
The LOST Series Finale thread (will include spoilers!)- Page 6

The LOST Series Finale thread (will include spoilers!)

#125The LOST Series Finale thread (will include spoilers!)
Posted: 5/30/10 at 12:51am

It's open 12-6 and they allow as many pics as you want. It's actually a pretty small exhibit but it never felt crowded. All of the items on display are (I believe) already in the process of being auctioned off, but not through the Vilcek Foundation.

ray-andallthatjazz86 Profile Photo
#126The LOST Series Finale thread (will include spoilers!)
Posted: 5/30/10 at 1:17am

Here Kristin from E! answers some questions about the show, including an explanation of the H-Bomb at the end of Season 5.
Some Lost Lingering Answers

"Some people can thrive and bloom living life in a living room, that's perfect for some people of one hundred and five. But I at least gotta try, when I think of all the sights that I gotta see, all the places I gotta play, all the things that I gotta be at"

Tom1071 Profile Photo
#127The LOST Series Finale thread (will include spoilers!)
Posted: 5/30/10 at 3:03pm

I just finished it. I can honestly say I have no idea what happened. I spent 5 years watching this show and I have no idea what the hell for.

I had emotional responses to all of them being reunited and remembering that they knew each other in an alternate reality but i couldn't say why. I think that it was a real cop out to have them all be dead.

I don't think I will ever revisit it again. I'm glad it's finally over.

jasonf Profile Photo
#128The LOST Series Finale thread (will include spoilers!)
Posted: 5/30/10 at 6:08pm

Tom -- you do get that they weren't all dead on the island, right...?

Hi, Shirley Temple Pudding.

#129The LOST Series Finale thread (will include spoilers!)
Posted: 5/30/10 at 8:05pm

Jasonf... it's amazing how many people don't get that! I've read so many message boards comments and even watched professional critics interviews and they all were confused because they thought everyone was dead... I honestly don't understand how some people are confused by it...

ray-andallthatjazz86 Profile Photo
#130The LOST Series Finale thread (will include spoilers!)
Posted: 5/30/10 at 8:31pm

It baffles me that people still think they were all dead. Nowhere in the episode is it implied or stated that they were dead all along, they were only dead in the Sideways world where they basically went after they each had died in the actual reality we watched all along.
I have to say while I wasn't satisfied with every single thing about the way the series ended, I thought overall it was an incredibly breath-taking and very well done series finale. I've only seen it twice but the more I watch it and the more I think about it, the better I think it is.
I just love the image of Jack closing his eyes, dying, while Vincent lays next to him and the airplane carrying his sister and the woman he loved leaving the island. It was beautiful, poetic, and incredibly satisfying.
Again, they were not dead all along!

"Some people can thrive and bloom living life in a living room, that's perfect for some people of one hundred and five. But I at least gotta try, when I think of all the sights that I gotta see, all the places I gotta play, all the things that I gotta be at"

yay_gerb Profile Photo
#131The LOST Series Finale thread (will include spoilers!)
Posted: 5/30/10 at 9:15pm

yea in Christian's (now monumental) speech to Jack he is clearly talking about the flash sideways world because he is repeatedly saying "here" ("well there is no now here") and then he says "you're real. everything that ever happens to you is real. all those people in the church are real."

i went to the exhibit today, and just like i expected it was very cool. i took some pic's and i figure i'd share them with everyone that would not be able to get to it. it closes on saturday, i believe.


here's some for you lazy people..

The LOST Series Finale thread (will include spoilers!)

The LOST Series Finale thread (will include spoilers!)

The LOST Series Finale thread (will include spoilers!)

The LOST Series Finale thread (will include spoilers!)


jasonf Profile Photo
#132The LOST Series Finale thread (will include spoilers!)
Posted: 5/30/10 at 10:02pm

Not lazy - just can't get there - but thank you for the pictures! Wish I could go!

Hi, Shirley Temple Pudding.

Reginald Tresilian Profile Photo
Reginald Tresilian
#133The LOST Series Finale thread (will include spoilers!)
Posted: 5/30/10 at 10:14pm

I hadn't heard about this! Thanks for the pics and the post.

Hope to go tomorrow.

