In defense of Laura Benanti Aug 24
2005, 03:35:07 PM
As far as Riedel goes... "At the opening of Sondheim’s Assassins—praised by most critics with guns blazing—Riedel looked offended during the show, whispering repeatedly to me, “This is sick.” Afterward, heading for the party at the China Club, he was in high spirits, insisting that he was rooting for the show to be nominated for a Tony..." He makes me sick.
re: Has anyone never seen a show they did not like? Aug 21
2005, 01:27:17 PM
Jekyll and Hyde, what a piece of sh*t. And I found it odd that the second time I saw The Producers I didn't enjoy it half as much as the first. That cast just wasn't landing the punchlines like the first time around.
re: Bernadette Peters: Coming Back to Bway?? Aug 21
2005, 01:10:52 PM
I second that wish.
re: Is Mrs. Lovett the truly evil one? Aug 16
2005, 10:18:48 AM
I too am surprised at how many people are passing judgement on these characters. The thing that makes Sweeney such a strong piece of theater is that each character has such a passionate NEED driving them, and will to anything to get it. Is Lovett evil? Absolutly not. She sees no distinction between carving someone up into a meat pie and say, taking care of Toby. As someone mentioned earlier, the society is really what is to blame here. In fact, in the original production, Harold Prince
re: Andre 3000 has turned down a role in DREAMGIRLS Aug 10
2005, 01:31:52 PM
Fantasia giving what to what?!?
re: Gone backstage? Aug 10
2005, 01:28:46 PM
Got to go backstage at the La Cage revival. It was actually strage how it happened, because I had no idea that I had any connection with anyone in the show (I hadn't been in New York for a year) but it turned out that my High School Senior English teacher knew Ruth Williamson (who played Jacqueline) and she arranged for me to see the show and gave me a tour. I was expecting a surreal experience having never been backstage, but it actually felt very real and exciting, which I think is better than
re: Which Broadway Actor/Actress do you think can best act different types Aug 8
2005, 12:15:49 PM
Sorry, but I think that the hardest working people concerning Idina's so-called Wicked transformation were the make-up artists. I could have recognized her voice anywhere, so I don't know where you go the idea that she did any work to change either. Anyway, you can believe what you want to believe but I think it is foolish to give performers credit for more than they deserve just because you are a fan. If you want to call her a great vocalist, I may not agree, but I won't argue with yo
re: Which Broadway Actor/Actress do you think can best act different types Aug 7
2005, 11:22:46 PM
I'd say Kristin C. is a great performer, but not a great actress. I have a hard time thinking of musical theater actors who really achieve that Meryl-esq transformation from role-to-role. I guess a lot of musical theater actors are afraid to let go of their images and delve. Norbert Leo Butz COULD qualify, but in the times I've seen him, while he was playing varied roles, he never quite looses that Norbert-ness that people expect from him. Great performer yes, and could be a great actor
2005, 02:23:11 PM
Like it or not, it if pure foolishness to put Rent on the same line as Brooklyn and Wicked.
2005, 10:20:54 PM
“I'm gonna be really optimstic hopefully it will get totally shafted”- another thread “You people just got my hopes up, i am waiting for that closing notice!” “i would throw the biggest party” “Emcce i don't care i was just beign a bitch...if you haevn't noticed everything i say abotu Rent is synical” No, everything you say about Rent isn't synical. It isn't even cynical. Obnoxious, annoying and poorly executed-- yes, but not "synical". Try again.
re: gwyneth paltrow V. mary-louise parker Aug 5
2005, 09:24:41 PM
Anyone know when/if the film is going to be released?
2005, 02:00:06 PM
Social*Dynasty- Bandaras began his career in the theater. Half of you have no idea what you are talking about, and I'd advise you to read the earlier post that reminds of the thin line between stunt-casting and an actor merely trying to respectfully begin or even CONTINUE a career on the stage. Yes, Hasselhoff was a tragedy, as well as Mel B and Drew in Rent. I'd say that these are resonable examples of Stunt Casting, but before you go and trash a performer for being famous be
re: Movies that should NEVER be turned into Broadway musicals Aug 2
2005, 12:36:45 AM
Wedding Crashers with a David Yazbek score may just work.
re: Movies that should NEVER be turned into Broadway musicals Aug 2
2005, 12:12:22 AM
The thing is, while I agree that they all seem like unlikely or in some cases trite candidates, all of them could work in the right syle, if handled in the correct manner. Well... maybe not Lilo & Stitck or Princess Diaries, because I'm sure that if they were made into musicals they would NOT be handled in the correct manner because... I guess you are right there, they just wouldn't work.
the most beloved show in the last 10 years? Aug 1
2005, 01:59:10 AM
"it is not to dispute any value of the show Rent." And I haven't been disputing the value of the show-- only it's place in musical theater history. "I personally do not like Rent and I do not think it is a cultural anything." You get to not like whatever you want, but you don't get to decide what is a "cultural anything". "I said nothing about it's merits as a show..." Yet again, neither did I (well, except to note that I doubt that even it's stronges
re: Life of Brooklyn Creator Mark Schoenfeld to Be Explored in New Musical Aug 1
2005, 01:43:05 AM
"And your courage will be needed when hoards of Brooklyn fans attack you with TWISTER costumes." Are there really "hoards of Brooklyn fans" out there? If that were the case, you'd think that abomination would have run a little longer.
The most beloved show in the last 10 years? Jul 31
2005, 01:45:41 PM
But what are message boards for if not to argue about things to which no consensus can ever be reached?
The most beloved show in the last 10 years? Jul 31
2005, 11:18:49 AM
I agree, Marquise, that this argument is "absurd" because there really is no fundamental way to prove which show is more "beloved", even if Mr. TN would like to think that there is. Like I said, I am no Renthead, but that doesn't mean that I can't argue over the shows position (in my view) as worthy of the title of "most beloved" show of the past ten years. Remember we are talking about the title of "most beloved", not "most popular". You just cannot measure a shows "Belovedness" by the number o
re: Gypsy With Bette Midler Jul 31
2005, 03:11:06 AM
I don't think she did the role much justice at all, acting or vocally- speaking. She doesn't have the singing chops for that role, for one thing. Otherwise, I found her to be inconsistant in the straight scenes. At times I loved her delievery, but there was a serious through-line problem that I couldn't get past.
The most beloved show in the last 10 years? Jul 31
2005, 02:55:11 AM
Sorry, but I don't buy it. The Lion King may be popular, but it is far from the "most beloved" show of the past or any decade. It is a must-see show, yes. A very safe, family friendly one that attracks tourists from every small town in America who flock to see it because of the safty-net that their familiarity with the movie provides. Do they enjoy the show? Of course, yes. But it is an entirley different kind of appreciation than that kind that Rent enjoys from it's fans, and from many people w