Selling 4 Freestyle Love Supreme tickets for 12/19 Nov 17
2019, 07:18:12 PM
Bump! Willing to sell in pairs.
Selling 4 Freestyle Love Supreme tickets for 12/19 Nov 15
2019, 07:09:07 PM
Can't go, unfortunately. Selling them for $100 each. A tad less than I bought them for.
Row G
4 consecutive seats in the middle of the row
The Humans - Rush/Limited View Jul 12
2016, 01:45:13 PM
Anyone have any updates on the rush line?
Encores Off Center Jul 1
2016, 10:26:07 AM
I also just joined P2P. It'd be very appreciated if someone could PM me the code!
Hamilton Cancellation Line Jan 7
2016, 01:35:19 PM
Some people stand the whole time, some people sit. Older people seemed to not want to sit. I'm young, so I sat most of the time. Most of the people seemed to stand though. Don't know why. I don't care if the ground is dirty and gross, there is no way in hell I'm standing for 6 hours straight.
Hamilton Cancellation Line Jan 6
2016, 09:59:02 PM
I'm actually the opposite. I was one of the people who showed up in the mass crowd after the lottery went haywire. At 5pm the line was already 40 people long for cancellation, so I just left and decided to stick to my original plan of getting there early for the Wednesday matinee. Got there at 8:15 this morning and was 6th in line for a ticket. First person got there at 5:30. I froze my butt off considerably, but got my ticket by 11:30 since I was a single ticket and 4 people before
Hamilton Cancellation Line Jan 3
2016, 01:23:08 AM
I know you're allowed to pass on the premium, however, if you're looking for the mezz seats, but are first offered the $199 orchestra seats, are you allowed to pass on them and wait?
Hamilton Cancellation Line Dec 28
2015, 03:14:23 PM
What time do people start lining up for the Saturday matinees with Javier? Is 10 fine?
the lion king Dec 28
2015, 03:12:43 PM
As with most shows, i'd aim for front mezzanine or middle orchestra. Either option, try to stay in the center. Near the aisles on any side, as long as it's orchestra, will be really cool too for this show, based off the opening number. The best play to do this is just by paying full price on whichever website Lion King directs you to. Probably Ticketmaster or Telecharge. It seems like you're prepared to shell out money; you'll definitely have to for this show.
School Of Rock Rush Dec 25
2015, 10:16:03 PM
Alex M said: "Going tomorrow with friends we are thinking about getting there round 8:30. Would that be a good time to get there and still have a shot at getting tickets? " Did you read anything in this post at all?
School Of Rock Rush Dec 19
2015, 10:06:40 PM
This seems to be terribly inconsistent and weird. They must just be throwing away a few select random seats they have laying around on the day of...
School Of Rock Rush Dec 18
2015, 10:24:47 AM
Okay so I was first at 8:45. Next guy at 9:15. Next group of friends at 9:55. Everyone easily got tickets. However, the tickets are in the very last row of the mezzanine, and people behind us are on the sides. My theory is that they're selling so well they wanted to get full price money for front row, and instead give away the weaker seats to rush/for cheap.
School Of Rock Rush Dec 18
2015, 08:47:47 AM
It's currently 8:45 and no one else is here in line yet.
School Of Rock Rush Dec 17
2015, 09:21:31 AM
Oh I had no idea this was brand new. I'm rushing Friday, so I'll let you guys know how it goes.
School Of Rock Rush Dec 17
2015, 12:10:26 AM
Haven't yet seen a post about the rush tickets for SoR. Anyone have any details? Where are the seats? How early have people been getting there? How many do they sell? Etc.
What is next for Hedwig? Aug 18
2015, 10:31:39 PM
Hedwig would be a great Dr. Frank-N-Furter.
Fun Home Standing Room? Aug 17
2015, 01:47:10 PM
"Thinking of sending my husband to get us standing room for my birthday on Wednesday.... would he be safe getting to the box office around 9:30am? "
Emily Skeggs in Fun Home Aug 3
2015, 09:41:23 PM
Sort of on-topic, but has Emily even missed a single show yet? How about Beth? Bruce? Judy?
Ladies and Gentleman....Taye Diggs is your next Hedwig Aug 1
2015, 08:30:21 PM
Guess I'll jump in:
1. MCH (God I don't even know, he just had so much command and anger)
2. NPH (He was my first, so I'm partial)
3. JCM (He is Hedwig)
4. Darren (His Tommy was on point)
5. Andrew (Saw his opening night, so he may have been a bit weak)
6. Taye (Super entertaining, but he just doesn't fit the role as an actor, in my opinion)
Heathers: The Musical Appreciation Thread Aug 1
2015, 02:05:33 AM
Anyone see it in Philly? Any good? Worth the price (and bit of a trip)?