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Ethics office calls on White House to discipline Conway- Page 2

Ethics office calls on White House to discipline Conway

Petralicious Profile Photo
#25Ethics office calls on White House to discipline Conway
Posted: 2/16/17 at 9:34am

Respectfully, I wish that was true Erik, please name some non left posters that have not been called troll. Yankeefan and BroadwayC are the only two other non left posters here that I know and they are smeared the same way. Maybe Kdogg, though he is not conservative but  proudly libertarien

When They Go Low, I Go High
Updated On: 2/16/17 at 09:34 AM

FrankieSay Profile Photo
#26Ethics office calls on White House to discipline Conway
Posted: 2/16/17 at 10:58am

How many euphemisms will the alt-right come up with? "Non-left"?  Try hard right.

Oh, segne deine Herzen

ErikJ972 Profile Photo
#27Ethics office calls on White House to discipline Conway
Posted: 2/16/17 at 11:01am

Kdogg...although not a "conservative" but it's fair to say he has different political views than the majority of the board. He's never been called a troll. I'm glad he posts here although I don't always agree with him.

Papalovesmabo used to be one of the more frequent conservative posters on the board...never called a troll.

Even back when Roxy used to post I know there would be arguements but I don't think anyone ever accused him of being a troll.


Petralicious Profile Photo
#28Ethics office calls on White House to discipline Conway
Posted: 2/16/17 at 11:48am

Erik, you actually proved my point. All you could come up with is someone  I already mentioned who is not conservative, someone who has not posted since I have been here, and someone who was very vocal about not posting anymore because of being bullied and insulted all the time. 

When They Go Low, I Go High

madbrian Profile Photo
#29Ethics office calls on White House to discipline Conway
Posted: 2/16/17 at 11:58am

Again, when you engage the trolls, you enable them to deflect and distract from the subject at hand.  As a reminder, this thread used to be about the Office of Government Ethics calling for the White House to discipline Conway for her illegal hawking of Ivnaks Trump's products.

"It does me no injury for my neighbour to say there are 20 gods or no god. It neither picks my pocket, nor breaks my leg." -- Thomas Jefferson

Mister Matt Profile Photo
Mister Matt
#30Ethics office calls on White House to discipline Conway
Posted: 2/16/17 at 12:04pm

There is no thought behind your posts Petra. You post to be contrary and provacative. It's clear you don't put much thought behind them. That's why people call you a troll.

100% correct.

"What can you expect from a bunch of seitan worshippers?" - Reginald Tresilian

Petralicious Profile Photo
#31Ethics office calls on White House to discipline Conway
Posted: 2/16/17 at 1:35pm

The thought behind my posts is very simple. A silly aside during a live interview is not a capitol offense. It deserves a reprimand, and she got one.  But not to lose her job over.  Think of the difference in crimes as being arrested for a joint, and being arrested for a kilo. Both crimes, but obviously different punishments. There is a witch hunt to sideline Kelly Anne, which is very smart on the Dems part as she is too smart and too clever to beat one on one. 

When They Go Low, I Go High

javero Profile Photo
#32Ethics office calls on White House to discipline Conway
Posted: 2/16/17 at 1:36pm

Petra wrote: "I will admit and you will find me being big fan of the strong, young, independent, women he surrounds himself with like Ivanka, Melania, Nikki, Betsey and especially the most powerful woman in America Kelly Anne."

Ivanka: born into wealth, married to acquire more

Melania: former boudoir model who married into wealth

Betsey: born into wealth, married to acquire more

KellyAnne: 3rd string campaign manager, part-time pollster, and ethically-challenged attorney who is now the laughing stock of the entire planet


That leaves Nikki who needed a job.  See how she did that, Chris Christie!

#FactsMatter...your feelings not so much.
Updated On: 2/16/17 at 01:36 PM

Petralicious Profile Photo
#33Ethics office calls on White House to discipline Conway
Posted: 2/16/17 at 2:33pm

Javero, You and many see them that way and that is fine. Here is how I and many people, especially young wormen see them:

Ivanka: Graduated summa cum laude from University of Pennsylvania's Wharton School of Business with a degree in economics in 2004, Entrepreneur

Melania: started working from age 5 to help support her poor family, Speaks 5  (FIVE!!) languages, rose up from a tiny country to become a successful Entrepreneur and Model in a country that was not even in existence when she was born.

Betsey:  Forefront of Education Reform Movement and Voucher systems allowing underprivileged children and minorities to escape underperforming and dangerous schools

KellyAnne:  Got what most polls, experts, even the President said was an unelectable louse elected to the most powerful office on the earth over what other experts said was the most qualified candidate ever to run for office

Nikki Haley
Two time Governor.  First Indian American Governor and Female Governor of South Carolina,  1 of Time Mags most Influential People of 2016

When They Go Low, I Go High

javero Profile Photo
#34Ethics office calls on White House to discipline Conway
Posted: 2/16/17 at 2:51pm

Once again, set aside the wealth that they were either born into or acquired by blowing The Donald and you're left with KellyAnne who was a campaign-manager-of-last-resort and the singularity Nikki who distinguishes herself from the rest.  Try as you might, the jury has reached a verdict at least in the court of public opinion.

#FactsMatter...your feelings not so much.

sabrelady Profile Photo
