True Blood Season 6

Mildred Plotka Profile Photo
Mildred Plotka
#75True Blood was totally better than the Tonys, right? (Spoilers within)
Posted: 7/9/12 at 2:30am

I wish they would have left all the sub-plots sit for one week and focused on the chase for Russell 100 percent. I was so engrossed in it that the smoke monster/shifter nonsense pissed me off even more than usual.

"Broadway...I'll lick you yet!"

Mildred Plotka Profile Photo
Mildred Plotka
#76True Blood was totally better than the Tonys, right? (Spoilers within)
Posted: 7/9/12 at 2:33am

And I adore Lafayette but is he gonna moan/hallucinate brujo crap all season? They wrapped up the Debbie crap in 5 minutes last week, they should do the same with him.

I think Jessica should just glamour people when they want to wrap up a tired plot-line, from now on!

"Broadway...I'll lick you yet!"
Updated On: 7/9/12 at 02:33 AM

#77True Blood was totally better than the Tonys, right? (Spoilers within)
Posted: 7/9/12 at 11:45am

The really has gone off the rails with all these subplots. They need to go back to having like 6 regular characters who we follow and have the supporting characters come along. We don't need a personal story for every secondary character every week.

Give me the search for/fight against Russell, the "taming" of Tara by Pam, the Jessica/Jason will they/won't they and that's it for major story lines. Throw in the Lafayette of seasons past who gave the show some much needed light hearted laughs (who ordered the hamburger with AIDS?), Steve Newlin trying to have sex with Jason. And that's pretty much all the show needs

I don't care about the sheriff and his witch girlfriend, I don't care about Sam and the shifters, I don't care about Lafayette's brujo ****, I don't care about Terry's PTSD, Noel from Felicity and what has now been revealed as an Ifrit trying to kill them, I don't care about the Stackhouse parents allegedly being killed by vampires, I don't care about Jason's statutory rape and sudden issues with sex, I don't care about Jason's telegraphed anti-supe vigilateism that will be happening soon. All of this is time being wasted that could devoted to more compelling storylines involving the central characters

#78True Blood was totally better than the Tonys, right? (Spoilers within)
Posted: 7/9/12 at 1:02pm

Since Alan Ball said it was the TV serial Dark Shadows that inspired him, it makes sense to me that there are always new kinds of supernatural characters showing up. It also makes sense to me that there are scenes that the viewer wishes they would hurry up and get through to get back to the juicy bits. For different viewers there are different plotlines that feel superfluous, but those scenes add to the anticipation throughout an episode.

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#79True Blood was totally better than the Tonys, right? (Spoilers within)
Posted: 7/9/12 at 1:06pm

For me they just add boredom, eye rolling and the urge to stab the showrunner for letting it devolve so deeply into the daytime soap style story telling.

#80True Blood was totally better than the Tonys, right? (Spoilers within)
Posted: 7/9/12 at 1:08pm

I know. It's like that totally annoyed feeling a person who hates musicals gets when the songs happen in a musical he's gone to see.

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Phyllis Rogers Stone
#81True Blood was totally better than the Tonys, right? (Spoilers within)
Posted: 7/9/12 at 1:29pm

Since I watched the first three seasons back to back over the course of a few weeks, I almost always think of that as one long season (and the glacial pace at which time moves in the world of the show helps, too) that I sometimes wish I could force myself to wait and watch each season in one fell swoop, because it usually takes about four or five episodes before everything starts converging, as it has been here.

For what it's worth,I think this was the best episode of the season.

#82True Blood was totally better than the Tonys, right? (Spoilers within)
Posted: 7/9/12 at 1:32pm

It's sorta the same thing with Smash and American Horror Story. It's not worth complaining about the individual tiles in the mosaic, it's the overall picture that's worth looking at when it's complete.

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Phyllis Rogers Stone
#83True Blood was totally better than the Tonys, right? (Spoilers within)
Posted: 7/9/12 at 1:40pm

AHS is a really good comparison, because I hated that show pretty much all season long and the last four episodes or so blew me away.

But even when I love to hate stuff of True Blood, I still love it. And I'm gonna ship Vampire Tara and Jessica till the cows come home. I don't care if they are girlfriends, best friends or frenemies, I want them to have a scene together every week from now on.

