luvtheEmcee Profile Photo
Posted: 7/28/04 at 1:22am

As many of you know, this wasn't my first choice of shows to see tonight (looooooooong story), but I decided to go in with an open mind. I mean, I have been wanting to see it for a while, and honestly, did feel a bit out of the loop being a huge Broadway fan and not having seen it. The short version of my opinion: Did I enjoy it? Yes. Would I see it again? No. Basically, I didn't love the show, but I definitely had a good time. It's absolutely hysterical, it's just not really my type of show. You know, I like stuff with depth and emotion... stuff that gives you chills and makes you cry. That's just not "The Producers." Great production, though... I loved the sets and the costumes, and the plot is a riot; it's very easy to see how well Nathan and Matthew would've played those roles. I haven't laughed that hard in a while. The music is good.... but it's not really anything I see myself listening to over and over again. I'm sure I'll pick up the CD, but I've heard better. But it was the first show I've seen in a while (not since Gypsy back in April, I think) that had a full, traditional pit... so props to the pit! I loved the dance scenes, too.

Okay, so Hunter rocked my socks. He OWNS that role. He's been a favorite of mine for a while and when he came on stage, I just wanted to leap out of my seat. He's incredibly funny, his voice is as great as ever, and he can dance!!! The blue blanket scene was hilarious... Hunter just won me over in 2 seconds flat. I was very impressed with him. He's so great at playing "the nerd," and has so many cute, quirky things about him that work so well. His timing is perfect. I met him after the show, and he's very shy, but was sweet as always. He says "Bonnie and Clyde" is good, and that he's not sure, but he hopes we'll get to see it soon!

Brad Oscar was on, for those who were wondering, and he's also very funny! Vocally, he reminded me somewhat of Nathan, but he's hysterical. His physical comedy skills are wonderful, as is his comedic timing. It took me a while to really be able to sense the chemistry between he and Hunter, but they do work well together.

The rest of the cast as a whole was great.... and now my small chorus-boy plug: I had completely forgotten that Justin Bohon was in "The Producers" now. I fell for him in Oklahoma! and I was really happy to see him again.

Hmmm... I'm getting kind of tired, so I'm going to leave it at that. Thanks for reading!

A work of art is an invitation to love.

nystateomind04 Profile Photo
#1re: THE PRODUCERS tonight
Posted: 7/28/04 at 1:33am

great review, emcee. producers isnt everyones cup of tea but you have to practically be a corpse to not be entertained by it. glad you had fun! (and remember, don't mourn aida quite yet)

luvtheEmcee Profile Photo
#2re: THE PRODUCERS tonight
Posted: 7/28/04 at 1:39am

I know, I know. I've decided that it isn't goodbye until 5:30 on September 5th. I WILL NOT LET GO! re: THE PRODUCERS tonight

A work of art is an invitation to love.

#3re: THE PRODUCERS tonight
Posted: 7/28/04 at 11:08am

Emcee, I'm glad you enjoyed the show, though you know I am still sobbing you didnt get to see YOUR SHOW

Nathan was unbelievable in THE PRODUCERS, as we know, ....I have not seen it since he left...but I'm sure its still VERY funny

luvtheEmcee Profile Photo
#4re: THE PRODUCERS tonight
Posted: 7/28/04 at 11:09am

Yup. This was my first time, so I had nothing to compare Hunter and Brad to, but I LOVED them... Hunter especially. He's one of my favorites.

And yeah, I'm sad about the other one too, Ruffian, but it's not over yet. I've still got some time. re: THE PRODUCERS tonight

A work of art is an invitation to love.

sabrelady Profile Photo
#5re: THE PRODUCERS tonight
Posted: 7/28/04 at 11:50am

I enjoy Hunter's work too. Can't understand why he isn't doing more TV/Film work. He is so gifted! & I LIKE that he is unconventionally good looking!

#6re: THE PRODUCERS tonight
Posted: 7/28/04 at 11:51am

great review! thanks!!

"People asking questions, lost in confusion. Well I tell them there's no problems, only solutions." ~The one and only John Lennon

aspiringguy715 Profile Photo
#7re: THE PRODUCERS tonight
Posted: 7/28/04 at 1:01pm

Great review Emcee, that's exactly what I've heard from other people who have seen the show. I personally don't have the desire to see it lol (ducks for cover.) I'm with you on the deep musicals that make you think or cry, I'm a sucker for a tearjerker or moving musical re: THE PRODUCERS tonight.

luvtheEmcee Profile Photo
#8re: THE PRODUCERS tonight
Posted: 7/28/04 at 1:14pm

Nah...actually, for years I had NO desire to see it. I think that going into it, I was actually more looking forward to seeing Hunter in the role than seeing the show itself. I'm glad I saw it, though.

A work of art is an invitation to love.

little_sally Profile Photo
#9re: THE PRODUCERS tonight
Posted: 7/28/04 at 5:05pm

Great review! I've been interested in seeing "The Producers" since it was announced Hunter was going to be in and it's nice to hear he's doing a great job as Leo.

A little swash, a bit of buckle - you'll love it more than bread.

MusicPos2 Profile Photo
#10re: THE PRODUCERS tonight
Posted: 7/28/04 at 9:17pm

I completely agreed with you (I think I saw the first cast after the Original left), except that the leads were playing Nathan and Matthew. Really would like to see Hunter's take.
