star Joined: 9/21/07
Yeah, but it's not like she doesn't have options. Eden could return to Wicked any time (cast members are constantly coming and going, it seems like) and get paid more than scale.
Wicked has no openings. All the productions just got new Elphabas.
Featured Actor Joined: 6/27/07
YES! Sasha Allen...I'm so excited...I was actually thinking they might cast her a couple of nights ago...but I knew she'd just started doing solo work and wasn't sure if she would even be available
I'm so happy! I'm actually re-excited about this show now...I was sad when I heard Patina was not doing the show...but Sasha will rip the roof off the place with her voice
Updated On: 1/29/09 at 08:33 PM
Broadway Legend Joined: 9/25/08
I now have to see this, not just for Saycon, but for Caissie too, I'm so excited!!!
Swing Joined: 1/20/09
Not a fan of Caissie or her voice AT ALL, but I'm still super excited for HAIR!
I heard a rumor that Eden dropped out because she was pregnant...
Swing Joined: 5/1/08
Well, all I'm going to say is hopefully they've got some standout Sheila understudies, because Lord knows they'll be getting a lot of stage time.
legallygreene2, that isn't a very nice thing to say. Caissie Levy is not only a wonderful person but she's a stunning performer. Having seen her in BOTH Hairspray and Wicked, she truly is something to see. And having spoken to her after her last in LA, she really was hurting and hasn't had that much time off. Her voice was exhausted. You'd be exhausted, too, if you'd been working your voice non-stop for close to five years. I know I'd be.
And for those of you who haven't heard her live and only have Youtube videos to work off of really need to think twice. She has one of the most stunning voices out there. She doesn't push and strain like Eden Espinosa. Sorry that she is actually "listenable" as I like to call it.
Thanks for your input Mrs. Levy.
Featured Actor Joined: 4/19/04
I think it would be Ms. Levy, actually.
I don't think Hair will be a problem for Caissie, the role is not nearly as vocally demanding as Elphaba, and she's had a good 8 months or so of not straining her voice. If she was able to sing Penny every night, she'll be able to handle Sheila.