
The LOST Series Finale thread (will include spoilers!)- Page 5

The LOST Series Finale thread (will include spoilers!)

#100The LOST Series Finale thread (will include spoilers!)
Posted: 5/25/10 at 11:34pm

I think the fervor isn't quite as vast as you're imagining. I mean it's no right wing conspiracy.

I would argue Sex & The City inspired a much bigger and longer lasting water cool discussion than Lost ever did.

Twitter @NamoInExile Instagram none

jasonf Profile Photo
#101The LOST Series Finale thread (will include spoilers!)
Posted: 5/26/10 at 8:18am

Perhaps it's simply the circles you run in. Even this morning I was stopped to talk about Lost by a fellow teacher.

It's a moot point anyway, of course there are far more substantial things to discuss in the world.

On another note, I read that the plane wreckage footage at the end was put there by ABC, not the producers. Kind of lame from the network!

Hi, Shirley Temple Pudding.

Reginald Tresilian Profile Photo
Reginald Tresilian
#102The LOST Series Finale thread (will include spoilers!)
Posted: 5/26/10 at 8:20am

"ABC issued a statement Tuesday clarifying that the images over the closing credits were not part of the narrative of the final episode. 'The images shown during the end credits of the Lost finale, which included shots of Oceanic 815 on a deserted beach, were not part of the episode but were a visual aid to allow the viewer to decompress before heading into the news,' it said."

jrb_actor Profile Photo
#103The LOST Series Finale thread (will include spoilers!)
Posted: 5/26/10 at 10:20am

That was a stupid choice. It read like part of the narrative and was part of what made the revelation confusing.

mormonophobic Profile Photo
#104The LOST Series Finale thread (will include spoilers!)
Posted: 5/26/10 at 10:48am

It shouldn't have been confusing at all though. Christian Shephard saying that the island was real and that time didn't matter here, Christian actually saying that some people died before Jack and some after, Kate telling Jack she had been waiting for him a while (since she lived on for a presumably long time, then died and got to see him again), and Hurley telling Ben what a good #2 he made. Just a few examples of why it was clear they hadn't been dead from the start. Well, that and the fact that we actually SEE Jack die as our final image.

As much as I love the fact that they kept so much of the ending open-ended, I don't really understand the confusion about when everyone died. The people I saw the finale with were convinced that it proved their long-held theory that it was all purgatory. I tried to point out how only the sideways timeline was death, but neither of them would hear it. I've heard some people say they've always been dead, some believe they died when the bomb went off, and Jimmy Kimmel (who I only reference because of the Lost special afterward) believed that Jack died in the opening moments of the season premiere, LAX (basically the moment the plane hits turbulence). Though a niche show like Lost will never have the water-cooler popularity of Sex and the City or even uber-hit gossip shows like Grey's Anatomy and Friends, I love the fact that we will be discussing this and all the important issues the show addresses for some time. Still, I'm surprised more people aren't embracing the ending. I loved it all and saw the episode as the perfect ending to a series I loved so much. Only Six Feet Under ranks up there as such a good series finale.

#105The LOST Series Finale thread (will include spoilers!)
Posted: 5/26/10 at 10:49am

i can't believe the network had to issue a statement... i honestly don't know why people read into that image during the credits... i guess people are just trying to analyze it waaay too much... i was at a LOST viewing party and someone kept rewinding it over and over because he thought it meant something... a bunch of us were like, uh maybe they just showed the image of the wreck as just a way to show something over the credits since there was no more "next week on LOST' or maybe it was just a final image to just say good bye to the beach...

i don't see it as a stupid choice at all... it read nothing like part of the narrative to me... like i said... i just think people are reading way too much into things... in the six years this show has been on... the episodes ALWAYS ended with the logo... why would the finale been any different? (and that is a rhetorical question but that won't make any difference because I know i'll get a snarky response by someone who hated the finale)

Reginald Tresilian Profile Photo
Reginald Tresilian
#106The LOST Series Finale thread (will include spoilers!)
Posted: 5/26/10 at 10:55am

Yeah, I didn't find it confusing either. But I can see how one might.

