True Blood Season 6

Wynbish Profile Photo
#150True Blood was totally better than the Tonys, right? (Spoilers within)
Posted: 8/6/12 at 2:02pm

I'm ready for Eric (and maybe Bill) to be back in Shreveport. He may have released her, but I doubt Eric would like it that the new sheriff threw Pam across the room.

And come on, now I can't even get my Russell/Steve Newlin scenes without werewolves? And then Sookie was caught up in the shifters' storyline?

Shreveport really is in for a war. Now that Steve has Emma, that brings Sam and Luna into it. No doubt, Alcide will factor in it. Will Pam and Tara be on the Authority side? Can Jessica fight on the opposite side as Bill?

From the preview, it really does seem like Jason may become a vampire by Jessica. Is there going to be no 100% human left, except for Arlene and Terry? Sookie needs some human confidants, especially her brother.

I checked Tumblr earlier today (I'm a sucker for a fun GIF), and there are conflicting theories about who Warlow is. Some think it is Russell (obvious choice), while others think it is Godric due to the shape of his chin and gap in the front teeth. How could it be Godric?

Updated On: 8/6/12 at 02:02 PM

Phyllis Rogers Stone
#151True Blood was totally better than the Tonys, right? (Spoilers within)
Posted: 8/6/12 at 2:15pm

Also, even though I could have taken her or left her for almost two seasons (mostly I'd like to leave her), I do kind of dig vigilante Luna.

Jordan Catalano Profile Photo
Jordan Catalano
#152True Blood was totally better than the Tonys, right? (Spoilers within)
Posted: 8/6/12 at 2:39pm

I'm so sick of Bill & Eric in the vampire house. With only three episodes left they've spent the entire season in two rooms, except when they went on their field trip. It's been a very good season but I'm ready for some Eric/Bill/Sooki interaction already.

Phyllis Rogers Stone
#153True Blood was totally better than the Tonys, right? (Spoilers within)
Posted: 8/6/12 at 10:38pm

I was thinking about Bill the other day and realizing that he's kind of a cipher. I think he may really be all in the Authority. He does seem to bend with the road.

Jordan Catalano Profile Photo
Jordan Catalano
#154True Blood was totally better than the Tonys, right? (Spoilers within)
Posted: 8/6/12 at 10:55pm

Bill is the vampire Mitt Romney.

Phyllis Rogers Stone
#155True Blood was totally better than the Tonys, right? (Spoilers within)
Posted: 8/6/12 at 11:01pm


And Tara and Pam are going to have to unite against that new sheriff!

EricMontreal22 Profile Photo
#156True Blood was totally better than the Tonys, right? (Spoilers within)
Posted: 8/7/12 at 4:53am

The show has always had issue with trying to keep their different stories and characters connected (Sookie not noticing that her super close brother was abducted and being raped for what seemed like weeks, last year being an issue). Alan Ball seems to have worked harder at that this year, having character criss cross more (Sookie seeing Luna at the hospital--did she even know Luna?--etc), and also seems to be getting out all his religion demons since it's his last year as writer. I'm kinda worried about the show without him.

SonofMammaMiaSam Profile Photo
#157True Blood was totally better than the Tonys, right? (Spoilers within)
Posted: 8/7/12 at 7:26am

I gave up on TB last season. I know that they don't have to be the same, but the show has moved so far beyond the charm and great story telling of the books that I just can't watch it anymore.

#158True Blood was totally better than the Tonys, right? (Spoilers within)
Posted: 8/7/12 at 7:17pm

You're worried about the show without him Eric? Cause the show with him is a colossal disaster.

EricMontreal22 Profile Photo
#159True Blood was totally better than the Tonys, right? (Spoilers within)
Posted: 8/7/12 at 7:28pm

"I gave up on TB last season. I know that they don't have to be the same, but the show has moved so far beyond the charm and great story telling of the books that I just can't watch it anymore."

We read different books, apparently. True Blood was totally better than the Tonys, right?  (Spoilers within) I know taste varies, but I found the books so poorly written, that after the second (or maybe the third--they ARE quick, easy reads, anyway) I just gave up (I think ti was around the time that Bill ripped Sookie's vagina during sex, used some vamp blood to heal it up, and then took her again). I think Alan Ball has improved on the sourcde ten fold.

