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re: 'Broadway's Lost Treasures II' — with LuPone, Rivera and Lansbury — Premieres Aug. 9 -
 Aug 11 2004, 01:24:09 PM
Agreed. I was thrilled to see Bea and Angie, enraged to see the infamous "I AM WHAT I AM" in a tuxedo...and bored with the rest of the show...(although who doesn't love Patti's gibberish performances? MORE PATTI PLEASE!).
re: you know you're obsessed with boradway musicals when...
 Aug 11 2004, 01:22:21 PM
...When you go to Spider-Man 2 and shout, "That's Alfred Molina, star of FIDDLER ON THE ROOF on Broadway!...Hey! That's Donna Murphy, star of WONDERFUL TOWN at the Al Hirschfield Theatre, formerly the Martin Beck Theatre, on Broadway!"...
re: When is Idina Leaving???
 Aug 11 2004, 01:19:14 PM
Speaking of topics that have been beaten to death about shows that are mediocre at best...

I saw Cheno and Dee in WICKED (like everybody else), but for some reason, I don't understand the madness and obsession. I am not a Cheno fan, but she was funny. As for the Great Gaspy, she was brilliant in her acting, and I really thought did deserved her award (until I saw CAROLINE, OR CHANGE). As far as replacements, it may be the only way for me to go back to the show. I adore JLT, and think sh

re: Tips for hitting that high note
 Jul 23 2004, 01:45:57 PM
She's forty. Hahahahaha!
re: Wicked tonight-review
 Jul 23 2004, 01:43:28 PM
This disturbs me:

"We can't all come and go by bubble! Check out Eden! I MISS KRISTIN AND NORBERT!!! forget joel. "

That last part, forget Joel... that really bothers me. Maybe you didn't notice, but that guy was Joel Grey... one of only seven actors to win both the Tony and the Oscar for the same role? Played the lead male character in a Broadway musical that changed Broadway forever? One of the great living legends of our time? You don't just forget things like that... or peo

I doubt they'll be extended into Christmas
 Jul 22 2004, 11:31:23 AM
I have not seen this show yet. I am sure I will, though it is not on my list. I did have a friend that was there the night Mel Brooks was there with Ann Bancroft, Stro, and Sondheim, and he said Mel had his hands in his face most of the show. This was during Kattan's stint, but I don't know exactly what he meant by "hands in his face" anyway. But that's not what I want to post about. Someone brought up earlier how people seem to want shows to fail. Why are we doing this? Why, if two shows open a
I doubt they'll be extended into Christmas
 Jul 22 2004, 11:31:19 AM
I have not seen this show yet. I am sure I will, though it is not on my list. I did have a friend that was there the night Mel Brooks was there with Ann Bancroft, Stro, and Sondheim, and he said Mel had his hands in his face most of the show. This was during Kattan's stint, but I don't know exactly what he meant by "hands in his face" anyway. But that's not what I want to post about. Someone brought up earlier how people seem to want shows to fail. Why are we doing this? Why, if two shows open a
 Jul 22 2004, 11:18:53 AM
I feel rediculous... I didn't realize that CoC meant CAROLINE, OR CHANGE! HAHA! Sorry for creating another pointless thread. Oy. Not my day.
re: Broadway Show Bloopers
 Jul 22 2004, 11:12:05 AM
I thought I had posted this before, maybe not...

