
Project Runway All Stars S5- Page 2

Project Runway All Stars S5

Mister Matt Profile Photo
Mister Matt
#25Project Runway All Stars S5
Posted: 4/17/16 at 10:34pm

He's hitting RuPaul Drag Race levels of shade

And design.

"What can you expect from a bunch of seitan worshippers?" - Reginald Tresilian

haterobics Profile Photo
#26Project Runway All Stars S5
Posted: 4/17/16 at 10:45pm

Jordan Catalano said: "I think last time, he started out nice but became a completely unlikable bitch halfway through the season."


Guess I only remembered the first part, heh. And, yes, this week's design was a hot mess.

Jane2 Profile Photo
#27Project Runway All Stars S5
Posted: 4/21/16 at 10:03pm

I dislike Ken. Intensely. Poseur.

So Ken copied Grace Jones, and Kini copied Leigh Bowery.


I don't care who wins this.


Mister Matt Profile Photo
Mister Matt
#28Project Runway All Stars S5
Posted: 4/23/16 at 8:58pm

Leigh Bowery would never wear a glorified bridesmaid dress, though.

Ken's a nasty bully and Kini is a minion.  What Sam makes in the competition is his own business and it's the judges that decide to keep him there.  I think Ken just feels threatened and wants to completely tear Sam down mentally and emotionally because he's desperate.  Ken's taking advantage of Sam's personality and his age because he knew Sam would be non-confrontational.  It was disgusting.  I honestly think Kini should have been sent home on this challenge.  Once again, he designed a drag costume.  He thought a crappy and highly derivative body stocking would make it avant garde.  It didn't even look inspired.

"What can you expect from a bunch of seitan worshippers?" - Reginald Tresilian

javero Profile Photo
#29Project Runway All Stars S5
Posted: 4/25/16 at 6:31pm

I came, I saw, I barely care at this point.

1977 called Ken and said she wanted her big black Shroud of Studio 54 back.  

Similarly, the Aaron Spelling estate announced that it would be suing Kini for his cheap knockoff of Dynasty-Duds-On-a-Budget.

Ken and Kini are competing for the title of a word that rhymes with snitch.  And that ain't a good look on any man regardless of his bent.

I <3 Dom's comfort with print but she needs to mix it up before her fabric mosaics start taking on the appearance of bathroom tiles.

The height of irony was Alyssa calling out Emily for avoiding the shoulder pad cliché.  That was this season's #wtf moment.

Georgina was the only judge with a clue as usual.  I love the way she pronounces the word "Dynasty" which should not have been any designer's influence in an avante garde challenge in 2016, nor Studio 54.

ETA: I don't think that Sam's a particularly talented designer but he does have imagination.  At this point, I'd like to see him sweep the floor with his two biggest detractors.

#FactsMatter...your feelings not so much.
Updated On: 4/25/16 at 06:31 PM

Mister Matt Profile Photo
Mister Matt
#30Project Runway All Stars S5
Posted: 5/5/16 at 10:40am

Ugh.  The judges are nuts.  Ken deserved to go for that boring runway dress and boring tie-breaker dress.  Zero imagination.  I'm rooting for Dom, but I'm not looking forward to this finale at all.  I have no idea how Kini got this far making 80s drag costumes.

"What can you expect from a bunch of seitan worshippers?" - Reginald Tresilian

Jane2 Profile Photo
#31Project Runway All Stars S5
Posted: 5/5/16 at 11:06am

It IS very possible that, like the other reality shows, this one is scripted and producer direcdted. No reason to make sense out of the judges' decisions.sad


javero Profile Photo
#32Project Runway All Stars S5
Posted: 5/5/16 at 3:31pm

Add this series to the list of things I'm sick of along with the election.  

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Other than Dom, Emily is the only designer of the lot that even remotely interests me.  Everything Kini has designed this season looks like battle gear worn by Charlize in the Huntsman or a bad Maleficent Halloween costume.  Ken is one note.


#FactsMatter...your feelings not so much.

Jane2 Profile Photo
#33Project Runway All Stars S5
Posted: 5/5/16 at 9:03pm

Oh please. Ken has no business being in this.


Jordan Catalano Profile Photo
Jordan Catalano
#34Project Runway All Stars S5
Posted: 5/5/16 at 9:07pm

I hope it's Dom because the others are horrible people and don't deserve something good like winning this. 


I I can't wait for the reunion when Kini becomes all sad and apologetic and is instantly forgiven. Again. 

Jane2 Profile Photo
#35Project Runway All Stars S5
Posted: 5/5/16 at 10:05pm

I hope it's Dom too, because she's so creative. And I love her painted fabric, both the plaid and the swirly print. Gorgeous.

It ain't gonna be Dom. Looks like Kini for the win.

Updated On: 5/5/16 at 10:05 PM

#36Project Runway All Stars S5
Posted: 5/5/16 at 10:27pm

Jane2 said: "It IS very possible that, like the other reality shows, this one is scripted and producer direcdted. No reason to make sense out of the judges' decisions.sad"


Hell, sometimes the people involved with the show can't even make sense of the decisions. Look up the interviews Tim Gunn gave after the Gretchen win over Mondo a few years back. He really didn't hold anything back then. Reading through some of the things he said I'm kind of surprised that they didn't try to force him off of the show.

Jane2 Profile Photo
#37Project Runway All Stars S5
Posted: 5/5/16 at 10:30pm





The one I wanted all along!


Jordan Catalano Profile Photo
Jordan Catalano
#38Project Runway All Stars S5
Posted: 5/5/16 at 11:34pm

I'm so so happy with the outcome. But they're not doing a reunion, which really sucks. I just really wanted more of my Sam. 

javero Profile Photo
#39Project Runway All Stars S5
Posted: 5/7/16 at 7:14am

Finally saw the finale.  I'm pleased with the outcome.  The winner's first and last pieces were works of art.  Of the remaining finalists, one's line was uber commercial ala the Jaclyn Smith Collection for KMart and the other's was very...

Project Runway All Stars S5

#FactsMatter...your feelings not so much.

Jane2 Profile Photo
#40Project Runway All Stars S5
Posted: 5/7/16 at 11:34am

Javero, I agree re the winner. As for the Jaclyn Smith collection, me with my wacky  taste liked a few of those dresses. As for the third, well, as you said, .........


Mister Matt Profile Photo
Mister Matt
#41Project Runway All Stars S5
Posted: 5/7/16 at 7:16pm

Dom's was creative and thought-provoking.  Ken's was sleek, well-tailored, predictable and dull.  Kini's was an embarrassment to the series and designers in general.  Pretty much how I thought it would go.

"What can you expect from a bunch of seitan worshippers?" - Reginald Tresilian

#42Project Runway All Stars S5
Posted: 5/7/16 at 10:02pm

One of Kini's dresses had a giant vagina in the back 

Jordan Catalano Profile Photo
Jordan Catalano
#43Project Runway All Stars S5
Posted: 5/7/16 at 11:12pm

Maybe that represents the giant vagina that is his ass.