#84True Blood was totally better than the Tonys, right? (Spoilers within)
Posted: 7/9/12 at 2:04pm

I have altered my desire for a spin-off to now include Pam, Jessica and Tara. "Three's Vampiny!"

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#85True Blood was totally better than the Tonys, right? (Spoilers within)
Posted: 7/9/12 at 2:14pm

A spin-off of Pam teaching Tara how to be a cool as her with plenty of scenes of Pam being a sassy, sexy bad ass (a few with genuine emotional resonance), with wacky hijinks from Jessica and Steve Newlin fighting over Jason is my dream.

Phyllis Rogers Stone
#86True Blood was totally better than the Tonys, right? (Spoilers within)
Posted: 7/10/12 at 12:43am

I'm going to rewatch last night's episode, but this time I am skipping anything not vampire related.

Phyllis Rogers Stone
Wynbish Profile Photo
#88True Blood was totally better than the Tonys, right? (Spoilers within)
Posted: 7/15/12 at 10:40am

Looks like Luna did not bite the dust.
Comic Con trailer

#89True Blood was totally better than the Tonys, right? (Spoilers within)
Posted: 7/15/12 at 11:51am

I want Chris Meloni to be my Big Vampire Sister.

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Wynbish Profile Photo
#90True Blood was totally better than the Tonys, right? (Spoilers within)
Posted: 7/15/12 at 11:54am

I want Skarsgård to be my... something private.

Phyllis Rogers Stone
#91True Blood was totally better than the Tonys, right? (Spoilers within)
Posted: 7/16/12 at 2:59pm

I think last night's episode was the best of the season. I was sorry to see Luna make it (I didn't watch the Comic Con trailer because I don't like too many spoilers), but I'll deal. Spoilers about the last episode, though, follow.

I wanted more Tara. I'm getting tired of her being shafted, even in death. I hope the season is setting up Tara to come into her her own as a vampire or something, because I'm sick of the way this show is always beating Tara down.

I really don't care about the Fae or who killed the elder Stackhouses.

I don't believe for a second that Meloni is dead.

Wynbish Profile Photo
#92True Blood was totally better than the Tonys, right? (Spoilers within)
Posted: 7/16/12 at 3:06pm

I also thought it was a great episode. I loved Eric glamouring Alcide, adding in that he thinks that Sookie is disgusting.

I love that Russell is back. He's so fun while being menacing.

I also am not so sure that Roman is dead. Judging from the preview, Russell does venture out of the Authority's lair. Still, they didn't show Roman completely exploding. Just turning grey and inflated.

Again, no Vampire Steve Newlin

Phyllis Rogers Stone
#93True Blood was totally better than the Tonys, right? (Spoilers within)
Posted: 7/16/12 at 3:09pm

Yeah, the fact that Roman didn't splatter and that they ended the episode right there makes me think something else is gonna happen, but I'm often wrong about these things.

I'm glad Russell is back, too. He's one of my favorites.

I liked that Jessica said "I guess that the whole friendship thing is on hold" instead of "is over" because I really want these two to join forces to do ... whatever.

Joe Manganiello made a perfect puppy dog face while he was being glamoured.

#94True Blood was totally better than the Tonys, right? (Spoilers within)
Posted: 7/16/12 at 3:25pm

Phyllis, who was the bartender fairy and what was the connection to Sookie? I didn't catch what he said. The best scene was Lafeyette and his mama. Alfre was a hoot.

Phyllis Rogers Stone
#95True Blood was totally better than the Tonys, right? (Spoilers within)
Posted: 7/16/12 at 3:38pm

Claude, the brother of Claudine, Sookie's late fairy godmother. He helped her escape from Fairy and Queen Mab in the Season 4 premiere.

Wynbish Profile Photo
#96True Blood was totally better than the Tonys, right? (Spoilers within)
Posted: 7/16/12 at 3:44pm

I still find myself getting bored during non-vampire scenes. As much as I like Alcide, I could not care less about him being packmaster. Or about shifters, fairies, and smoke monsters.

Phyllis Rogers Stone
#98True Blood was totally better than the Tonys, right? (Spoilers within)
Posted: 7/23/12 at 12:00am

So I was totally wrong about Roman, that mofo IS dead. What a shame. He looked so sexy last week in his golfing gear.

I loved loved loved this episode tonight.

#99True Blood was totally better than the Tonys, right? (Spoilers within)
Posted: 7/23/12 at 12:32am

Me four!

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