
Giorgio Moroder's new song- Page 3

Giorgio Moroder's new song

VeraCharles3 Profile Photo
#50Giorgio Moroder's new song
Posted: 4/20/15 at 3:57am

Eric - thank you for that. I had no idea that those lyrics were from the original song. I always assumed - without checking of course - that it was added by Donna or Giorgio to make a suite of music - it sounds so different. All these people who laugh at the "cake" lyrics, need to listen to this part. I think it's magical.

How lucky were you to see LaDonna perform live - TWICE!

Glad you like Years and Years. I love their music and have a wee crush on Olly.

Jay - damn you!!!! Lol. I like that Charli XCX song. I had judged her, on her name and the Rita Ora collab and decided I didn't like her. Serves me right to be proved wrong!!

Glad you have had a listen to Y and Y songs too. Ben Whishaw dancing is always worth watching.

Thank you both.

Jay Lerner-Z Profile Photo
Jay Lerner-Z
#51Giorgio Moroder's new song
Posted: 4/24/15 at 1:32pm

The Tom's Diner cover with Britney has leaked, if you'd like to listen (not that I endorse such shocking behavior, of course...) :

Tumblr (scroll down a little)


Beyoncé is not an ally. Actions speak louder than words, Mrs. Carter. #Dubai #$$$

JP2 Profile Photo
#52Giorgio Moroder's new song
Posted: 4/24/15 at 3:08pm

"New single with Sia!  I love it--unabashedly cheesy.  http://www.songsupdate.com/2015/04/giorgio-moroder-ft-sia-deja-vu-full.html"

 Have had this on a constant loop since release.

EricMontreal22 Profile Photo
#53Giorgio Moroder's new song
Posted: 4/24/15 at 3:51pm

"The Tom's Diner cover with Britney has leaked, if you'd like to listen (not that I endorse such shocking behavior, of course...) :
Tumblr (scroll down a little)

 WOw,you know...  it actually isn't bad at all.  I expected this to be a track I'd skip.  Moroder's vocoder bit is beyond ridiculous--love it.

Updated On: 4/24/15 at 03:51 PM

HorseTears Profile Photo
#54Giorgio Moroder's new song
Posted: 4/26/15 at 6:14am

"PS You three boys have good taste!
I posted about this band on another thread but no one replied Giorgio Moroder's new song
Years and Years - lead singer is the actor Olly Alexande. I love them - maybe too much!!!
What do you guys think?

Missed this^ before.  I liked them, Vera.  Especially "Real".  I listened to a few other tracks and they certainly have their formula down.  There are so many bands doing the 90s house influence thing these days that it can all get a bit samey without a truly great hook.  But given that "King" has 22MM views, they're obviously resonating with folks in the UK.  

VeraCharles3 Profile Photo
#55Giorgio Moroder's new song
Posted: 4/28/15 at 6:20am

Thanks HorseTears for taking the time to listen. Glad you liked them Giorgio Moroder's new song

I was hoping you would.

Yes, King already No1 in the UK.


HorseTears Profile Photo
#56Giorgio Moroder's new song
Posted: 5/1/15 at 5:18am

Vera, I'm really digging "Real".  The other songs I could take or leave.  If their new album has more tracks like "Real", I'm down.  BTW, did you realize the lead singer is also an actor and was in some West End Peter Pan play with Judi Dench and Ben Wishaw. Also, I think that's Ben Wishaw in the video for "Real".  Must be.  f


So, I have to admit, "Deja Vu" has really grown on me.  Hope it's a big success for Giorgio.  Looks like we're getting a video soon.  

EricMontreal22 Profile Photo
#57Giorgio Moroder's new song
Posted: 5/5/15 at 6:51am

A bunch of leaks (that are being removed quickly, so catch them if you're curious while you can.

Kelis Back and FOrth http://stagedoor.fm/2015/05/04/new-music-giorgio-moroder-back-and-forth-ft-kelis/  (I like it but it's definitely an album cut and not a single IMHO)

Charli XCX's Diamonds, the best of the three leaks today IMHO http://consequenceofsound.net/2015/05/giorgio-moroder-and-charli-xcx-team-up-on-diamonds-listen/

and Mikky Eko's Don't Let Go http://bithealth.io/songs/1764/dont-let-go

Really is shaping up to be a great Summer album I think.

