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Member Name: i_am_ECas
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help again please.
 Sep 20 2004, 12:56:05 AM
so a lot of audition stuff has been posted before.
but i need a ballad.
low. im an alto.
from 1950-1975...
everything i see lately is all real new.
any songs would be appreciated.
oh and something relativly age appropriate
im 19. so 16-28ish?
thank you!

re: Free Broadway Stuff look
 Sep 14 2004, 11:39:11 PM
pm me please

re: comedic up-tempo songs.
 Sep 9 2004, 07:00:16 PM
I have only seen Sara Lee performed in 'And The World Goes Round. Where was it originally from? and was it sung by a female?
I like Not Getting Married today too...but i only know it as a trio.
someone suggesting a song from "the man of no importance"
cant remember what its called.
also been told Surbaya Santa from not too sure..i cant get over her accent! haha
but anything else will help!
keep em coming!
and thanks so much!

comedic up-tempo songs.
 Sep 9 2004, 09:33:55 AM
Comedic Up-Tempo songs for alto.
help, please!
thank you.

re: Taboo Vocal Selections...
 Aug 27 2004, 07:56:13 PM
even the script to the show would be great...just for us who didnt get a chance to see it. anyone have an indepth synopsis, you can PM it if you are worried about people who may not want to know everything just yet. cause i do!

re: Taboo Vocal Selections...
 Aug 27 2004, 03:44:53 PM
i will drive all the way from michigan to see it.
this time right away. so i can catch it if it does close.

re: Taboo Vocal Selections...
 Aug 27 2004, 12:36:44 PM
everyone that i introduce to Taboo, loves it.
clearly, people just did not give it a chance.
c'mon Rosie! Re-Open! hahaha like that'd ever happen.
so so good.
Everyone that listenes to it is like "oooh burn that one for me!"
Im like "Nope...Buy it! Taboo needs the money, I have faith it will come back..."
a girl can dream.

re: Taboo Vocal Selections...
 Aug 26 2004, 11:45:01 PM
i know i have both versions and they are both so fantastic. i love the two different versions of Pretty Lies. it is such an amazing show. completly underrated.

Taboo Vocal Selections...
 Aug 26 2004, 11:27:43 PM
Any idea if or when Taboo sheet music will ever be available. Such a great score. So many awesome songs. Sorry if this has been asked before.

share the bare love
 Aug 18 2004, 10:49:02 PM
jenna is amazing
after all i was singing her song when i sang in that girls face @ 7-11

 Aug 18 2004, 10:30:36 AM
2day i am not even going to try to load it
my computer is the slowest thing ever and would proabably laugh in my face if i even attempted.
ill watch it somewhere else.

John rambliness and Michael stuff
 Aug 17 2004, 09:25:00 PM
AG-you are more than welcome to attend..hopefully bobby and i will be graduated from college by then
adampascalgal-that would have ben awesome if you ere there..then we could have gone into a production number..haha and it would have been just like a musical..and everyone who ever said that musical scenes dont happen in real life would have been proven wrong! hahaha

re: Marci X
 Aug 17 2004, 12:38:36 PM
hey guy
lets date.

 Aug 17 2004, 12:37:16 PM
i cry because i miss everything theatre related.
lame michigan.
but in 2007 when bobby and i move in to our apt in NY that will be the size of a box, you are all invited to our "apartment the size of a box-warming party" and we will sing BARE a lot and not worry about whose face we are singing into. haha.
and i will make a cake.
and we can have a large pinata similar to the one at Ivy's party.
and you can all oogle over the statue of John Stamos I am going to have in the e

re: Western Michigan University
 Aug 17 2004, 10:36:00 AM
friend named christine.
this wouldnt happen to be Katie would it?
its elise. by the way.

re: Theater Stars On Film!
 Aug 17 2004, 10:31:46 AM
broadwayguy...i think bobby_strong and I have you beat...we watched that scene for like 2 hours.....
my beach housed has a fireplace..
we'll watch re runs of will and grace..

 Aug 17 2004, 10:28:34 AM
set the scene:
"bobby" and i at 7-11 getting slurpees.
i am singing BARE to my self.
we sing a lot.
i decide to turn around to him and say...
"Someone out there call my MOTHERRRRRRRR"
turns out it wasnt him.
it was a random girl and i just sang in her face.
I dont think i just recruited another fan. hahaha she probably thinks im weird. and if she ever hears that song will probably run home and cry..oh well.

p.s. i love john hill in his underwear

re: Marci X
 Aug 17 2004, 10:24:11 AM
i rented it.
i watched the boys r' us scene about 46 times.
then stopped watching it.

 Aug 15 2004, 09:51:09 PM

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