#134The LOST Series Finale thread (will include spoilers!)
Posted: 5/31/10 at 12:16am

this isn't some touring thing is it? i would love to go but not unless it comes to the west coast

#135The LOST Series Finale thread (will include spoilers!)
Posted: 5/31/10 at 1:11am

I don't think it's touring because almost all of the items on display will be up for auction later this summer: http://www.profilesinhistory.com/lost-auction-preview/lost-auction-preview

yay_gerb Profile Photo
#136The LOST Series Finale thread (will include spoilers!)
Posted: 5/31/10 at 1:50am

i didn't realize the auction was going to be on-line as well...

locke's wheelchair is as good as mine!


Biff AKA Levi Profile Photo
Biff AKA Levi
#137The LOST Series Finale thread (will include spoilers!)
Posted: 5/31/10 at 3:09am

I want Charlie's ring!

"I want a lap dance from an octopus."


yay_gerb Profile Photo
#138The LOST Series Finale thread (will include spoilers!)
Posted: 5/31/10 at 10:29am

actually, biff if you really want the ring and don't get it they sell them on the LOST ABC website.


Tom1071 Profile Photo
#139The LOST Series Finale thread (will include spoilers!)
Posted: 6/1/10 at 9:54am

"Tom -- you do get that they weren't all dead on the island, right...?"

Yes, jasonf, I got that. A friend on mine and I suspected back in season one that the island was some sort of purgatory. I just don't see the point.

There are so many unanswered questions too.

What were the numbers about? Was that ever explained?

What about the people who died on the island? If Boone and Shannon can come back then why wasn't anyone else who died on the island there?

Where were Carl, Alex and Danielle at the end? Alex and Danielle were in sideways world.

Why wasn't Anna Lucia there at the end? She existed in sideways world too and appeared in the second to last episode.

Why was Penny there at the end? She wasn't even on the plane.

Where were all the other passengers from the plane?

Where were Michael and Walt?

Taryn Profile Photo
#140The LOST Series Finale thread (will include spoilers!)
Posted: 6/1/10 at 10:59am

The numbers were the numbers of the candidates who were there in the last season.

Nowhere do they claim that the people in the church are everyone involved in the plane crash. Ana Lucia wasn't there because, as Desmond put it, she wasn't ready. Not everyone was ready to move on. Presumably something similar occurred with Alex and Danielle. And someone else who died on the island other than Shannon and Boone was there: Libby.

Michael I presume is still on the island doing penance of sort for his crimes. Walt, I feel, probably wasn't there because his time with these people wasn't actually the most important in his life, as it was for others -- he was there a comparatively short time and went on to grow up off of the island and live his own life.

jasonf Profile Photo
#141The LOST Series Finale thread (will include spoilers!)
Posted: 6/1/10 at 11:36am

Tom - I'm not sure you get it...the island WASN'T purgatory. The island really happened. The sideways flash from this past season was LIKE purgatory, a place for them to work out their issues before moving on. Only those that were ready to go WITH Jack were in the church at the end. I think that we just see the people Jack knows since it's through his eyes. Since time is irrelevant there, whenever people were ready to move on they would experience something similar to Jack.

Hi, Shirley Temple Pudding.

Tom1071 Profile Photo
#142The LOST Series Finale thread (will include spoilers!)
Posted: 6/1/10 at 12:57pm

Maybe I don't get it, jasonf. If that is so, I don't care to get it.

For me, I feel like it was pointless and that I invested 5 years in a show that gave no real pay off. I was not satisfied with the conclusion.

If you and other people got something from it, great. I wish felt better about it. I know I am not alone in that.
Updated On: 6/1/10 at 12:57 PM

ray-andallthatjazz86 Profile Photo
#143The LOST Series Finale thread (will include spoilers!)
Posted: 6/1/10 at 1:07pm

The people in the church were only the people that were ready to move on with everyone, that's why some people were there and some weren't. And it wasn't about everyone who was on the plane, it was about everyone who had a big impact for them on the island and their lives there, that's why people like Juliet, Desmond and Penny are there. Michael is stuck on the island that is why he can't move on, he is doomed to be one of the whispers.
The numbers were not only numbers attached to the candidates but they were also there to show what happens when forces of the island escape to the rest of the world. When the numbers "left" the island, they caused complete chaos; this was a way of showing us what would happen if MIB left the island (with the numbers it was of much smaller magnitude so it shows you how bad things could have been if the Smoke monster left the island).