EricMontreal22 Profile Photo
#58Giorgio Moroder's new song
Posted: 5/5/15 at 6:58am

Glad Deja Vu is growing on you Horsey.  The video dropped.  It's a classy video even if it doesn't make a lick of sense to me (no big shock--I think it somehow is related to Sia's current obsession with not showing herself...)  And has an awkward/charming Moroder cameo.  I never thought I'd say this about a Moroder song in 2015, but I actually think it has potential to be a surprise US radio hit over the Summer.

HorseTears Profile Photo
#59Giorgio Moroder's new song
Posted: 5/5/15 at 11:45am

Yeah, who knows?  A couple of years ago I would never had guessed that Sia, that cult favorite, would become a global superstar.  Video's cute and, yeah, a little cheesy, but I think it suits the song.  Kinda like the harem of Sia lookalikes - though think they could have taken that a bit further and made them even more threatening at the end. So the album's been renamed 'Deja Vu' as well?  Better title, I think. 


The Kelis, Charli XCS and Mikky Eko tracks are all fine, I guess.  Kylie and Sia definitely got the best songs thus far.  

EricMontreal22 Profile Photo
#60Giorgio Moroder's new song
Posted: 5/5/15 at 4:49pm

They definitely are album tracks, but I don't expect every song, especially (perhaps unfairly,) on a dance producer's album to be single worthy--they'll sound nice enough while have drinks on my balcony with friends (God, I am gay.)  I *think* CHarli might be getting a single release as well, and her song is growing more distinctive to me.

The title and artwork have been out there for the album for a month or so--I agree, it's a way better title (besides Moroder is now 75 :P )   Yeah the video feels like the concept is only half baked but I find that to be the case with most music videos nowadays (and now I sound old.)  (And yes, I feel the same way about Sia--I remember only a few years did I clue in to the fact that she was the one behind Breathe Me which of course got a lot of movie/tv play after it was featured in the Six Feet Under finale...) 

It is nice to see that the record label obviously is really behind this (of course now is the time to do that--Moroder's name seems to be name dropped in every single article or review dance music right now, even when I suspect the writer barely knows his work.) 

There's apparently going to be a 2 CD edition--but no word what's on it.  I suspect remixes--and I hope that means we'll get a few good old extended mixes like "back in the day."

VeraCharles3 Profile Photo
#61Giorgio Moroder's new song
Posted: 5/6/15 at 7:02am

HorseTears - glad you are loving Real.

Yes, lead singer is an actor, he played Peter Pan in Peter and Alice on stage with Ben Whishaw and Judi Dench. Also he has a role in Penny Dreadful. Yes, it is Mr Whishaw dancing up a storm in the video.

Eric - I am loving Deja Vu - it's the best song so far. I agree with HorseTears, I can't make out a lot of Sia's vocals on first listen but I love the sound of her voice.

EricMontreal22 Profile Photo
#62Giorgio Moroder's new song
Posted: 5/6/15 at 4:35pm

I think Moroder actually said that lyrics don't matter in dance music anyway, as long as you have one simple phrase (ie "Deja Vu") that plays into the hook...  Of course he never does lyrics anyway (Donna Summer, Pete Belotte, Deborah Harry or often whoever he collaborated with and others always played that role back in the day and that seems true of this album too,) and many groups--the Petshop Boys being an obvious example--have proven you can have smart lyrics and a great dance track, but...  :P

Ah!  That's where I recognize Oly from Years and Years--he was poor Fenton on Penny Dreadful!



EricMontreal22 Profile Photo
#63Giorgio Moroder's new song
Posted: 5/30/15 at 7:12am

Album megamix.  I really like the samples of the tracks I haven't heard--but I also am biased to like them.  I also like the idea of the megamix (maybe a little more than I actually like the dancing.)  https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=N62JV3I7XP4
