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re: Poll: What is the *real* anthem of Broadway?
 Jan 23 2006, 03:32:19 PM
I'm also gonna haveta say "Lullaby of Broadway" just seems to fit. Whenever i hear it i always have broadway memories or thoughts running through my head!
re: Drew Lachey
 Jan 11 2006, 05:37:18 PM

re: TOP 3
 Jan 7 2006, 06:27:23 PM
is Evita on broadway now? unless you're talking about a tour or something...cause i really wanna see Evita so i got excited when i read i out of the loop?
re: Broadway Christmas (or Hannukah) Gifts
 Dec 27 2005, 07:50:41 PM
Broadway Musicals: The 101 Greatest Shows of All Time

I got that book too!...and a set of RENT movie stuff (close enough) a still pic of a scene from La Vie Boheme, a mug, a poster and a hat

re: lip synching in movie musicals
 Dec 21 2005, 03:21:07 PM
The problem is it's mostly broadway singers who do bad lip synching...they're used to doing it live, so its akward for them
re: Give Disney's Once Upon a Mattress a Grade
 Dec 19 2005, 06:45:15 PM
I'd give it an A-...i actually enjoyed it, at least for sitting home on sunday night. I think the story is quite and enjoyable by itself, and i like the casting. However old Tracy may be, the girl can sing and Carol Burnett just brings something to these Disney movies, something broadway. I'm a huge Matt Morrison fan, but thats probably just because i was like 3 feet away from him when i saw The Light in the Piazza, and i thought he was great...there's no denying he can sing! Denis O'Hare was al
re: M/F Duet NOT romantic
 Dec 15 2005, 08:01:36 PM
def "anything you can do i can do better" its a great song for, always trying to beat each other out
re: WORST Cameo in Films by Broadway Stars
 Dec 6 2005, 05:22:40 PM
"Idina Menzel in JUST A KISS is hy-f*cking-sterical! All I'll say is its a graphic 30 second long scene of her having sex."

I thought her cameo in that was horrible. she was just too weird...not to mention the movie sucked as well

re: dust and snow on Mark and Roger's window sill--a discussion
 Nov 27 2005, 08:59:36 PM
thats what i meant thanks. I'm just saying, it chris columbus who made that mistake...most of the stuff we were talking about deals with the material in general, but this was a movie only fluke
re: dust and snow on Mark and Roger's window sill--a discussion
 Nov 26 2005, 06:01:58 PM
About the wholle Thelma and Loiuse thing...i think that may be more chris columbus. In the show, there is no refernce to the year, you just asume it's late 80's or early 90's, only in the movie is it given 1989-90. So when Jonathan Larson wrote the show, he could have technically written it taking place in 1991...just a thought
Rent Review
 Nov 23 2005, 09:45:36 PM
I rushed right after school with my friend and i thought the movie was amazing. Now this is the same friend i took to see the show last year for her birthday. I loved pretty much every aspect of this movie...the staging, the singing, the acting, everyting. My fav scenes...definately "seasons of love", that empty theatre was amazing, and "out tonight" cause i loved the way she came from work to home to roger's.
Now this may sound odd, but when i got to the theatre, i wound up sitting with so

re: Kids' Night on Broadway - Essay Contest
 Nov 22 2005, 06:17:25 PM
I should just submit my college essay, i wrote about my love for theatre!
re: How Shall I See You Through My Tears?
 Nov 8 2005, 04:16:08 PM
I agree with buying "Camp" i have both the dvd and the soundtrack, def worth it!
re: Who have you gotten stuff back from?
 Oct 25 2005, 06:51:58 PM
I sent idina menzel a witch's hat and a letter and she sent it back a week later, personalized.
re: Taylor Dayne in Aida
 Oct 18 2005, 05:30:25 PM
I saw it with Taylor, Adam and Heather Headly. Now its hard to hold your own with those other two actors, but i remember being pleasantly suprised at how really good Taylor was. After hearing Sherie's voice on the cd, i realized i would have loved to see her, but Taylor was amazing too
re: RENT ringtones!
 Oct 18 2005, 05:23:18 PM
damn! verizon phone!!!!!
re: Your Favorite Performances
 Oct 16 2005, 06:53:57 PM
*Idina Menzel and Kristin Chenoweth together in Wicked (It was just amazing with the two of them together...once in a lifetime)

*Adam Pascal in Aida (Twice-the opening month and closing month)

*Victoria Clark in the Light in the Piazza

*Raul Esparza in the Normal Heart

my least impressive/favorite performance was Drew Lachey in RENT, he ruined it for me

re: You know your a deranged musical theatre fan when....
 Oct 15 2005, 09:21:23 AM
4. You are willing to wait an hour for everyone to come out the stage door in 45 degree weather at night. was dec 30th...i waited for idina menzel to come out from Wicked for an hour and half and it was def below freezing...i guess i'm a freak

many more things on that list apply, but this is the best one

re: Rent on Regis and Kelly
 Oct 13 2005, 10:12:23 AM
i'm glad that it was pre-tapped, cause im watching it with my parents while we're gettin ready to go to temple, and they're like shame on Idina...cause today is the holiest day of the year for was too funny
re: RENT opening question
 Oct 4 2005, 01:43:16 PM
aww, that kinda sucks, but at least i can be one of the first and form my own opinion instead of hearing what everyone in NYC has to say and going in with a bad/good review. Thanks for the info
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