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Member Name: Tevye the Dairyman
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re: South pacific rush
 May 3 2009, 12:02:31 AM
I did it last thursday. Got there around 530 and was 2nd in line. Great seats in the front center of the loge. I imagine they'll have em up til curtain, plenty of empty seats

re: Confused about 'I Am The One (Reprise)'
 Apr 29 2009, 07:15:36 PM
It was just something about the staging of the moment that felt really schmaltzy to me...then again the entire staging of "Light" was quite schmaltzy to me. It just felt like a typical set up, double take, delivery, then directly back into the music while the audience guffawed around me and i was left feeling kinda biggie, didn't affect my overall appreciation for the show, it just seemed at that specific performance back in like the first week of previews that the direction was t
re: Confused about 'I Am The One (Reprise)'
 Apr 29 2009, 07:02:08 PM
Well, when i saw the show early in previews J. Robert Spencer definitely took some very deliberate beats in that line to Dr. Madden that seemed to signal to the audience "This is a funny line. Laugh at this." Not a hug deal, just a kinda let down for me, I'd grown so attached to his performance of that character in the last 30-45 minutes and all I wanted from him in the closing was genuine honesty in what he had to say...just my thoughts
re: Confused about 'I Am The One (Reprise)'
 Apr 29 2009, 06:40:23 PM
I agree heo, the way they approached that moment in "light" at 2nd Stage was beautiful, with Dan walking by as Doctor Madden read that off the clipboard...the new exchange seems to be a bit of a cop-out. They've almost turned it into a throw-away comic bit, sorta diminishing the importance of Dan needing psychiatric help now too.
re: ?!?!South Pacific Closing ?!?!? TDF?!
 Apr 27 2009, 01:22:04 PM
agree about his singing. his voice was fantastic, and his character showed brief glimpses of coming alive. Perhaps he is taking the "shell-shocked Cable" thing just way too far in the book scenes, but his first office scene with Brackett and Harbison, the actors playing those roles seemed almost, i'm not positive how to phrase this, but wary of him...they definitely steered clear of "playing" with him, as he was playing his role without any awareness for his scene partners. He seemed
re: ?!?!South Pacific Closing ?!?!? TDF?!
 Apr 26 2009, 10:43:07 PM
saw the show for the first time last week. felt like the remnants of an amazing production that was being heeeeavily dragged down by a couple weak replacements. I suppose it was really only Andrew Samonsky and Laura Osnes that dragged, but the effect was excruciatingly obvious to me and it seemed to the rest of the audience (andrew samonsky got a few quite audible derisive laughs on some of his spectactularly awful line readings). However, the show still deserves to be running just for the br
re: Does anyone do LaChuisa's Wild Party?
 Apr 18 2009, 01:18:24 AM
I did a college production last fall playing Gold. It's not an extremely popular show to produce, but its always a joy when some director gets the guts to try and tackle it. My favorite theater experience to date.
re: Singing Roles Traditionally Played By Non-singers
 Apr 8 2009, 09:51:07 PM
and john pinette has a great voice...the kind of high tenor voice that most of the men who understudied the role took on. Just an opinion, but check out some of the "mock-opera" he sings in his standup.
re: Transposition on Broadway
 Mar 9 2009, 08:27:40 PM
yah, those keys aren't really touched for the Doyle revival. Now in the '95 revival they were lowered considerably to accomodate Boyd Gaines. But nuffin like that in the most recent one.
South Pacific Rush?...
 Mar 3 2009, 10:40:51 PM
I'm sorry I know this has been discussed in other posts, but i just sort of needed to know quickly last minute...what's with the South Pacific rush possibility that's been floating around? Any chance of it existing at tomorrow's evening performance? And how does one go about pursuing it? Thanks, and hope this doesn't annoy anyone!
re: 'Oz, the Musical' Promotional Stills
 Feb 27 2009, 09:27:49 AM
I woke up still a little drunk this morning and then watched that rehearsal clip. I'm going back to bed now. The horror...the horror...
re: The Core of Acting
 Feb 21 2009, 06:29:04 PM
"acting is being"

acting is action. doing.

re: The question that is on everybody's mind.....
 Feb 21 2009, 06:24:10 PM
this joke has run it's course
re: The Story Of My Life to close February 22- Officially.
 Feb 21 2009, 06:09:25 PM
you have a very good point, but did you not hear the little musical flourish that occured every time Alvin pulled a story off the shelf? Sunday...
re: Is THE STORY OF MY LIFE CLosing Tomorrow?
 Feb 21 2009, 06:03:06 PM
4 actors...
re: The Story Of My Life to close February 22- Officially.
 Feb 21 2009, 05:56:39 PM
I'm not quite getting why the loss of this show seems to be affecting so many really just wasn't that good. i know that's an opinion and all but...i mean the book and lyrics were tacky, amateurish, and for the most part just plain poor. the music seemed like the composer was attempting to write in the style of sondheim and perhaps guettel but had the talent of mr. wildhorn. the performers did their best with the given material but...i don't know i'm just not sure how people can ju
re: Current Easiest Student Rushes?
 Feb 7 2009, 12:36:17 AM
The 39 Steps is also quite easy to get in my experience. 20 minutes before curtain only.
re: The Best Male Voice on Broadway
 Feb 5 2009, 09:23:38 AM
what exactly do you mean by "big vibrato sound"? All the actors you mentioned are trained singers and have vibrato in their voice, butz and pascal having very distinct ones (not to mention Raul's...). It's not as if they straight tone everything.
re: Just Discovered 'The Wild Party'
 Feb 2 2009, 10:03:39 PM
i recently played Gold in a production of this show. LaChiusa is a genius. Not to start a huge debate but...highly superior to Lippa's...maybe it's a "you-gotta-be-in-it" sorta thing. the recording is outstanding.
re: Hugh Panaro: Really?
 Jan 30 2009, 10:21:36 PM
mean. but amazing diddy kong reference. pooped my pants laughing.
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