Love Actually

#25Love, Actually
Posted: 10/9/12 at 4:39pm

Emma's talent makes a poorly written scene work. An example of an excellent actor overcoming bad material.

***spoiler alert***

Emma's expecting the piece of jewelry that she saw her husband buy. She opens one present and then poof she realizes her husband bought the jewelry for another woman? Did I miss the scene where Alan Rickman tells her "This is the only present you are getting this Christmas and I have no other surprises for you, even though we have only opened one present on Christmas Eve!" The scene really should have been at the end of Christmas when we as an audience realize there's no possible way Emma's getting another present.

If anyone ever tells you that you put too much Parmesan cheese on your pasta, stop talking to them. You don't need that kind of negativity in your life.

Reginald Tresilian Profile Photo
Reginald Tresilian
#26Love, Actually
Posted: 10/9/12 at 4:43pm


I think it's because the boxed CD is the same size as the jewelry box, so she knows what an unlikely coincidence it would be that she's getting two identically sized gifts.

Also it may well be that the two of them only exchange one gift each (the others being for the kids).

#27Love, Actually
Posted: 10/9/12 at 4:49pm

^^ But that's a lot to assume. I believe it's a poorly written scene saved by Emma's brilliance (and Joni Mitchell).

If anyone ever tells you that you put too much Parmesan cheese on your pasta, stop talking to them. You don't need that kind of negativity in your life.

Reginald Tresilian Profile Photo
Reginald Tresilian
#28Love, Actually
Posted: 10/9/12 at 4:56pm

We can agree about Emma and Joni at any rate.

But I don't think it's a lot to assume that they've only ever exchanged one gift.

Also, doesn't that scene come after the party where she realizes that the office slut is after her husband? (I may be misremembering--even though I just watched it yesterday! Sad but true . . .)

themysteriousgrowl Profile Photo
#29Love, Actually
Posted: 10/9/12 at 5:47pm

"Watching Bill Nighy is like listening to a great jazz performer."

Spot. On.


#30Love, Actually
Posted: 10/9/12 at 10:39pm

I have to admit I confuse this movie with the one with Renee Squintyface and Niles.

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Phyllis Rogers Stone
#31Love, Actually
Posted: 10/9/12 at 10:57pm

That's Down with Love, which I love, Squintyface and all.

I only saw Love, Actually once and I remember not caring for it, but I always here people talking about how much they loved it, which makes me wonder if I should revisit it.

Wynbish Profile Photo
#32Love, Actually
Posted: 10/9/12 at 10:59pm

I love Down with Love. All the classic innuendo.

Reginald Tresilian Profile Photo
Reginald Tresilian
#33Love, Actually
Posted: 10/9/12 at 11:01pm

PRS, I can't defend "Love Actually," but I do love it. (And nope, not going to add that last word.)

DayDreamer Profile Photo
#34Love, Actually
Posted: 10/9/12 at 11:06pm

One of my favorites, and come Thanksgiving will be played at least once at home. It has pretty much taken a "Christmas movie" slot in my mind.

A lot of what is not explained is shown in the DVD extras. Makes me sad that Emma's son's story (and his school mistress) didn't make the final cut.

Celebrate Life

Experience is what you get when you didn't get what you wanted. - Randy Pausch

Phyllis Rogers Stone
#35Love, Actually
Posted: 10/9/12 at 11:08pm

Reg, that's how I felt about Sunday's Steel Magnolias!

Reginald Tresilian Profile Photo
Reginald Tresilian
#36Love, Actually
Posted: 10/9/12 at 11:09pm


Wynbish Profile Photo
#37Love, Actually
Posted: 10/9/12 at 11:09pm

I know some people that can't stand it (mostly for the nudity), but I'm with Reg in that I can only say that I adore it.

Love Actually, The Family Stone, and Muppet Christmas Carol are played weekly in December.

Phyllis Rogers Stone
#38Love, Actually
Posted: 10/9/12 at 11:11pm

Family Stone is such a weird movie. Any movie that puts me on the side of Sarah Jessica Parker is doing something wrong. That family was just so nasty.

Updated On: 10/9/12 at 11:11 PM

Wynbish Profile Photo
#39Love, Actually
Posted: 10/9/12 at 11:13pm

Oh, they were all nasty except for the pregnant Twilight chick. I just love dysfunctional family movies that unrealistically come together at the end.

Phyllis Rogers Stone
#40Love, Actually
Posted: 10/9/12 at 11:16pm

And that dinner table scene (where Carrie puts her foot in her mouth and they all rip her apart) just makes me cringe! I saw this like once not long after it came out and last summer I found the dvd at a garage sale so I bought it. And as soon as it started I remember how awful they were and how mawkish it is.

Reginald Tresilian Profile Photo
Reginald Tresilian
#41Love, Actually
Posted: 10/9/12 at 11:17pm

Okay, forgive me, since you love it so, but "The Family Stone" infuriates me. They're all just hateful.

Wynbish Profile Photo
#42Love, Actually
Posted: 10/9/12 at 11:21pm

It's funny now, though, to see Coach as the patriarch of a progressive family and then recall what he said about welfare. Not that I think he should be like Papa Stone or vice versa, it's just one of those things where I go "heh"

Phyllis Rogers Stone
#43Love, Actually
Posted: 10/9/12 at 11:23pm

One thing I never got is why Claire Danes had to have that slapstick fall out of the bus when she first appears.

strummergirl Profile Photo
#44Love, Actually
Posted: 10/9/12 at 11:25pm

Muppet Christmas Carol, A Christmas Story, Christmas Vacation, The Ref (Spacey be damned, I love Dennis Leary in his role and Judy Davis is fantastic), It's a Wonderful Life, Scrooged, Gremlins, and Die Hard are my X-Mas canon. This was pretty good and I am pretty certain it did have good holiday cable life since its release. Pretty certain Lifetime was constantly showing it.

I sometimes look at The Family Stone as a side-timeline to Parenthood just for the Craig T. Nelson connection (it is hilarious how he is essentially cashing checks solely on playing older hippy patriarch he seems to loathe) but then I realize the Bravermans have never been that consciously malicious to their potential in-laws. I do like Luke Wilson and Claire Danes in their roles (her unnecessary slapstick comedy and all) but you have to side with SJP. That family needed a master class in passive aggression.

Updated On: 10/9/12 at 11:25 PM

Wynbish Profile Photo
#45Love, Actually
Posted: 10/9/12 at 11:25pm

To show that she's the affable, awkward, potentially self-deprecating sister? If I was her, I wouldn't have gone at all.

Updated On: 10/10/12 at 11:25 PM

Phyllis Rogers Stone
#46Love, Actually
Posted: 10/9/12 at 11:26pm

My Christmas movies are A Diva's Christmas Carol and It's a Very Merry Muppet Christmas

Wynbish Profile Photo
#47Love, Actually
Posted: 10/9/12 at 11:28pm

I also love the Christmas special where the Muppets and the Sesame Street gang have to stay at Fozzy's mother's house, which happens to have Fraggles in the basement.

Phyllis Rogers Stone
#48Love, Actually
Posted: 10/9/12 at 11:31pm

I don't think I know that one.

I also like to watch Christmas Eve on Sesame Street and Emmett Otter's Jugband Christmas each year.

Wynbish Profile Photo
#49Love, Actually
Posted: 10/9/12 at 11:32pm

Here ya go - A Muppet Family Christmas Updated On: 10/9/12 at 11:32 PM