Chance, I admit the show is a mess, and has been since season 2, but I find it a fun mess--honestly that's part of the appeal for me. I don't think it will get better without him, certainly (I think right now the plan is to promote someone from the writing team and not bring in someone new--I'd be curious to see what Angela Robinson could do).

Wynbish Profile Photo
#160True Blood was totally better than the Tonys, right? (Spoilers within)
Posted: 8/7/12 at 7:30pm

The Authority was not in the books, right?

EricMontreal22 Profile Photo
#161True Blood was totally better than the Tonys, right? (Spoilers within)
Posted: 8/7/12 at 7:40pm

Pretty sure not, at least not in the early ones. The show also dropped (thankfully) Jason turning into a panther, Lafayette dies in book one, Tara is white, Jessica doesn't exist, etc...

#162True Blood was totally better than the Tonys, right? (Spoilers within)
Posted: 8/7/12 at 8:33pm

Tara, white? Aw hayull no.

Twitter @NamoInExile Instagram none

Jordan Catalano Profile Photo
Jordan Catalano
#163True Blood was totally better than the Tonys, right? (Spoilers within)
Posted: 8/7/12 at 8:34pm

I don't want to live in a world where Jessica doesn't exist.

Phyllis Rogers Stone
#164True Blood was totally better than the Tonys, right? (Spoilers within)
Posted: 8/7/12 at 8:50pm

The Tracy character on the show is a reference to the book's Tara. The Tara in the book owns a store called Tara's Togs. TV Tara is nothing like book Tara.

The books are okay, but the show has Jessica.

EricMontreal22 Profile Photo
#165True Blood was totally better than the Tonys, right? (Spoilers within)
Posted: 8/7/12 at 8:52pm

Exactly, well said. (I think even Harris, the book's authors, who has been pretty quiet about her feelings of the show except to offer bland support has said that she wished she had thought of Jessica). I don't mean to completely put down the books--obviously the show still takes material from them, they just are pretty surprisingly... not good. Supernatural romance novels, IMHO.

Phyllis Rogers Stone
#166True Blood was totally better than the Tonys, right? (Spoilers within)
Posted: 8/7/12 at 9:02pm

There was one book I really liked, the fourth maybe? There was a big trial. As a general rule I like the show more. Both have too much were crap, though.

Phyllis Rogers Stone
#167True Blood was totally better than the Tonys, right? (Spoilers within)
Posted: 8/12/12 at 10:49pm

Maybe the best episode of the season? And, save for Emma, no Weres whatsoever!

I have already rewatched the Tara and Pam scenes ten times. When the Sheriff asked how Pam pays her employees and Tara said, "She not" might be favorite thing ever.

Jordan Catalano Profile Photo
Jordan Catalano
#168True Blood was totally better than the Tonys, right? (Spoilers within)
Posted: 8/13/12 at 1:14am

I cried more than once tonight. True Blood was totally better than the Tonys, right?  (Spoilers within)

Wynbish Profile Photo
#169True Blood was totally better than the Tonys, right? (Spoilers within)
Posted: 8/13/12 at 1:16am

Ryan Kwanten had a good showing tonight. I love the Jason/Sookie scenes lately.

I really hope Bill does not make Jessica drink the blood.

Too little Eric

No Terry/Arlene or Alcide, but they needed a week off anyways.

Jordan Catalano Profile Photo
Jordan Catalano
#170True Blood was totally better than the Tonys, right? (Spoilers within)
Posted: 8/13/12 at 1:20am

I saw Arlene on the street tonight when I walked my dog so I got my Arlene fix.

Wynbish Profile Photo
#171True Blood was totally better than the Tonys, right? (Spoilers within)
Posted: 8/13/12 at 1:22am

I wish they would have shown a better preview for the next episode, instead of the same one from last week

Phyllis Rogers Stone
#172True Blood was totally better than the Tonys, right? (Spoilers within)
Posted: 8/13/12 at 12:53pm

I was sorry to see Molly get staked!

Jordan Catalano Profile Photo
Jordan Catalano
#173True Blood was totally better than the Tonys, right? (Spoilers within)
Posted: 8/13/12 at 1:17pm

I'm hoping Bill gets staked next week. There's really no point to him anymore and he's just pissing me off.

Wynbish Profile Photo
#174True Blood was totally better than the Tonys, right? (Spoilers within)
Posted: 8/13/12 at 1:25pm

And if he makes Jessica drink the Kool-Aid or makes her turn Jason, then he really needs to eat stake.

Updated On: 8/13/12 at 01:25 PM