#107The LOST Series Finale thread (will include spoilers!)
Posted: 5/26/10 at 11:08am

i agree with mormonphobic..

i honestly just don't get why people don't understand the ending... it really isn't all that hard to get... the island was REAL.. they all survived... the flash sideways was all of them dead at some point in their lives AFTER the events of the island... and when I mean after, it could be 50 to 100 years after... who knows but the creators

jrb_actor Profile Photo
#108The LOST Series Finale thread (will include spoilers!)
Posted: 5/26/10 at 11:10am

But obviously a ton of people were confused. Kudos to those of you who weren't.

#109The LOST Series Finale thread (will include spoilers!)
Posted: 5/26/10 at 11:41am

i just think that most (not all) people who were confused wanted it to be something it wasn't... but whatever... at least people are still talking about the finale and that's what the creators wanted us to do... i'm glad they decided to go on radio silence or off the grid and not talk to anyone about why they decided to end it the way they did... very smart move on their part...

i was talking to my friend last night and we agreed... in the grand scheme of things... the characters were all that mattered... not the island... we just wanted to know where our characters ended up... so we didn't find out who dropped the food, who shot at Sawyer and all of them when they were on the boat time traveling... as long as we got closure on their story... yes, the island was also a character... but I think just knowing it was a mystical place that brought people together is enough for me... no need to tell me that there are midichlorians! haha

jrb_actor Profile Photo
#110The LOST Series Finale thread (will include spoilers!)
Posted: 5/26/10 at 11:53am

I'm eventually going to watch all 6 seasons again to decide if I think they answered everything they needed to answer, but I do not buy this "it's about the characters" business. It's about them AND the mystery. The plot is important.

jasonf Profile Photo
#111The LOST Series Finale thread (will include spoilers!)
Posted: 5/26/10 at 12:05pm

Like I've said, I'm torn. I think in one way they ended spectacularly, in one way they failed miserably. Saying plot doesn't matter after six years of plot driven stories (and they were, as much as the characters matter), saying the plot is irrelevant is basically breaking a deal with the audience.

Take the out-rigger shooting for example. In the PLOT of the story, that moment was more or less irrelevant. Nothing came of it other than some built up tension -- but it led us all to wonder who was shooting. The assumption was eventually they WOULD tell us - why bother with the moment if it's half a mystery that they're never going to solve? It's a cheat to the audience. Now, if someone had actually DIED during that, it might have been more understandable, but no one did - it was there solely for the mystery of who was shooting at them.

I read somewhere that they had an answer to it and it didn't make the final cut of the episode they were putting it in. Well, that's just BS as far as I'm concerned. It's not like speculating on it means anything - the idea that time travel led to that shooting is kind of cool - they missed the chance at a payoff and left the audience confused and angry, rather unnecessarily so.

Hi, Shirley Temple Pudding.

Biff AKA Levi Profile Photo
Biff AKA Levi
#112The LOST Series Finale thread (will include spoilers!)
Posted: 5/26/10 at 12:11pm

Really, Jerby? Really? You're going to spend all this energy on a tv show, because tv shows are always consistent, always satisfying, always this and always that?

Take it as it is. How about you write to JJ and say, very politely, "Dear sir, I can't live the rest of my life without knowing the answers to these questions. Can you please make me my very own episode that answers everything that I think you missed. I'll love you forever."

I'm sure you'll get a huge whack in the head. And it would be one of the most boring episodes ever.

If you're really freaking out this much about a few unanswered questions on a tv show that probably didn't have any answers to begin with, then you should probably stop watching good tv and stick to FRIENDS reruns. and GOLDEN GIRLS. They wrapped up their plots quit nicely.

"I want a lap dance from an octopus."


jrb_actor Profile Photo
#113The LOST Series Finale thread (will include spoilers!)
Posted: 5/26/10 at 12:20pm

"You're going to spend all this energy on a tv show, because tv shows are always consistent, always satisfying, always this and always that? "

I'm hardly spending a great deal of energy on it by engaging in conversation. As for belittling television, I find that laughable. It's merely one way to tell a story--a terrific way. And, I'm allowed to invest myself in it.