"Some people can thrive and bloom living life in a living room, that's perfect for some people of one hundred and five. But I at least gotta try, when I think of all the sights that I gotta see, all the places I gotta play, all the things that I gotta be at"

jasonf Profile Photo
#144The LOST Series Finale thread (will include spoilers!)
Posted: 6/1/10 at 2:58pm

ray-- I hadn't considered that interpretation of the numbers off-island, but I LOVE it!!!

Hi, Shirley Temple Pudding.

#145The LOST Series Finale thread (will include spoilers!)
Posted: 6/2/10 at 1:27pm

ray, ditto what jason just said about what you just said about the numbers. :) That makes perfect sense.

#146The LOST Series Finale thread (will include spoilers!)
Posted: 6/3/10 at 2:35am

cool worst to best episode list... i haven't had a chance to read all of it, just the top worst and the top best... i completely agree with the worst episode... being the tattoo one... and i completely agree with the best episode of the series


romantico Profile Photo
#147The LOST Series Finale thread (will include spoilers!)
Posted: 8/6/10 at 6:53pm

The Full 12 Minute Lost Epilogue

I've been hearing the extras on the DVD will give fans more closure and answer more questions. So, I have to ask. Why the Hell did they not include some of this in the finale?


'There are three sides to every story. My side, your side, and the truth. And no one is lying. Memories shared serve each one differently' -Robert Evans-
Updated On: 8/6/10 at 06:53 PM

Call_me_jorge Profile Photo
#148The LOST Series Finale thread (will include spoilers!)
Posted: 4/23/20 at 6:36pm

jasonf said: "OK, so theory on fertility:

Jacob and MIB are running this test to find humans who are not corruptible, evil etc. They ban babies because of the influence they would have on their experiment. Along comes Horace and his wife (whose name I can't remember - I want to say Ellen, but I could be wrong) who seem like suitable candidates (I'm getting this from the cabin that Horace built). Jacob allows them the baby as a final test. Ethan turns out to be a huge douche though, and they fail the test. So, the fertility problems are reinstated for the island.

Maybe I'm way wrong there, but it sort of holds together...

Hey, sorry for bumping this thread ten years later and I understand many of the posters here are no longer active, but I recently finished my second rewatch of Lost and have a lot on my mind regarding the series. 

I wanted to answer this question about fertility, because I believe the series was pretty clear on this, but in case people were lost. Fertility was near impossible on the island from the time of the “Incident” to when Desmond and Locke blew up the Swan hatch. That’s why Juliet was able to deliver one of the dharma initiatives baby before the incident, but not when she was one of the others in the events prior to season 3. It’s also why Sun was able to conceive, because she had her baby after the hatch was blown up. Then there’s Claire, where she wasn’t impacted, because she conceived her child off island. It was something to do the with the electromagnetism that happened after the “Incident” that didn’t allow for women to have healthy pregnancies on the island and the blowing up the hatch ended that.

Also wanted to know what people thought about the theory that Kate was pregnant with Jacks child before leaving for the Island on the Ajira flight and that’s actually who David is. The son of Jack and Kate, not Jack and Juliet. I like to think that once off island, Sawyer and Kate had more of a sibling relationship than a romantic one where he acted as an uncle to Aaron and the potential child of Jack and Kate, 

I really love this show. As I said, this was my second time rewatching the series, after having seen the original run of the show with my family. Albeit, we were a season behind, initially. I have fond memories of having to get the dvd sets of season 1 of lost from Blockbuster(what a lifetime ago this was) and then in the evenings my family would all watch two or three episodes together, by the time we got ahead with the show we would make it a big deal sit down every week and watch the episodes together. I like to watch this show every now and then, especially when I’m feel down. I believe it helps 

I think the series still holds up and it is still one of my favorite, if not my favorite. I can’t even think of a current television show that can rival the brilliance and complexity of lost. Not only is the series one of my favorites, but it includes some of my favorites television episodes. Constant from season 4, will go down in history as the greatest television episode. 



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