Stand-by Joined: 7/7/09
I'm sure this has been posted about many times already so I apologize in advance. I have just watched the performance.
Am I only one who is REALLY disappointed in the cast? This is the best they can get for a 25th anniversary? The 10th year cast BLEW THEM AWAY.
A Jean Valjean who sounds like Kermit the frog (Why not use Colm again???) A washed up and way overweight Lea Salonga? A Cosette and Eponine whose claim to fame is being on Lord Webber reality shows? A Jonas brother?? Seriously?? I mean he sings ok, but really? They couldn't find 1000 chorus boys with better voices? Even Norm Lewis disappointed me and I LOVE Norm Lewis. Karimloo was pretty good but the only homerun was Jenny Gallaway.
Broadway Legend Joined: 7/27/05
Um, seriously? Colm is like in his 80s now and no way was Lea overweight (and even if she was, her performance was outstanding).
Stand-by Joined: 7/7/09
Sporky... Colm was 65 at the time... Still age appropriate for this part.. Also.. Didn't have to be him. Many others better than Alfie.... and with Lea's weight she would have been better as Madame Thénardier. But then it's a concert right? We have to suspend disbelief, like the ability in 1815 France of a Filipino mother with a blonde English daughter, among other things LOL.
Have to love casting which disregards history or reality.
Broadway Legend Joined: 7/22/03
Who cares? We got to see and hear Norm Lewis.
Greatwhiteway...your an idiot
Sorry was that harsh?
Well so is calling someone "overweight" when they are not even close to being so.
IMO, Alfie blew Colm away...I detest Colm's voice, but like I said that is my opinion. However, to say Alfie sounded like Kermit is quite idiotic. You can at least give the man some respect. I give Colm respect, I dont like his voice but I'm not going to say he sucks..because obviously he doesn't...just not my cup of tea.
Greatwhiteway, you have a lot of growing up to do. Go find your blankie and go suck your thumb in a corner.
"and with Lea's weight she would have been better as Madame Thénardier"
Comments like this are totally unnecessary.
Lea Salonga overweight? Wow. You have GOT to be kidding me
Overweight? I must have missed that, because she looked anything but overweight to me.
I love her Fantine. I'm sorry you found a loose-fitting costume so distracting that you missed her brilliant performance.
And I thought I was being way harsh when I said the new, crappy orchestrations sounded like a bunch of people whistling behind Norm during "Stars"!
Alas, the poor OP.
Why do I have the feeling that Greatwhiteway is just a bitter 'ol fat queen that is just bitter at life because his aspirations to be a star have failed?
It's not just a feeling. Check out the rest of his posts.
But seriously, you HAVE to be kidding. Calling Lea overweight is absolutely ridiculous. Plus, her performance was great.
Broadway Legend Joined: 2/20/04
I can't recall ever seeing a more physically beautiful trio of leading ladies than Salonga and the actresses playing Cosette and Eponine.
Maybe the intent was to atract more straight men to the theatre.
You'd prefer maybe Patti LuPone or Randi Graff???
But then it's a concert right? We have to suspend disbelief, like the ability in 1815 France of a Filipino mother with a blonde English daughter, among other things LOL.
Have to love casting which disregards history or reality.
In that case, you can't have a black man playing the police inspector.
And, to play it out, if we're that concerned about "reality" why was Colm Wilkinson, who's Welsh (or Irish, I forget) cast as a Frechman? Patti LuPone is Italian, and she was the original Fantine.
Heck, has the British or American productions ever cast French actors? So, the show has been "disregarding history" since the beginning, based on your theory.
Heck, has the British or American productions ever cast French actors? So, the show has been "disregarding history" since the beginning, based on your theory.
Jérôme Pradon played a particularly weird and creepy Javert in London. But I think he might be it.
"They couldn't find 1000 chorus boys with better voices?"
or find something better for them to wear than t-shirts?
Stand-by Joined: 7/7/09
Lizzie you are so clever. Anyone ever tell you that? I doubt it
Stand-by Joined: 7/7/09
Jon.. since you are the only one that has said anything intelligent or meaningful I shall respond in kind.. I think you hit it on the head. I think the casting of Jonas and the two reality girls was 100% to get the "younger generation" into the next 25 years of Les Mis
Greatwhiteway3, I'm going to say this in an intelligent and meaningful way...
Your opinion on theatrical productions, performance, and theatre history is obviously based on a tiny amount of education and experience. Before you publicly humiliate yourself further, I recommend that you fully think about what you are really saying before you hit that 'publish' button.
I agree
I read through all his other posts. Has anyone seen anything remotely well thought out, positive, informed, and actually right? Greatwhiteway, you are a tool.
Broadway Legend Joined: 7/27/05
Even if Colm was 65, he's still too old for the role until the very end of the show. Valjean is in his 40s when he gets out of prison.
There are others that I would have preferred in the role, but Colm is not one of them. And Alfie didn't sound like Kermit, especially for an opera singer he had great musical theatre diction.
I found the production very moving. I had forgotten how much I love the score.
My only disappointment was with Nick Jonas, whose performance I found distracting. The rest of the cast was fine.
Alfie Boe was wonderful in La Boheme, and I appreciated his work in this concert.
Norm Lewis was simply excellent.
I agree about Jonas as well. His voice is simply weak. "Empty Chairs" should be an extremely moving moment, however between his constant gasps for air, and strained high notes and dodgy low notes, the song was dead.
Lea Salonga overweight? Hardly. She sounded amazing.
Nick Jonas was absolutely effing terrible.
Norm Lewis was wonderful.
Alfie Boe was good until "Bring Him Home" was so weak.
The Thenardiers were "meh"
Eponine was good. Not outstanding, but good.
Cosette was boring, but when isn't she?
Ramin Karimloo was, well, Ramin Karimloo. amazing. :)
And the choir in t-shirts? Weird and inappropriate.
My .2 cents on this concert.