re: My London Reviews - Mary Poppins & Avenue Q Sep 25
2006, 03:50:01 PM
great reviews, I also saw Q in London for the first time this week, and I have to agree the vocal performances are outstanding and imo better than the obc. The chemistry in the cast is also amazing as was the atmosphere in the theatre the night I saw it, rarely in many years of attending theatre in London (I'm from here) has an audience been so enthusiastic in the sense they were practically cheering the characters on with vocal reactions to lots of things (such as a big oooh and hiss for lucy)
re: equus Jul 28
2006, 12:33:07 PM
In the uk legal 'adulthood' is in fact 18, but as pointed out the age of consent is younger( 16) though I'm not sure what impact this has on nudity on stage. I personally think Radcliffe would be great in this role, though perhaps it would be better for his career to wait until after Harry Potter is done and dusted then do something as dramatically different as this, that said I'd still see it!
re: Report from London: SUNDAY IN THE PARK Jul 7
2006, 04:26:37 AM
I love that you love this production! I saw the production at the Meiner chocolate factory (where it played before transfering) and it was very powerful in the tiny space, I'm really looking foreward to seeing it in the larger venue next month and seeing the wonderful Jenna Russell for the first time as Dot!
re: Evita Ldn Pixs Jun 12
2006, 12:05:52 PM
Kec- if I'm correct it began previews on the 6th (so last week) I've heard this is a fantastic production with a lot of dancing (so a big difference to the original) and that Roger is great and has great chemistry with Peron (sorry I forget his name) which I think was lacking, in the movie at least.
re: What do you like best about Stephanie Block Apr 30
2006, 05:05:32 AM
What I first liked about her was the amazing *sparkle* -that's the only word I can think of to describe it- she had on stage (in BFO, from the rear of the mezz!) Then there is how kind she is to her fans, how genuine she is but most of all for me what I like best is how she inspires me, it sounds incredibly cliche I realise but she does. I went to a talk she and Isobel Keating did during the BFO run and hearing her talk about how she got started and growing up etc was wonderful to hear
re: HELEN HAYES AWARDS today in DC! Apr 18
2006, 09:34:39 AM
congrats to Stephanie!!
re: Cats - huh? Apr 9
2006, 06:12:53 AM
I had the same response to many in that I just didn't 'get' cats! I saw it on tour in 2004 in Montreal and while I can't fault the production I was left indiffrent. Had I seen the original in London, which I remember many friends talking about (I'm a UK-er) I might have felt differently... then again maybe not. Strangely 'Memory' was the first song I really learned to sing (my music teacher had a major thing for ALW music -well it was the late 80s )
Favorite Chorus numbers Mar 30
2006, 04:16:28 AM
Although a lot of Broadway shows are centred around solo parts a good chorus number can make or break a show, so I was just wondering what are anyone's favorite chorus numbers? Personally I never get tired of 'Springtime for Hitler' in 'The producers'
re: Examples of Standbys / Understudies Filling In During A Show? Mar 28
2006, 01:37:32 PM
names escape me at the moment but in 'The Producers' in October 2004 Bialystock was replaced at intermission, but because of their swing/cover system the current Franz had to change to Bialystock and the Franz understudy had to go on.
re: 6 Degrees of you and a broadway star Mar 27
2006, 04:22:08 AM
A friend I met through acting classes was in a play with Emma Thompson (So she's West end really but it still counts) the funny thing was the scene we worked on together was from 'Wit' which of course ms Thompson starred in on screen!
re: Weirdest Show You've Ever Seen Mar 25
2006, 08:34:10 AM
I have to agree with 'Cats' I went from confusion to just plain creeped out.
re: The Last Five Years UK Premier Mar 21
2006, 07:40:23 AM
yey!! Can I just mention how much I adore the chocolate factory?! And even better as I'm moving to London this summer I'll get to see their productions far more frequantly! Hurrah for TLFY finally getting to this side of the pond
re: Miss Saigon... Mar 12
2006, 04:52:35 AM
Re: current UK tour-Ramin Karimloo is A-mazing. (and I might add not bad to look at lol!) The engineer (sorry don't have my programme to check his name) is very good, with a great comic skill too.
re: stunning broadway stars? Mar 10
2006, 06:06:07 AM
Bella I agree Kristin is lovely, I also must jump on the bandwagon with Sherie :) Males: Patrick Wilson or as my mum calls him 'that pretty boy' lol also Raul, Adam and Norbert - all three arn't really 'conventional' in terms of looks which is what I love!
re: Les Mis London/US Tour Mar 1
2006, 02:24:29 PM
joshy - I was just scrolling down as fast as I could to post that. It is highly ignorant not to mention insulting to make such a comment on British singers. Just because this is an American dominated board doesn't mean such comments are justified or that they will go unnoticed.
re: If You Could Turn Back Time Feb 26
2006, 08:31:41 AM
Angels in America-both parts, though not Broadway technically I'd have loved to be at the world premiere of both parts at the mark taper forum. Alos OBC of Rent and a chorus line
re: Broadway Mistakes Feb 19
2006, 02:44:40 PM
When I saw wicked Idina and JLT got their hair tangled at the start of 'One short day' and took a long time to pull themselves apart then even longer to compose themselves! In 'the foreigner' matthew broderick managed to crack up most of the cast and himself at one point, then sat down for a few seconds shaking his head until they all pulled themselves together Hunter Foster flubbed the 'Mr Marks' line at the end of the producers by calling him 'Mr Bialystock' and then continue
re: What to do about headshots? Feb 9
2006, 02:06:35 PM
I agree, and I'm sure there are pleanty of photography students around who will be willing. I spent a lot of money last year on headshots and now wish I hadn't, simply because it's going to be another couple of years before (god willing) i'm going to profesional auditions etc where I really need the shots. This said, at least I can always say the lady who took my shots had a spread in 'Time' a month or so later! That almsot makes it worth it!