Who would you like to replace Christine Ebersole in GREY GARDENS?
Kristin Chenowerth
Shoshaina Bean
Stephanie Blocke
one of those
No one. The show should bow out gracefully when her contract ends and go from there with the tour and production in London.
Yes, but if she were to be replaced...
I would like to see replacements to show off how good the piece truly is. It's always fascinating to see different takes on a role. As for whom, Just someone who can tackle the part well and sell some tickets!
Donna Murphy or Victoria Clarke is my pick.
I'm with Gypsy,
When she goes, they should just let it go.
Besides, Donna won't show up.
Ugh. I just think Donna is an awful choice. She has absolutely no resemblance to Little Edie.
I think the show will end up closing when Ebersole's contract is up, but I'd love to see Victoria Clark.
Ditto. It's not worth continuing on without her.
I could see Victoria Clark over Donna in the role.
But lets save Victoria for reprising her amazing performance as Sally Durant Plummer - another brilliant role.
But it's such a fantastic show with a brilliant score and some fabulous supporting performances. I just don't want to see it leave so quickly.
Cathy Rigby
If it's not worth it to continue on without her, then you have little faith in the show.
Raul Esparza should take over!
Beth Leavel?
I would have loved to have seen Faith Prince, but that didn't happen.
Donna could do it.
Broadway Legend Joined: 8/10/06
"As for whom, Just someone who can tackle the part well and sell some tickets!"
I second the motion.
Sally Struthers
Fantasia or Harvey.
I would love to see Victoria Clark.
When is she set to leave?
I think Clark is immensly talented, but totally wrong for the part...actually, Prince is the only one I can think of.
I think Maureen Moore should fill out the run...she deserves it.
I think Clark would be a brilliant fit for Edith in Act 1. But I don't she'd be as great a fit for Little Edit in Act 2 - though I'm sure she could pull it.
But like I said earlier - lets save her for the FOLLIES transfer!