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Member Name: Greatwhiteway3
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The kids of Les Mis AKA Broadway ignores biology
 Jan 27 2014, 07:55:57 PM
So I get that the producers want color blind casting and people to disregard history, but now they want to us ignore biology? Which of these little girls grows up to change races and become Nikki M James?

Even the hispanic girl they cast doesn't make sense as a young Eponine when the adult is a black woman, even a light skinned black woman.

Anyone Been Berated In Rush Ticket Line By Al Hirschfield Ticket Personnel?
 Jun 29 2013, 10:05:41 PM
Short answer, NO. BUT, IMHO. Not that I doubt your version of events, but I think its very nice of Kinky to have a 15 minute leaving policy. I actually think it makes it very hard to monitor. Although your mother may have been there all morning and left for 30 minutes, how is it fair that a "chair" gets to have tickets? Whats to stop some person coming at 7AM with 3 folding chairs and then 30 minutes before the box office opens his or her 2 friends show up, nice and rested, to claim their 2 tick
Lilli Cooper in Wicked
 Feb 13 2013, 02:23:17 PM
What the hell is a Dan'Yelle... Did they mean Danielle but not know how to spell it?
MY FAIR LADY coming back to Broadway in 2014?
 Feb 10 2013, 02:13:43 PM
Yeah.. I'm pretty sure I said there were no COCKNEY black women.. Not black people in England. Find me a photo of a female black flower seller in Covent garden in 1900 and then lets talk.
MY FAIR LADY coming back to Broadway in 2014?
 Feb 9 2013, 08:48:49 PM
Audra??? Was that serious or is this turning into a color blind casting post? Lets check the stats..

#1 - She's about 43

#2 - She's built like a linebacker

#3 - She's black. I am VERY certain there were no black cockney women in Edwardian London. Maybe Eastenders 2012.

Concert version, sure, lets hear Audra. Stage version. Hell no.

MY FAIR LADY coming back to Broadway in 2014?
 Feb 8 2013, 12:51:59 PM
WOW, some of these suggestions... Obviously Laura Benanti has family members on here.. LOL Benanti?? Karen Olivo??? CHENOWETH??? Lea "I dropped my last name" Michelle?

I hope I'm wrong, but with Clive Davis being involved it WILL be some crazy Idol cast off OR something idiotic combo like Beyonce and Denzel Washington. If it was going to be a pop-ish singer, Adel would be ok, although she's a big girl so they would have her lose weight or the would have to get someone like John Goodman

FIORELLO! at City Center REViEWS
 Feb 3 2013, 07:31:58 AM
Goldenboy "The beautiful Kate Baldwin, was glaringly miscast as an Italian woman. She needs to be back in Gloccamorra like places where she belongs."

AGREE. Love Kate, but she was cast because she is friends with Sheldon Harnick,

,and also Encores casting agent Jay Binder and Artistic Director Jack Viertel, both whom she worked with on Finian's.

Sometimes it's not how right you are for the part. but whose buddy you are...

Casting without Considering Appearance
 Jan 19 2013, 01:30:09 PM
Thanks Gaveston. I like who you tell me I don't know history, while in the same breath stating you aren't sure what the answer is. I believe I asked if it was possible a black man in France could have made it to Inspector or any level in the police for that matter. ... You didn't prove otherwise. You just state in your opinion because France wasn't Alabama he PROBABLY could have. I'll take that bet.

I appreciate your point, although a bit patronizing. I have no issue pretending or susp

Casting without Considering Appearance
 Jan 19 2013, 01:17:48 PM
Your imagination is MUCH better than mine.. Sorry. maybe I'm a bit to anal but I'd sit there the whole time saying, really, they want me to believe at some point this white kid turned black?.. Not to mention having a wealthy black businessman in Victorian London.
Casting without Considering Appearance
 Jan 19 2013, 01:00:43 PM
Thanks Sue! Let's stop the madness!
 Jan 19 2013, 12:45:59 PM
No one is going to be able to see all the talent. For every role available there are hundreds if not thousands of people auditioning. MANY of them very very talented. I can understand a casting person wanting to go with a "known entity", but at some point everyone was unknown and it was because someone took a risk and gave them a shot that they are now known. There is also something to be said for a casting agent who discovers new talent rather than just going in their tool box and finding the r
 Jan 18 2013, 07:20:44 PM
Casting is very incestuous it seems.. Funny this post came up because I was just reading the cast of the upcoming Big Fish.. I was how "interesting" that Kate Baldwin and Bobby Steggart recently finished GIANT and now, out of ALL the actors and actresses milling around NY, the two of them end up in Big Fish. Not saying they aren't both very talented, but in the extremely competitive nature of theater I'd say there is more to this. Coincidence? Probably not. Maybe they were cast by the same perso
Casting without Considering Appearance
 Jan 18 2013, 10:41:29 AM
I am really passionate about this issue. It gets my blood boiling. Short and sweet...My opinion, if you don't agree so be it.

If its a concert version, cast anyone you like. Best voice, most diverse, I don't care.

If its a show, I want to be engrossed in the story. Not distracted thinking how is it possible that this 1950's white couple or has a a black child and an Asian child when adoption isn't brought into the story and it isn't likely that would have happened in the USA i

Eden Espinosa as Evita?
 Sep 1 2012, 01:05:54 PM
I guess I could suspend belief and see her as an overweight Evita. I agree she has somewhat of a shrill voice, but I don't really like the musical that much anyway so who cares.. BTW, the person who said "I know that she said she's interested" REALLY? I mean, when is the last time she did a Broadway show? Would be great if she said, "Nah, I'd rather sit in my apartment"

But I DO think she's pretty

 Mar 13 2011, 10:29:15 PM
Jon.. since you are the only one that has said anything intelligent or meaningful I shall respond in kind.. I think you hit it on the head. I think the casting of Jonas and the two reality girls was 100% to get the "younger generation" into the next 25 years of Les Mis
 Mar 13 2011, 10:26:37 PM
Lizzie you are so clever. Anyone ever tell you that? I doubt it
 Mar 13 2011, 09:40:49 PM
Sporky... Colm was 65 at the time... Still age appropriate for this part.. Also.. Didn't have to be him. Many others better than Alfie.... and with Lea's weight she would have been better as Madame Thénardier. But then it's a concert right? We have to suspend disbelief, like the ability in 1815 France of a Filipino mother with a blonde English daughter, among other things LOL.
Have to love casting which disregards history or reality.

 Mar 13 2011, 09:09:23 PM
I'm sure this has been posted about many times already so I apologize in advance. I have just watched the performance.

Am I only one who is REALLY disappointed in the cast? This is the best they can get for a 25th anniversary? The 10th year cast BLEW THEM AWAY.

A Jean Valjean who sounds like Kermit the frog (Why not use Colm again???) A washed up and way overweight Lea Salonga? A Cosette and Eponine whose claim to fame is being on Lord Webber reality shows? A Jonas brother??

American Idiot Extended
 Oct 25 2010, 10:34:59 AM
What I find interesting is that the "Powers that be" rushed to close Finian's Rainbow which was grossing just as much as AI has been fior
The last few months and had much lower costs (half the cast, less elaborate set etc)...I had heard a rumor that someone with influence at the theater (not the show) pushed to close because they were linked to someone at AI and wanted the show at their theater...don't know if it's true but the fact that landlords have things written in the contracts where t

BREAKING: Patti LaBelle to replace Lillias White in FELA!
 Jul 17 2010, 09:48:04 AM
I agree it's a nothing part! That's why I still don't know why Lilias White got a TONY nom for it, as great as she is.
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