During the song "Small World," Bernadette Peters sat on a wicker (no, not WICKED), basket... more like trunk... but it was wicker nonetheless...she sits down, and begins to sing. "Funny, youre a stanger who's come here, come from another town..." Just then, the lid slipped into place, and Bernadette nearly fell off of the basket! It wouldn't have been so bad, other than the fact that the next line she sings starts out, "Funny..

re: Shows that deserved a longer run....
 Jul 22 2004, 10:55:15 AM
 Jul 22 2004, 10:49:38 AM
I'm sorry, I didn't mean to start a fight. I just wanted to, lets say, bring the topic up again. I was reluctant to see CAROLINE, but I absolutely adore it now! I'm not sure if I understand it all yet, haha, but I am working on it. Hopefully, I'll get to see it again soon! Now that ASSASSINS and GYPSY are both gone, all of my money is going to be spent on this show!!
 Jul 22 2004, 09:59:16 AM
Eww... excuse me. I couldn't find them, I was too busy scrolling past the Cheno posts.
 Jul 22 2004, 09:47:29 AM
I want to know why nobody on this board talks about CAROLINE, OR CHANGE... since it IS the best show on Broadway at the moment! WICKED THIS, BARE THAT! Come on people, anyone just ADORE Tonya Pinkins?? If you haven't seen it...GO! You will NOT be disappointed!


re: GYPSY national tour?
 Jul 22 2004, 09:43:13 AM
First of all, I want GYPSY to play in London. Why? I've always wanted to go there. And why should the U.S. monopolize one of the greatest treasures in the musical theatre? I think it would be great for her, and I miss the show terribly anyway. As for Steve writing a new show for her... boy if that wasn't the biggest dream of all! COME ON, SONDIE!!! haha! Mrs. Lovitt in a film version of SWEENY TODD? LOVE IT! (Pun intended)! Why aren't they filming it already?? COME ON PEOPLE!!!


 Jun 27 2004, 03:44:54 AM
Go see something gay? Hmmm... gues I'll see you all at the Yankee's game...
re: Mel Brooks Musical
 Jun 27 2004, 03:40:24 AM
Broderick is all wrong! Mel needs to not play favorites.

Martin Short................Dr. Frankenstein (Wilder)
Martin is the only person that can do this role. He has a beautifully stable voice, he takes risks, and he is as crazy as you can be. He is a Tony Award winner, and a big enough name to open the show. This should be his chance to show people what he can really do. He's the only person that can do justice to this role, especially after the movie's creator Gene Wilder, who could

re: Favorite B'way Slogan
 Jun 24 2004, 01:32:09 AM
"Here She Is, Boys!"-GYPSY

and now some made up ones...

For WICKED: "Idina Menzel is The Wizard of Awes!"

For AVE. Q: "They're Real. (Accompanied by a picture of Lucy T. Slut)"

For GYPSY: "Mama's Gettin' Hot!"

For BOY FROM OZ: "Hugh Jackman Will Leave You Tingling Down Under!"

For HAIRSPRAY: "Welcome To The 60's!"

For PRODUCERS: "The Biggest Flop In Broadway History!-Winner of Twelve Tony Awards!"

For MAMA MIA!: "Better Than Cats!"


Presuming there is some new treatment
 Jun 24 2004, 01:15:30 AM
If Kelsey Grammer is cast in the show, it is in the role of Georges. Gary Beach was hired months ago to play Albin--And he is going to be fabulous! Lee Roy Reams would have been a great choice as well... I hope to see him in a tour or as a replacement (maybe even standby?) on Broadway... That would be wonderful! Anyway... Kelsey was going around claiming he would be playing Albin, though the role was already cast! I don't know who I would want to play Georges... but can someone send Gavin Creel
 Jun 22 2004, 09:00:47 PM
Lewis J. Stadlen was brilliant in THE PRODUCERS. Second only to Mr. Brad Oscar... haha... I love him! I love Alan Cumming more than pizza, but I think he is too sexy and famous to be Captain Hook. Come on, Rigby getting billing over a novelist Tony Award Winner who is a star of stage and screen? I don't think so. It would be very difficult to see anyone other than Paul Shoefller (sp?) in the role because he is an incredible actor and irreplaceable as Hook. John Lithgow would never do it, also to
re: Favorite Shows, Worst Songs
 Jun 22 2004, 08:55:24 PM
Not an avid WICKED fan, but have to say that FOR GOOD is the most disgusting song I have ever heard.
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