As for the rest of your ridiculous post, don't put words in my mouth. I'm not one of these people who wants a laundry list of things answered. I find that much has been answered by revelation of the mythology of the island. But not everything and, yes, I do think there's no reason they couldn't have resolved certain items.

But go on--be hysterical if it pleases you. All that energy spent on my opinion of a tv show because opinions are always consistent, always satisfying, always this and always that.

Updated On: 5/26/10 at 12:20 PM

#114The LOST Series Finale thread (will include spoilers!)
Posted: 5/26/10 at 1:59pm

A lot of those "questions" in the PopEater article were answered. The polar bears, for example, were specifically brought to the island by the Dharma Initiative for testing. I don't think I'm making that up.

And not to single you out Biff, but I don't think people realize how uninvolved JJ Abrams has been with LOST. The real masterminds behind this show were Damon Lindelof and Carlton Cuse. JJ Abrams was involved with the creation and the pilot. Besides writing the season 3 premiere, he hasn't been around as more than a creative consultant (every so often) since then.

MrMidwest Profile Photo
#115The LOST Series Finale thread (will include spoilers!)
Posted: 5/26/10 at 2:17pm

Chud's Devin Faraci and HitFix's Drew McWeeny discuss the finale on Attack of the show: http://g4tv.com/attackoftheshow/theloop/70861/Lost-Finale-Questions-Answered.html

"The gods who nurse this universe think little of mortals' cares. They sit in crowds on exclusive clouds and laugh at our love affairs. I might have had a real romance if they'd given me a chance. I loved him, but he didn't love me. I wanted him, but he didn't want me. Then the gods had a spree and indulged in another whim. Now he loves me, but I don't love him." - Cole Porter

jrb_actor Profile Photo
#116The LOST Series Finale thread (will include spoilers!)
Posted: 5/26/10 at 2:19pm

The polar bears were likely used to turn the wheel. Weren't their cages used to train them to do that? That's a perfect example of revealing the answer brilliantly in little bits that add up once you get all the puzzle pieces.

Taryn Profile Photo
#117The LOST Series Finale thread (will include spoilers!)
Posted: 5/26/10 at 4:58pm

Yeah. We know it's super cold down by the wheel, and we know that polar bear remains were found in Tunisia, which is where you get dropped off if you turn the wheel. So it seems pretty clear that polar bears were being used for it.

romantico Profile Photo
#118The LOST Series Finale thread (will include spoilers!)
Posted: 5/26/10 at 5:03pm

It all makes sense now


Vincent is the new Jacob!

'There are three sides to every story. My side, your side, and the truth. And no one is lying. Memories shared serve each one differently' -Robert Evans-
Updated On: 5/26/10 at 05:03 PM

#119The LOST Series Finale thread (will include spoilers!)
Posted: 5/26/10 at 9:15pm

I know some people don't love her posts, but Kristin from E! has rarely had false scoop. Looks like we'll hear a bit more about the duo of Hurley/Ben as well as Walt on the DVD:


#120The LOST Series Finale thread (will include spoilers!)
Posted: 5/26/10 at 9:18pm

A visual aid to decompress before the news? Why not flying toasters?


Twitter @NamoInExile Instagram none

#121The LOST Series Finale thread (will include spoilers!)
Posted: 5/26/10 at 9:32pm

i never would have thought of the polar bears as the ones pushing the wheel... makes perfect sense

Reginald Tresilian Profile Photo
Reginald Tresilian
#122The LOST Series Finale thread (will include spoilers!)
Posted: 5/26/10 at 10:32pm

No, nor I. But it does make sense.

#123The LOST Series Finale thread (will include spoilers!)
Posted: 5/29/10 at 7:18pm

I don't know if anyone else has been, but I just got back from the LOST Exhibit currently running at the Vilcek Foundation through June 6th. It's an awesome exhibit which features a ton of props and costumes from the show as well as profiling different cast and crew members who worked on the show. It's a great exhibit and best of all, it's free!

Don't miss this guys, the DHARMA VW Van is there! I almost Lizzed!


yay_gerb Profile Photo
#124The LOST Series Finale thread (will include spoilers!)
Posted: 5/30/10 at 12:34am

thank you thank you pli1018! i'm gunna go tomorrow. was it crowded? do they allow pictures?

